Ultrasonic cleaner entire upper, keeping optic outside the water level?


Nov 10, 2020
Pittsburgh, PA
I'm considering buying a large ultrasonic cleaner to clean AR uppers, mostly concerned about the chamber —I always struggle to clean well all the nooks in the star chamber. Any thoughts on putting the entire upper with rails and optic in the cleaner. I would of course hang it in a way that the optic stays out of the water thus away from all water blasts. Or would also consider hanging the upper in an angle so only the chamber part is inside the water.

Would I damage anything? The optic, the gas block? I'm new to ultrasonic cleaners
Bend a q-tip and wipe out what you can in the recess for the bolt. It doesn't need to be spotless to run and function. If you are really worried about it you can buy some of those special cut swabs or a 556 chamber mop. Sonic cleaner won't remove everything anyways. You will still need to scrub and clean the tight spots if you want it squeaky clean.
Like mentioned, it doesn't need to be perfect. Not returning it to an armorer or custodian in the armory who is going to turn you away. I just use a chamber mob, soaked in cleaner and twirl it, then use a nylon chamber brush. If I have it, I might use non-chlorinated brake cleaner to do a quick flush. Is it probably still dirty somewhat, yep, oh well.
When my AR uppers get too filthy to tolerate any more, I remove the BCG and CH and hose down inside the receiver with WD40 or mineral spirits (either one works great as a cleaning solvent). Let it soak for a few minutes, then blow it all out with compressed air. Any really stubborn spots can be scrubbed with a tooth brush but usually not needed.

After it's all blown out, re-oil with some decent gun oil (NOT WD40 of course) and it's done.

I keep my ARs oiled well because it softens and cuts the fouling. Cleaning is done pretty rarely; just no need if you're keeping it oiled. If you use grease or try to run it pretty dry, it'll need cleaning a lot more often.
Automotive brake cleaner works fine.

If for some reason a weapon needs to go into the ultrasonic cleaner, it takes less time to remove the optic than it did to write this sentence.

The potential of an ultrasonic cleaner to cause damage depends upon the material(s) of the part(s) being cleaned, the chemical composition of the cleaner, and the time of exposure.
OP, totally unnecessary to do that. just a good chamber brush and if required, a barrel extension swab such as the star ones or the Sinclair/Brownells one, better in my opinion. Everything else is done with a rag, bore brush, patches and toothbrush. You can do the spray clp to tackle tough build up and hose off with air or an aerosol.