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Tucker Carlson hammers the truth on Afghanistan


Oracle of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 22, 2018
Wausau, WI
Gotta give credit when credit is due. Tucker has been pretty rock solid on issues lately, and he absolutely nailed this one with his analysis.

In summary: Gen. Milley is a gigantic hippocrit loser who insists Americans want civilian control of the military and generals to follow all orders of the President. Unless its Trump, then take control of the nukes because civilian politicians can't be trusted to make the right decisions. AND no one will be held accountable for Afgahnistan, except Col. Scheller.

Tucker caught alot of hell when he didn't jump on the Kracken ship. I admit I was disappointed also, but he came out looking pretty good on that one.

For me, he has kind of taken the place Rush Limbaugh used to occupy as truth detector. If Rush talked about something, you could trust that it was real. Tucker is no Rush Limbaugh, but when he reports something, I've found it to be trustworthy.
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Tucker Carlson wouldn't last a minute in the military IDK how much stock I can put in what he has to say on the matter.
What does that have to do with what he said? He highlighted an abysmal failure by asking for answers, and then recognizing the one person who asked for answers is in the brig.

Are you retarded or just slow?
Are you slow or just retarded? I think it's obvious that the Biden administration is lying. I wouldn't side with a twerp like Tucker against anyone in Uniform.
I seriously could have glued fucking caterpillars to John Goodman's eyebrows and created a copy of Mark Milley with twice the strategic instinct. He doesn't deserve his uniform. Even should he and Col. Scheller trade ranks and present accommodations, that would remain too prestigious a position for Milley's deserving.

Are you going to argue that we should believe Milley over Tucker because someone decorated him like a Christmas Tree as reward for being the swampiest of all?
I'm saying that anyone who takes chameleon Tucker Carlson's words over someone in Uniform's should have their head examined.

"I lie."

Yeah, because people you disagree with are never capable of saying a single thing you agree with. If Tucker Carlson cured cancer, you probably wouldn't take the treatment because you don't like the guy. Just like the morons in Washington that wouldn't take the vaccine when Trump was there, but once Trump was gone, they get it and say everyone should get it. It's the same vaccine. Bad then, good now? Got it.

Hitler was pretty responsible for creating the VW. I guess you can't buy one of those now because Hitler was involved in it.

What a stupid way to go through life. You can't believe ANYTHING someone you don't like says, whether it's true or not. Now we're getting to the root cause of why this country is so F'ed up right now. Even a dumbass is capable of having a good idea. You don't dismiss the good idea because he's a dumbass.
If you want to take Tucker's word, go right ahead. He's just walking in Glenn Beck's footsteps. He sees an audience and he's feeding them what they want. I don't have any use for it.
It's not taking anyone's "word", it's simple. Ask yourself if it's true. If it's true, then it doesn't make a shit of difference who said it. So if Tucker says something that's true, you can't believe it because he said it. Got it. Again, this is the problem our country is facing.
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Nope. Not playing that game. You guys and your red herrings, lol.
Let's review.
You make a statement about the messenger,Tucker , and not take the time to address the message.
When challenged to provide sources you deem acceptable you'll not play the "game".
Chickenshit hit and run.
In other words hide from scrutiny while claiming the high ground.

I did address the substance of the message, or the only part of Tucker's message that had substance, "Joe Biden’s foreign policy is a legitimate disaster. No one disputes that."

I don't know what Miley did or didn't do. There haven't been any investigations into that yet but I'm sure they're coming next year. But I wouldn't support the General overruling the President and refusing to withdraw troops from Afghanistan like Tucker wants, just so the General could avoid being called a hypocrite. Who I consider reliable media figures isn't the issue here.
Deflection from my questions.
You've implied Tucker isn't worthy of consideration.
"I'd believe anyone in uniform over Tucker". Paraphrased
I asked, who is?
When asked where one can seek this knowledge you possess on international policies
"You'll not play/red herring"
Enlighten the plebes so they can share in the deeper understanding of world politics.

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I did address the substance of the message, or the only part of Tucker's message that had substance, "Joe Biden’s foreign policy is a legitimate disaster. No one disputes that."

I don't know what Miley did or didn't do. There haven't been any investigations into that yet but I'm sure they're coming next year. But I wouldn't support the General overruling the President and refusing to withdraw troops from Afghanistan like Tucker wants, just so the General could avoid being called a hypocrite. Who I consider reliable media figures isn't the issue here.

“We’ve investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong”
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I'm saying that anyone who takes chameleon Tucker Carlson's words over someone in Uniform's should have their head examined.

"I lie."

Did you even read those articles you posted? The first one is absolute propagandist bile. The second one you reference as evidence that he makes shit up the audience wants to hear, he actually says the exact opposite. He admitted that (paraphrasing) I lie, just like everyone else. In other words, he didn't want to give the impression that he thinks he is perfect, and has never told a lie. But he then goes on to say he does his best to "Never lie on TV." and this is all said in the context of discussing how some reporters on CNN perpetually lie for political purposes!

I don't do this often, but......I can't decide if you are actually this fucking dumb, or if we are all being trolled. I have read other members harassing you before, but wasn't quite sure you deserved it. BUT HO-LEE BALLS today you've written some of the least informed stupidity I've ever read on this site. Not even Buddly is as bad as you are. He just didn't know what he didn't know. You, on the other had, have swallowed propaganda so preposterous it had to require lube to get it down, and then strut around like you are so righteously informed! Your flavor of stupidity gets people killed. It causes genocides, famines, wars. Hitler wore a uniform. So did Stalin. Mussolini. Soleimani. Likewise all the tin-pot leaders of North Korea. That list could go on forever. Your premise that Milley deserves more credibility than Tucker because he's military, after what has happened in Afghanistan, is no less absurd than saying Kim Jong Un deserves more credibility than Tucker because he wears a uniform.

Anyway, I'm out of the argument. But I felt compelled to, at least attempt, to convince you that some self-reflection might be in order for you. Because you are making a fool of yourself.
I have to think Milley knows that Biden is an imbecile since Biden has been there 40 years, if Milley doesn't know that then I would ask if he was Biden's twin brother.

If I were a 4 star general and president dimwit asked what I needed to leave Afghanistan , 10K Troops and 6 months. Now when president dimwit says I'll give you a handful of men and two weeks I would tender my resignation or retire . You have a distinguish career and your going to fall on your sword for the idiot savant posing as president ? Milley now has to explain to congress all his short comings because he listened to Biden. Milley had nothing to gain by staying in the game and everything to lose following orders from president let me sniff your hair. Puzzling Milley couldn't see how this was going to turn out before it happen.
the old ad hominem argument at work. someone puts forward rational,provable facts and you ignore it because you don't like or they make mean tweets. lenin,marx,hitler,stalin,mao all said things that were true. not often but one should pay attention to the content of a statement not it's scource. the reverse also. if your masters,like the 5 above,say something,then it must be true. the american sheeple have taken everything the elites utter as inspired truth. that's how we got to the current covid disaster. tell the big lie long enough and people will believe it. can't remember if that came from hitler,goebbles,obama or emanuel.
Are you slow or just retarded? I think it's obvious that the Biden administration is lying. I wouldn't side with a twerp like Tucker against anyone in Uniform.

Sooo....You're siding with General Milley Vanilley?
That also means you agree with his treasonous act of informing the ChiComs that he was on their side in case things went sideways with Trump?
You think a Republican Congress is going to investigate the General next year and clear him of any and all wrong doing? I don't see it happening any more than I foresee the Democrats holding the House and Senate.


Look at all the shit HRC did, and even with Trump in the kings throne, not a damn thing happened.
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the old ad hominem argument at work. someone puts forward rational,provable facts and you ignore it because you don't like or they make mean tweets. lenin,marx,hitler,stalin,mao all said things that were true. not often but one should pay attention to the content of a statement not it's scource. the reverse also. if your masters,like the 5 above,say something,then it must be true. the american sheeple have taken everything the elites utter as inspired truth. that's how we got to the current covid disaster. tell the big lie long enough and people will believe it. can't remember if that came from hitler,goebbles,obama or emanuel.

It makes more sense when you realize some are paid to post (intention is division) as part of a larger social media narrative campaign.

Paid protestors, paid crisis actors, twitter bots, etc. All to control a narrative. It truly is a machine in itself.
Saying what things? That has been my point from the start, what did Tucker say in that article? He complained about the General's insistence on Civilian control of the Military. He complained that the General should have disobeyed orders in Afghanistan. If anyone is a hypocrite here it's Tucker. If Milley shouldn't have done anything of the sort with Trump what makes it okay to do it with Biden? I don't like most anyone in the media. I respect the Men and Women in uniform, even if some here don't. Sue me.

Respecting someone because of their outfit is...well... kinda silly, but you’re a very obedient and well trained boy! Yes you are!!! Maybe biden will give you a treat
It makes more sense when you realize some are paid to post (intention is division).
Paid protestors, paid crisis actors, twitter bots, etc.

You have any proof of this??

That was something the left said about anyone who supported Trump on social media.

So in your mind, it’s more likely that there are a bunch of professional, paid, counter intelligence operatives posting on this topic, than say, gee, maybe some folks just don’t agree with you?
You have any proof of this??

That was something the left said about anyone who supported Trump on social media.

So in your mind, it’s more likely that there are a bunch of professional, paid, counter intelligence operative posting on this topic, than say, gee, maybe some folks just don’t agree with you?

The proof? Just years of experience and my own observations. Plus, the millions of fake/bot accounts removed from Twitter etc. So yes, it's actually quite known it happens.

Sure, some may just disagree. That is also very much in the realm of possibility. Then there is the pattern of behavior...suppose like anything else, opinions will vary...
I served in the Army 6 and a half years and another 4 in the National Guard after that. yes sir, I respect the men and women in uniform. Go stomp on a flag somewhere else Commie.

So because you worked for the Army for a standard amount of time, you respect anyone who works for the army.


I worked at places with higher hiring minimums, and with a high risk factor per 100k on the job death rate, and I don’t respect someone just because the work for the same place I worked for. That’s silly. I respect someone because they EARNED my respect, and getting hired and wearing a uniform doesn’t even scratch the surface of earning that respect.
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The proof? Just years of experience and my own observations. Plus, the millions of fake/bot accounts removed from Twitter etc. So yes, it's actually quite known it happens.

Sure, some may just disagree. That is also very much in the realm of possibility. Then there is the pattern of behavior...suppose like anything else, opinions will vary...

So no proof.


You do know tons of conservative leaning folks were kicked off those platforms for exercising free speech right?

Anywho, Soooooo, you believe that in this very topic posters here are paid professional counter intelligence operatives? That’s some sexy spy shit!


So who do you think these James Bond spies on here are?
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So no proof.


You do know tons of conservative leaning folks were kicked off those platforms for exercising free speech right?

Anywho, Soooooo, you believe that in this very topic posters here are paid professional counter intelligence operatives? That’s some sexy spy shit!


So who do you think these James Bond spies on here are?

You can't be this naive, so I'll just roll with intentionally (or inherently) obtuse.

Carry on!
So who are the James Bond spy’s, and let me guess they all have opinions quite different from your own.

I mean adding it all up, what’s the chance of that?

Ah yes, it's such a conspiracy that paid trolls would inhabit a very 2a friendly site.

...equate their work to bond spies.

Lol...reach higher...

Anyways, you have your thoughts, I have mine. And with that I'm finished with you.
Ah yes, it's such a conspiracy that paid trolls would inhabit a very 2a friendly site.

...equate their work to bond spies.

Lol...reach higher...

Anyways, you have your thoughts, I have mine. And with that I'm finished with you.

So who do you suspect? I mean I love spy stuff and would love to get more about the career posters, how much they they make, is it salary, hourly, or per spicy meme?
Tucker Carlson wouldn't last a minute in the military IDK how much stock I can put in what he has to say on the matter.
Why wouldn't he last a minute in the military?

I've known some otherwise worthless, gutless POS that made Earnest T. Bass look smart that lasted in the military because they couldn't cut it in the outside world.
So who do you suspect? I mean I love spy stuff and would love to get more about the career posters, how much they they make, is it salary, hourly, or per spicy meme?
I can agree with a lot of your anticop shit, but I cant get on board with dismissing this claim. I think the proof is in these people sticking around. Some are trolls, but not all.

Who wants to come into a place where your views are completely opposite of most everyone here. Nobody is going to spend their time doing that, unless there is some benefit. I have no proof, but im guessing financial benefit......paid trolls, or complete fucking idiots.

Just Google "Can I get paid to troll conservative sites".....report back with your answers to your own questions.

Edit: You've watched MSM, right? Those people make millions trolling their agenda.
I can agree with a lot of your anticop shit, but I cant get on board with dismissing this claim. I think the proof is in these people sticking around. Some are trolls, but not all.

Who wants to come into a place where your views are completely opposite of most everyone here. Nobody is going to spend their time doing that, unless there is some benefit. I have no proof, but im guessing financial benefit......paid trolls, or complete fucking idiots.

Just Google "Can I get paid to troll conservative sites".....report back with your answers to your own questions.

Edit: You've watched MSM, right? Those people make millions trolling their agenda.

I’ve debated with folks who have very different view points, I think it’s part of the reason we have a 1A

I just think it’s silly to automatically default to anyone who doesn’t agree with me must be “fake” or a robot or a paid spy or something, it just further increase the separation echo chamber effect in the masses.

Finding common ground with fellow Americans is ultimately going to be needed if our country is going to survive.
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I can agree with a lot of your anticop shit, but I cant get on board with dismissing this claim. I think the proof is in these people sticking around. Some are trolls, but not all.

Who wants to come into a place where your views are completely opposite of most everyone here. Nobody is going to spend their time doing that, unless there is some benefit. I have no proof, but im guessing financial benefit......paid trolls, or complete fucking idiots.

Just Google "Can I get paid to troll conservative sites".....report back with your answers to your own questions.

Edit: You've watched MSM, right? Those people make millions trolling their agenda.

I’m not anti cop. I’m just anti shitty un-American cop. There are still some good apples in the barrel of rancid apples though.