Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member


    SEPTEMBER 30, 2023






    Charlotte Sena, age 9, was picnicking with her family at Moreau Lake State Park when she went on a final bicycle ride around the picnic site and never returned to her family. State police and civilian volunteers already canvassed the entire area for almost 18 hours before issuing an Amber Alert. The child's bicycle had been found abandoned, leading to fears that she had been abducted.

    BE ON THE LOOKOUT for anybody who may be traveling with this child. If it was an abduction and the perp(s) managed to get onto a highway, they can be ANYWHERE now. Be on the lookout for the young girl in the photos above and anyone who may be with her.


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    If somebody happens to see her in public, and with other people who are obviously not her parents or family, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT to NOT let them know or see you contacting the local authorities. The element of surprise must be maintained. If possible, sneak a photo of them, preferably if you have glasses that have cameras built in, or be as clandestine as possible to get a clear picture, then call once you get into a position where they cannot hear or see you, or text a friend nearby or outside and have them call it in.
    Found in good shape. Suspect in custody

    Updated OP header and post. Suspect may have stalked and targeted family for some time before taking the child as she was riding her bicycle. Suspect is a sex offender. Charlotte is safe and does not appear to need emergency medical aid, but per protocol, she would be taken to a hospital to be checked over by physicians. This is a much needed relief to a horrific day and a half.

    This is very great news! Especially being an upstater myself. I've even been to Moreau lake about 10yrs back.
    These stories usually don't turn out good. I bet this little girl learned an important lesson.
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    When is the hanging?

    After the lynch mob gets their paws on em.
    There will be no repercussions for the abductor. Slap on the wrist and he will be back at it again but with more experience for next time. The gov’t and it’s men will make sure he is safe and sound while forcing families to accept him living next door. Attempt or succeed in eliminating the threat to protect your own and the full weight of the system will come down on you via violence from it’s badge protectors. The “rule of law” is a propaganda slogan used by those that know to control the foolish and/or stupid who don’t.
    There will be no repercussions for the abductor. Slap on the wrist and he will be back at it again but with more experience for next time. The gov’t and it’s men will make sure he is safe and sound while forcing families to accept him living next door or else. Try to eliminate the threat to protect your own and the full weight of the state will come down on you via violence from it’s badge protectors. The “rule of law” is a propaganda slogan used by those that know to control the foolish who don’t.
    And .....that's why I brought up the lynching.
    And..... that's a big if they aver do.
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    There will be no repercussions for the abductor. Slap on the wrist and he will be back at it again but with more experience for next time. The gov’t and it’s men will make sure he is safe and sound while forcing families to accept him living next door. Attempt or succeed in eliminating the threat to protect your own and the full weight of the system will come down on you via violence from it’s badge protectors. The “rule of law” is a propaganda slogan used by those that know to control the foolish and/or stupid who don’t.
    Can you just fucking be happy for once.

    He kidnapped a white girl and its in the media.
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    I hope this guy gets abducted as in the close encounters way.
    Let the probing begin.
    I have no sympathy for predators. Especially a child predator.

    The 'probing' might be done with a prison shank if he mouths off to the wrong inmate one day. Being a sex offender and now abducting a child? He's going to be on "Billy Chemirmir's Death Row" wherever he is going to be sent to. One wrong word, one wrong move, and it will be over, in the most painful and gruesome fashion...
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    Wonder if “Go Fund Me” allows fundraisers in “Cartons of Newports” for whoever handles the situation in Attica or Danemora….

    Bet some lifer nicknamed “Pokey” could be set for smokes for 30 years if he played his cards right… so to speak.

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    Wonder if “Go Fund Me” allows fundraisers in “Cartons of Newports” for whoever handles the situation in Attica of Danemora….

    Bet some lifer nicknamed “Pokey” could be set for smokes for 30 years if he played his cards right… so to speak.

    I'm 99.9% positive that Attica and Danemora are 2 separate facilities. Last I knew, Danemora was renamed Clinton correctional facility.

    I recall as a child passing thru Clinton county and seeing the towering concrete walls of Danemora. My father would tell me, "If you don't behave, that's where you're headed." Shit scared me straight. :eek:
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    I'm 99.9% positive that Attica and Danemora are 2 separate facilities. Last I knew, Danemora was renamed Clinton correctional facility.

    I recall as a child passing thru Clinton county and seeing the towering concrete walls of Danemora. My father would tell me, "If you don't behave, that's where you're headed." Shit scared me straight. :eek:

    They are totally separate… and it may have been renamed, but everyone knows what Danemora is (if not how to spell it… my bad).

    Not sure what became of Sing Sing. But it’s where you were going when you were sent “up the river.”


    PS, the “of” should have been an “or.” Typo on my end. Oops!
    Can you just fucking be happy for once.

    He kidnapped a white girl and its in the media.
    It would never have happened if the state delt with the POS in the first place. There's very little to be happy about in this story. A child's life is ruined as well as her families because the state did exactly what Wade wrote.
    Can't imagine how those parents will ever deal with the anxiety every time the child is out of sight.
    Now get a rope and hang the POS in front of the court house. There's zero reason for a trial in this instance.
    And why the fuck were the state police called away from watching the house. Unfucking believable!!
    If somebody happens to see her in public, and with other people who are obviously not her parents or family, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPORTANT to NOT let them know or see you contacting the local authorities. The element of surprise must be maintained. If possible, sneak a photo of them, preferably if you have glasses that have cameras built in, or be as clandestine as possible to get a clear picture, then call once you get into a position where they cannot hear or see you, or text a friend nearby or outside and have them call it in.

    How about just draw down on the motherfucker and order the girl to come to you?

    If he doesn't let go of her immediately, send one through his nasal cavity.
    Yes everyone be happy - the law didn’t hold a know sex offender in prison , the law did t stop him from stalking the family like in a low budget horror film- But they did catch him 24 hours later and did make sure he was up to day on Covid boosters which of course he was so he will be released again with no bail and a solemn promise not to kidnap and or fuck any more children. Now the upstate PDs can get back to more important things like making sure there is no background check system for the required background checks to by ammo and arresting those who don’t get a check done through a nonexistent system before acquiring said ammo.
    Happy with what?

    JFC there's something seriously wrong with you.
    Oh I don't know

    Just a little girl rescued from weeks of sexual torture and probably death. A family that gets their daughter back after one of the worst nightmares imaginable.

    Let alone a huge media following which almost certainly guarantees a conviction and the book thrown at the perp.

    And yet you guys gotta bitch. I'm pretty pessimistic, but I can't maintain the outrage 24/7. Go find a cheese grater to masturbate with or something.
    Exactly. Take some small measure of happiness in the one bright glimmer of hope in the shitshow that’s the daily media spew.

    Some of the details about how the scumbag got caught are revealing as hell…not the brightest bulb. Drops a ramsom note that he wrote himself, so dna and his fingerprints all over it. And OBTW, of course the house was under surveillance.

    My only regert is that the cops didn’t take the bastard out while apprehending him.


    The prowler who abducted 9 year old Charlotte Sena as she was riding her bicycle on one of the trails around her fanily's picnic table at NY's Moreau Lake State Park was a ne'er-do-well who lived just 2 miles away from the Sena family home and most likely had been stalking and watching the family for some time before striking. Police have confirmed that Craig Ross Jr. was not a registered sex offender but had multiple criminal charges in the past that included kidnapping and 'unlawful obstruction of airway' ie., choking and assault as well as a DWI. His fingerprints and genetic material are already logged into the nationwide crime database and when investigators found DNA on the ransom note he had left, they immediately matched it to Craig Ross Jr. Police descended on his residence and found the girl unharmed in a cupboard. As of now, detectives are conducting an interrogation with the suspect about his motives for the abduction.


    The trailer where Charlotte was rescued from:


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    Child abductor Craig Ross Jr. now being probed for possible connection in the cases of two young women who had vanished in the region 20 years ago and whose cases are still cold. Either the detectives who interrogated him this week had been exceptionally good to make him spill out more of his inner demons, or he was narcissistic and stupid enough to run his mouth to give them new leads to latch on to. Evil is everywhere. Constant vigilance.

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    Child abductor Craig Ross Jr. now being probed for possible connection in the cases of two young women who had vanished in the region 20 years ago and whose cases are still cold. Either the detectives who interrogated him this week had been exceptionally good to make him spill out more of his inner demons, or he was narcissistic and stupid enough to run his mouth to give them new leads to latch on to. Evil is everywhere. Constant vigilance.

    His punishment will never fit his crime/s.
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    Dude won't live for 47 days.....PC or not (protective custody, not politically correct).

    Convicts love to stab stab stab them some chomo's.
    And yea, because you're going to ask ChoMo = child molester.

    A very large portion of convicts are loving parents.
    Shouldn't take much imagination from there.
    Well, that and the current shortage of correctional officers.
    2 + 2 = stab frenzy