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Troops using Multicam ?


F-TR junkie
Full Member
  • Sep 4, 2010
    Lebanon, NH
    Just a passing observation. I was flying through Charlotte this afternoon and noticed a guy in worn multicam. I didn't get close enough to see a unit badge but I did see a US flag (non-color variety) on the sleeve.

    So my question is, Who's wearing Multicam? I travel a lot and I'm accustomed to seeing the current Army Universal camo, or MARPAT on US troops. I'd heard that the Army was going to start issuing a different pattern, did they go multicam?
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    Yes the army is using multicam. It's for deployments, not standard wear. It's generally transitioned into just prior and just after deployment.
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    Multicam (OCP) is the current issue for Afghanistan. It's worn only in Afghanistan, or by units that are deploying to/from Afghanistan. The IR (black and white) flag is worn with OCP.

    I'm in Kabul now, and all our RFI Gear was issued in OCP.

    I dont know what the Air Force's policies/rules are for wearing it.
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    ACU is being used in Garrison only now for most units. If headed to central Asia they usually go through CIF and get issued multicam prior. most units will have multicam now downrange.
    My unit was supposed to be one of the first to get something better than ACU which is only good if you are prone in a crushed blue stone driveway, otherwise you may as well wear a redcoat. I'm talking back in 2009 for Afghan surge. Multicam but we never saw it, only the POGS on the FOBs got them and at that time it was a mix match of different camo ideas (multicam and at least two others like ACU with brown digits too) coming out at the time and no one had the same matching head gear or name tapes. I ended up cutting camo netting for my helmet and rubbing my helmet and uniform with CLP and rubbing it in the dirt. this worked pretty good. Blended with the environment more like the Marine uniform. I always disliked the ACU, worst uniform ever. The BDU is great for woodland and the DCU was not bad for arid lands. Multicam seems to work well in many environments I have bought personal items in multicam and had multicam chest rig downrange but never issued uniform. I like A-Tacs the best right now for urban and Af/Raq. The Marines have it right with woodland and desert both good uniforms. The army seems to really be lacking in field craft and the art of camo these days. We don't even try it is ridiculous.
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    Thanks, it makes sense now. The the clothes and guys boots were well worn. Someone off of a deployment makes sense.

    I have to think that that the tests that picked the ACU had to have been flawed somehow, that just looks too light to do what it's supposed to do.
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?


    I was in Iraq when an Army unit just showed up for the first time with the ACU and they looked horrible. The Marines I was with started calling them Smurfs because from afar they looked blue. It is my understanding that after awhile they start to tone down and blend in with the environment better. I have been told that under NVGs in a urban environment they work great.
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    When ACU's first came out, we used them for OEF VII deployment. Everything was 'brigade purchase' so essentially I got to keep a few $k in stuff when I got out a few years back. ACU is being phased out, and Multicam phased in. Here at FC, I have seen some returned units that wear nothing but Multi AFTER their deployment. I think it is a pattern of phase in with a due date and a date of total conformation with the ACU going Guard in teh near future. Me, I'll wear an ACU trouser here and there, but mine are either well worn or patched from OEF VII. The new, unused stuff, I am saving for sale to a Nashville suprplus shop after I decide what I want to keep and what I what to get rid of
    Re: Troops using Multicam ?

    Air Force phased it in about 6 months ago. Now all AF that go OTW are issued OCPs. We can only wear them in theater, but when going home on R&R and for good I'll have to wear them as I shipped all ABU's taking up space home already.

    Not as comfrtable as ABSG's or wear resistant. I've had to order several pairs of pants as they sprout holes easily.

    the Brits wear a similar if not exact same pattern here and when inside I always have to take a double look to ID. Outside it easy as I don;t see many US servicemen wearing feathers in their berets lol