Towanda Pa Rifle and Pistol Club 300 Yd Bench & Prone match will be held as
scheduled. This is a 40 round with unlimited sighters match. 10 rounds on each of 4 targets
with a separate sighting target. Two relays of 20 rounds in 30 minutes 10 rounds on each of two targets.
Sign-up 8:30Am, 9AM start time. Help setting up will be appreciated 8AM thanks.
Also be advised that the place prize money will be increased 1st Place $50 2ond Place $30 3rd Place $20
with 10 paid shooters. Tie scores will split the money. Prone shooters with 5 paid shooters will compete for
first place money ($50), 8 shooters first and second place moneys ($30) With less than 5 shooters scores
will be combined with bench scores for place awards. See you Sunday July 26 Tony-L
scheduled. This is a 40 round with unlimited sighters match. 10 rounds on each of 4 targets
with a separate sighting target. Two relays of 20 rounds in 30 minutes 10 rounds on each of two targets.
Sign-up 8:30Am, 9AM start time. Help setting up will be appreciated 8AM thanks.
Also be advised that the place prize money will be increased 1st Place $50 2ond Place $30 3rd Place $20
with 10 paid shooters. Tie scores will split the money. Prone shooters with 5 paid shooters will compete for
first place money ($50), 8 shooters first and second place moneys ($30) With less than 5 shooters scores
will be combined with bench scores for place awards. See you Sunday July 26 Tony-L
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