Gun19e2 is spot on about NK but there is a small problem of actually getting him. If you fail then there will be a shitstorm to deal with, amount of artillery and conventional weapons that can reach in depth of SK is staggering and damage would be huge. NK and SK are really good warriors they've proven this and fighting NK would be something totally different than fighting muslim bullshit band of pussies. What US policy reminds me of (and in this case is the same as NK) is of Yugo policy in 60's or 70's where there was a desperate need of external enemy to keep stuff flowing domestically. Kim needs US as enemy to keep his minions in check as country is completely fucked and US more and more needs its external enemy(ies) to focus people on as country is completely fucked domestically. Basically win- win for KIm and US establishment (aka Borg collective) and loose-loose for peoples of NK and US....
The last time the US went on the offensive against North Korea they evaporated within a matter of weeks.
China and it's over abundance of walking bullet receptacles is the problem.
Yes the artillery is an issue but in every battle that was supposed to be decided by the artillery before the Infantry stepped off the Infantry ended up walking into a wall of unharmed soldiers "pounded" by the artillery.
Rocket Man will get about 24-72 hours to shell Seoul and it effectiveness will weaken by the hour.
NK conscripts though well brainwashed will quickly lose their vigor. The show units that are Praetorian Guard and provided special status will have to be dealt with.
The unknown will be his nukes and what China does.
Yes it will be tough but if the US mil is unleashed and China stays out it will succeed.
It will succeed to the point victory is certain than we will fuck it up slow down, tighten rules of engagement, bow to the pressure of Eritrea filing a protest in the UN and totally fuck it up turning into a quagmire that becomes another festering sore upon our country.
The strategy needs to be stated beforehand.
We are coming to remove Kim and destroy all nuclear capability. Hostilities cease when Kim is out of power and contractors of the United States have access to all nuclear facilities for the purpose of dismantling them.
Disposition of the area formerly known as North Korea will be determined by South Korea. When security is attained the area of the Yalu will be a demilitarized zone for 20 miles south of the river. It is expected China will respond in kind North of the river to New Koreas good faith gesture.
The US will depart the entire Korean Peninsula once New Korea has established security. US units will be redeployed for field training on the northern and southern US borders where they will patrol said borders and spend their pay in the local economy.
There will be no nation building of Formerly North Korea but New Korea will get favored low interest loans from the US.
End of strategy.
Locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver utilizing whatever weapons are available in the US Arsenal to ensure victory at the lowest cost in AMERICAN and ALLIED service men and citizens lives. Casualties on the opposing lines whether military or civilian are the responsibility of the Kim regime continuing to engage in hostilities. He will be judged accordingly for what he has made us do.