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Gunsmithing Trigger Tech Special Trigger locked up.


Feb 6, 2019
Russellville Alabama
I’ve got a Trigger Tech Special Trigger on a Stiller Tac 300 Action. Saturday while shooting it the safety locked up. Getting it apart I’ve noticed there’s a part that’s broken. It’s the chrome piece on the left side of the housing. Has anyone had this issue with their’s? Thanks for any help.
Haven't had the same issue you're having but I did have a TT special in a gun and then switched over to a diamond and had fitment issues. Been trying to get a hold of TT customer service since Friday with multiple voice messages and emails with no response yet.
Haven't had the same issue you're having but I did have a TT special in a gun and then switched over to a diamond and had fitment issues. Been trying to get a hold of TT customer service since Friday with multiple voice messages and emails with no response yet.

Oh me that’s not what I wanna hear about customer service. I left them a voicemail as well. Maybe they’ll get back to the both of us.
This is the piece I know is broken. The trigger blade of course won’t move because the safety is locked up. SMH?
I can try to help a bit, but I'm no gunsmith
and many smiths on this site have forgotten more than I'll ever know about the craft.

Have you tried removing the trigger from the receiver
to see if the safety lever moves freely when it is in no way contacting your receiver?

The part circled is your bolt stop release lever.

It mechanically lifts the bolt stop piece on a standard r700,
if it has no-side bolt release button on the physical receiver as your (r700 clone) Stiller already has.

You could also try removing the lever entirely by removing and replacing both that screw and moon clip in the middle of it (not the two outside the lever on the housing).

But I don't know why it would be affecting the functionality of your safety.
The specific area that you circled that is broken is just a small bent piece of cheap metal that touches & lifts the bolt stop,
which again, is not present on your action.
It is just floating there doing nothing basically.

How did it break? It may have stressed some other area when it occurred.
As explained the bolt release on the left side that broke off has no bearing on your safety. Removing it should be just fine. I would have removed it before I installed the trigger myself.

Take the trigger out and see if its still seized up once all tension is taken off of it.

Also, whats that shit all over your action? Bedding compound? I would clean it all up.
I half suspect you somehow got that crap in your trigger somehow even with it being sealed.
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I can try to help a bit, but I'm no gunsmith
and many smiths on this site have forgotten more than I'll ever know about the craft.

Have you tried removing the trigger from the receiver
to see if the safety lever moves freely when it is in no way contacting your receiver?

The part circled is your bolt stop release lever.

It mechanically lifts the bolt stop piece on a standard r700,
if it has no-side bolt release button on the physical receiver as your (r700 clone) Stiller already has.

You could also try removing the lever entirely by removing and replacing both that screw and moon clip in the middle of it (not the two outside the lever on the housing).

But I don't know why it would be affecting the functionality of your safety.
The specific area that you circled that is broken is just a small bent piece of cheap metal that touches & lifts the bolt stop,
which again, is not present on your action.
It is just floating there doing nothing basically.

How did it break? It may have stressed some other area when it occurred.

I’m not sure the rifle belongs to my shooting partner. He was shooting beside me and said “hey my safety won’t disengage”. At that point we called it a day and I found it yesterday when I took it apart. He did say the safety had been really stiff and had a gritty feel. Something on the inside of the housing seems to have turned loose.
As explained the bolt release on the left side that broke off has no bearing on your safety. Removing it should be just fine. I would have removed it before I installed the trigger myself.

Take the trigger out and see if its still seized up once all tension is taken off of it.

Also, whats that shit all over your action? Bedding compound? I would clean it all up.
I half suspect you somehow got that crap in your trigger somehow even with it being sealed.

This rifle belongs to my shooting partner. I cleaned all that up for him after I got it apart. Seemed to be paint that rubbed off of the stock and yes there was some bedding that was left in the action. SMH.
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