Hunting & Fishing Trail Camera Photos


Full Member
Dec 29, 2011
These are some photos from this past season. I showed up and my camera had over 300 photos on this new place I put it. I had also put out some new deer feed I had made. I thought 300 photos, this will be a great season!!! Then I got home and the disappointment began.

Re: Trail Camera Photos

There are way more pics(312 to be exact), but these were the best. Only about 24 of the photos actually had deer. The cows never left my deer feed pile, and kept running the deer off.
Re: Trail Camera Photos

So heres the setup....It's youth day, I've got a blind placed about 100yrds south of where I had been putting out the above photo'd deer feed (which is for sale just let me know). My 12yo daughter and myself are in a ground blind covering a clear cut that runs east for about 100yrds, and are road that comes up out of the pasture (we drive around on at the property). The road approaches from the south and runs north. So, we can see pretty good and have great shooting lanes. About 0815 my daughter starts getting impatient, we had been there since 0600. I told here we would sit a bit longer. About 0820 a really nice 6pt is east of us in the clear cut walking towards us slowly, eating and smelling as he walked. I had put some of my feed and attractants out a couple of days prior, so he was checking it. At 75yrds he was still walking towards us, but taking his time. She had a good sight picture, but I told her as long as he kept coming to hold off.....Patience-I've learned this over a long time, and several hunting mishaps because of impatience. Somewhere around 50yrds, he stopped and I said "get ready". As she is getting back on the scope a cow walks around a large cedar tree right by the buck, which is now an ok 8pt, not a nice 6. So what happens? HE BOLTS!!!! My daughter felt like it was her fault, and I said no baby "its mine". I guess sometimes to much patience, is bad. I felt so bad for my little girl. She was hunting with her grandfathers .243, which she is lethal with. Now she has her own .223 she got for Christmas. Just wanted to share that. Our kids are who improve/gain the most from what we learn and pass on. Side not, I almost did kill a cow that day. I would have if it was mine, but they belonged to a friend that leases it for grazing.
Re: Trail Camera Photos

On second thought, since you took the time to be a jack@$$ on my thread. Here you go #91, only 9 more to go. Hopefully you get the PM I sent you also. As for everyone else, thanks for taking the time to view my photos and post respectable comments....unlike tikka'd.
Re: Trail Camera Photos

I'm going to relocate it early next fall when I put it out. It will be about 200 yrds east of where it was at the time of the photos. It will be on the other side of the fence you see in the background, and the best cows over there. The place I will be moving it to has pretty good activity. I had a bobcat pass within 10yrds of me while I was on the ground not in a tree, a coyote pass within 15yrds while I was on the ground, and I let a 10pt walk because he was out of my bow range(would have been a chip shot for others, but I just took up bow hunting). There was another buck, but I could only see his rack(massive to say the least) he wouldn't come out of the brush. He was on a doe, they ran around me all morning that day. I also passed on an 8pt there because I wanted my daughter to get it, but that didn't work out. Thanks COWS!