Trijicon ACOG issue


Sep 24, 2020
Not sure if this is the right thread to post this but about 5 months ago I bought a trijicon acog from midway USA (TA31 model) worked fine when I got it, I took it to the range twice, the second time I noticed the green chevron wasn’t lighting up but the bottom half of the BDC was lit up, about an hour or so later all I could see was just the etched reticle, nothing worked, called trijicon, I sent it in for repairs a few days ago but haven’t heard anything back, has anyone encountered this issue before? And if so what was the cause or issue?.


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Is this the tritium only version, or the combo that captures ambient light? The tritium is subject to decay a lot faster than people realize. Trijicon charges a pretty penny to replace.
It’s the Combo, the optic isn’t that old, the tritium shouldn’t be that much decayed, and for the fiber optic to stop working as well, that’s just odd, it’s at trijicon now, should be under warranty, I’ve never heard of this happening before, trying to see if anyone out there has ran into this issue