Re: Training Routine?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: hondo1312</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I have access to a private 750-yd range, and I get to shoot 1-3 weekends a month. Previously, I have just been shooting to confirm drops on my rifles, but now that I have that done, I'd like to shoot with more "purpose". Does anyone have any recommendations on a practice routine that I can utilize to maximize my range time?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Is pit service available? If not, a practice schedule on your range will not be as meaningful at LR as it would be at SR, shooting the MR-31 target.
What any outdoor practice should provide is the opportunity to appraise, using scorable targets, muscle memory development and the knowledge to correctly counter for trajectory and the effects on trajectory.