TTI Armory - site back up

Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?

They've been out of business for a few years now. Last I heard they were rolled into AWC's ammo division. Such a shame - they made awesome ammo.
Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?

Yeah, the website was up for a long time afterwards, but you would never hear from them. Most likely the hosting was still paid out for a couple years, so it remained. I got some .408CT ammo from them in early 2007, around which time apparently they had problems and shut down. I heard all kinds of rumors as to why, but they're just rumors. If you search the Hide, you'll see I posted last year at some point that I noticed AWC started an ammo division and how much it looked exactly like TTI's.
Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?

See here...

<span style="font-style: italic">AWC Systems Technology announces an alliance with highly respected TTI Armory, a company with more than a decade of experience in the manufacturing of match ammunition, to form AWC Munitions. The new partnership will produce premium match centerfire cartridges for pistols, rifles and subguns in a variety of bullets and velocity configurations. </span>
Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?

Hi Dogtown:

I followed up on your lead and received this reply, "Our products are the bullet technology from tti armory". I sent a follow up to find out whether bullets (alone) are available but received no reply. On 9/4 PM I will be removing the TTI listings from my site.

Thanks agian for the lead.
Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?


I'm confused why you're confused.

I started the thread trying to find out why their site was down, concerned that the company was out of business. Their website is no longer down - so I passed the word. I also advised that I have e-mailed them to "double confirm" they are still in business (i.e., to confirm that the website's reappearance was not just some system-generated reboot of a 404 condition).

Still confused? If so, please be more specific as to the nature of the confusion and I'll try to unconfuse you.
Re: TTI Armory - site problems or gone?

I'm confused in context to my original post. For all intents and purposes, they were MIA for at least 2 years then the AWC ammo division starts up with pretty much the same profile. As you linked to, there is a connection. But now apparently TTI is still around but retail sales are going through AWC? Like I said, it's all confusing. No matter, I'm glad they're still around.