Damn, it has been a good week. On Wednesday we left Dallas for RO and shot the SH Cup. Sat night we left RO and headed South toward the border to one of my customer's ranch. We got there and Tom had massive steaks on the grill and cold beer. We had dinner and then loaded our gear and headed out.
We were in Tom's ATV and Todd was working the spot light.
We had seen quite a few immature bulls and cows and we were excited. At 0100hrs Sunday we ran across this 700lbs monster. The ATV had skidded to a stop and the dust trail rolled over us. I rested the .300WM on a fence post and sent the round. The TigerShark suppressor makes it recoil like a 10/22. I watched the 180gr Accubond cut the through the dust in the air and straight into the Nilgai's shoulder. He dropped to his knees, then got up and ran 30 yards and was out.
I didn't get to bed until 0430hrs after field quartering and a run to town for ice. We were back up at 0630hrs to get Todd on target. We ran the wheels off the ATV all day long but the winds were still too high for them to be moving. Not to mention we were 3 feet below sea level and it was approximately 195F with the heat index.
We took a break and went to town for a late lunch. We came back that evening and went about 12 miles into the ranch when we spotted a real nice one. Todd jumped out and lasered him at 270yards. He was standing next to a pond. Round Sent and it dropped like a sack of concrete. We were pumped because it went straight down by the water and would be an easy clean up afterwards. However when we got there we saw it dropped straight into the creek..lol
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/S-NHRoGt0kM"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/S-NHRoGt0kM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
we winched it out and went to work. The bloody eye you see is from a Mexican Eagle that got to it before we did, not a head shot. It was high-shoulder.
By 1800 we made our goodbyes and were on the road North to Dallas. We had a small delay in Corpus with the police that set us back 2 hours...lol Blown headlight and trailer wiring we ripped out on a caliche road. We rolled in this morning about 0530 hrs. Too much damn fun man.
I was in Tom's Jeep and Todd was behind in his truck. Tom runs over a five foot rattlesnake and we stop to make sure we killed it, which we did not. Todd jumps out with his knife and is trying to catch/kill it with his hands, knife and stick. We were both telling him to leave the damn thing alone because we were in the middle of nowhere and not taking him to the hospital, because he wasn't going to screw up our hunt. Todd dives into the Mesquite and disappears. Tom is yelling at me now to tell Todd to knock the shit off and I'm yelling back saying I've been telling him that but I am not gonna do shit about it because there is rattler in there with him now and fuck him if he gets bit. Todd then pops out of the brush with a headless rattlesnake and Tom asks what he is going to do with it now? And Todd says he is going to eat him and we're are like 'OK fine. Lets go'...... we get in the Jeep and Tom looks at me and says: "You know, I'm probably not the most chemically balanced person you have ever met....... but your friend is half-retarded."
We were in Tom's ATV and Todd was working the spot light.

We had seen quite a few immature bulls and cows and we were excited. At 0100hrs Sunday we ran across this 700lbs monster. The ATV had skidded to a stop and the dust trail rolled over us. I rested the .300WM on a fence post and sent the round. The TigerShark suppressor makes it recoil like a 10/22. I watched the 180gr Accubond cut the through the dust in the air and straight into the Nilgai's shoulder. He dropped to his knees, then got up and ran 30 yards and was out.

I didn't get to bed until 0430hrs after field quartering and a run to town for ice. We were back up at 0630hrs to get Todd on target. We ran the wheels off the ATV all day long but the winds were still too high for them to be moving. Not to mention we were 3 feet below sea level and it was approximately 195F with the heat index.
We took a break and went to town for a late lunch. We came back that evening and went about 12 miles into the ranch when we spotted a real nice one. Todd jumped out and lasered him at 270yards. He was standing next to a pond. Round Sent and it dropped like a sack of concrete. We were pumped because it went straight down by the water and would be an easy clean up afterwards. However when we got there we saw it dropped straight into the creek..lol
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/S-NHRoGt0kM"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/S-NHRoGt0kM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
we winched it out and went to work. The bloody eye you see is from a Mexican Eagle that got to it before we did, not a head shot. It was high-shoulder.

By 1800 we made our goodbyes and were on the road North to Dallas. We had a small delay in Corpus with the police that set us back 2 hours...lol Blown headlight and trailer wiring we ripped out on a caliche road. We rolled in this morning about 0530 hrs. Too much damn fun man.
I was in Tom's Jeep and Todd was behind in his truck. Tom runs over a five foot rattlesnake and we stop to make sure we killed it, which we did not. Todd jumps out with his knife and is trying to catch/kill it with his hands, knife and stick. We were both telling him to leave the damn thing alone because we were in the middle of nowhere and not taking him to the hospital, because he wasn't going to screw up our hunt. Todd dives into the Mesquite and disappears. Tom is yelling at me now to tell Todd to knock the shit off and I'm yelling back saying I've been telling him that but I am not gonna do shit about it because there is rattler in there with him now and fuck him if he gets bit. Todd then pops out of the brush with a headless rattlesnake and Tom asks what he is going to do with it now? And Todd says he is going to eat him and we're are like 'OK fine. Lets go'...... we get in the Jeep and Tom looks at me and says: "You know, I'm probably not the most chemically balanced person you have ever met....... but your friend is half-retarded."