Let me start off with it was still a one shot one kill, no the doe did not run off and dropped in place. However, I am upset because of bullet performance. This is the second "bad" kill I have had using these 150 grain silver tips in .308, factory loads. I am generally a Barns guy but I thought I would give these a try and they group better than the barns factory. 80yard shot deer was presenting a walking 3/4 away target and shot placement was key and intended to shoot through the ribs through heart/lungs and out right side of front neck. However on impact the round disintegrated and never penetrated the ribs, left leg was separated through the muscle group and no bone fragments, the kill was due to a small wound channel that severed the main artery and esophagus and out the front left of the neck. Exit wound size looked like the size of a .22 or .223. Entrance wound looks like and exit wound. There is however a small line to where the pill did scrape the hide before entrance. Am I the only one having this issue with silver tips, I hear nothing but good things from other people.