I have been thinking for some time now about upgrading the bolt in my Bergara B14 HMR with the HMR Premier bolt. This is my first upgrade of this rifle, and after considerable research and speaking with a customer service representative at BPI Outdoors, Bergara's parent company, I ordered the HMR Premier bolt for $275. It arrived today, and as everyone had promised me, it dropped right into my B14 HMR. My only complaint to date about my B14 HMR was the "looseness/play" of the original bolt. The new premier bolt seems to have corrected most of that issue, and the premier bolt is very smooth. I thought I would share a few photos with members that might be considering the same upgrade. I have not been to the range yet, as we had a big snow storm here in Taos beginning last night and continuing throughout today, but as soon as the weather clears I'll send some rounds.
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