To the surprise of no one, the NRA is once again late to the party and trying to take credit for the work of others.


Full Member
Jul 12, 2009
Wayne LaPierre you're my hero.

Reload Article

“[C]ompliance with the Final Rule is not discretionary, and the NRA’s members face severe penalties for their failure to comply with the Final Rule,” Judge Lindsay wrote in NRA v. ATF. “Accordingly, both of the final requirements for injunctive relief are satisfied because the threatened injury to the NRA’s members outweighs the threatened harm to the Defendants, and enforcement of the Final Rule under the circumstances will not disserve the public interest.”

The ruling is a concrete, if temporary, win for the NRA. While the group has lost millions of members due to an ongoing corruption scandal, and it’s unclear exactly how many remain, those who’ve stuck with the group will now enjoy protection from the long arm of the ATF. The decision puts NRA members under the same legal umbrella employed for members of the Second Amendment Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, and Gun Owners of America through previous rulings."
There is no doubt that Wayne lost his effectiveness years ago. They have an incredible record of victories in years past. So much so the left completely associated the NRA with gun rights and focused their entire energy against them. This opened the doors for GOA, FPC, and other groups to slip in under the radar and their aggressiveness brought forward the really key victories we have realized for the past half dozen years. The left never saw these coming and were in many ways, unprepared for them, and the "take no prisoners" attitude they have displayed.

I still belong to the NRA and hope the new leadership will once again restore them to the greatness they once had. I also belong to GOA and FPC. We need as many pro 2A groups representing us as we can get.
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