Under cloudy skies and cool temperatures five shooters competed for the
elusive perfect score of the 450 point Precision Marksman Prone Match.
This is a entry fee pay-back match. The results are
1. Kyle Dekar 427-8x $55
2.Paul Hardes 407-10x $25
3.Emily Dekar 391-9x #15
4.Kyle Eddy 364-4x
5.Kyle Dekar Jr. 255-4x
Great shooting by all. Thanks for attending.
Let me take this opportunity to say this match was set up with specially printed
targets,small Silhouettes 3-1/2 by 4-1/2 at 200yds and 4 by 5-3/4 at 300yds INCHES.
These are tough targets to score well on. With no sighters. It truly takes a Precision Marksman. Kyle Dekar
has posted the highest score this year. I am disappointed these matches are not well attended.
elusive perfect score of the 450 point Precision Marksman Prone Match.
This is a entry fee pay-back match. The results are
1. Kyle Dekar 427-8x $55
2.Paul Hardes 407-10x $25
3.Emily Dekar 391-9x #15
4.Kyle Eddy 364-4x
5.Kyle Dekar Jr. 255-4x
Great shooting by all. Thanks for attending.
Let me take this opportunity to say this match was set up with specially printed
targets,small Silhouettes 3-1/2 by 4-1/2 at 200yds and 4 by 5-3/4 at 300yds INCHES.
These are tough targets to score well on. With no sighters. It truly takes a Precision Marksman. Kyle Dekar
has posted the highest score this year. I am disappointed these matches are not well attended.