URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2018) – the “URSA 2018 3K”
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2018
Place: URSA SoCal venue (where we normally shoot - Barstow, CA area)
Objective: Provide an opportunity for the shooters who qualify (see below) to competitively engage steel at approximately 3135 yards (and possibly further) and win a small remembrance of the accomplishment.
Qualification: Shooters qualify who, during regular, monthly URSA event qualification or record shooting from October 15, 2017 through April 14, 2018, score five (5) hits or more in 10 consecutive shots at 2000 or more yards. Note that NorCal has scheduled its April monthly shoot for Sunday, April 8 (one week early) and SoCal has scheduled its April monthly shoot for Saturday, April 14 (one day early) – these will be the last two 3K qualification opportunities.
Pre-3K Activities:
We will setup the range on Saturday, April 14th and conduct the regular April URSA SoCal event. The range will then be secured until the 3K the next day.
Activities on Sunday, April 15, 2018:
The URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2018) – the “URSA 2018 3K”:
The 3K will be shot like other monthly URSA events except that:
(1) there will only be three (3) “practice” shots (actually, 0-3, shooter’s choice), (2) no event-specific qualification round,
(3) the initial record round will be shot at 2630 yards (approx), and
(4) even if a shooter has qualified with more than one rifle, they will only be able to shoot one rifle during the 3K (i.e., they will only have one position in the shooting lineup) – see “Clarification” (below).
As such (normal URSA event scenario), we will only be shooting at 3135 (approx) IF two or more shooters score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive shots during record round at 2630. Thus no one is guaranteed to shoot for record at 3135.
IF we have two or more shooters who score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive shots during record round at 3135, we will set a target at approx 3613 yards and shoot that distance – continuing to move out in distance until we fail to have two shooters scoring at least 4 in 10 at each distance. [Each new distance is approximately 500 yards further than the last.]
Final distance “ties” will be settled by way of Sudden Death.
Clarification: While URSA “rules” note that a shooter may shoot more than one rifle during an event (each such use equating to a separate shooter/rifle combo and thus allowing a shooter to have more than one “position” in the shooter lineup), during the 3K only one rifle per shooter will be allowed and the same rifle must be used during the entirety of the event. The intend from the very beginning (of URSA) was to have shooters shoot more than one rifle to demonstrate competence with more than one rifle. It also helps shooters with more than one rifle sort out which is best for each shooting scenario. The 3K is for qualified shooters, not shooter/rifle combos. Please also note that the shooter does not need to shoot with the rifle they qualified with – again, the shooter is qualified, not the shooter/rifle combo.
Remembrance of This Event.
Everyone that qualifies and actually shoots the event will receive an “official” URSA event t-shirt. These t-shirts will include the URSA logo and one of the following “messages”:
“I qualified and shot the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (black logo and text on white)
“I was Runner-Up at the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (black logo and text on silver/gray)
“I Won the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (white text on bright orange – closest available to “gold”)
T-shirt size and “ship to” info will be recorded at the event and the t-shirts shipped accordingly.
There will be no “I was there” or other t-shirts offered.
Qualified shooters will receive a detailed info sheet (details of where we shoot, how to get there, etc) by e-mail on Wednesday, April 11th, PM.
If you've been looking for an incentive to shoot with us, this may be it. Hope you’ll give it a try.
Those unfamiliar with URSA are referred to [url]www.unlimitedrange.org[/URL], in particular, to [url]http://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html[/URL] (FAQ 13, the normal, monthly, course of fire).
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2018
Place: URSA SoCal venue (where we normally shoot - Barstow, CA area)
Objective: Provide an opportunity for the shooters who qualify (see below) to competitively engage steel at approximately 3135 yards (and possibly further) and win a small remembrance of the accomplishment.
Qualification: Shooters qualify who, during regular, monthly URSA event qualification or record shooting from October 15, 2017 through April 14, 2018, score five (5) hits or more in 10 consecutive shots at 2000 or more yards. Note that NorCal has scheduled its April monthly shoot for Sunday, April 8 (one week early) and SoCal has scheduled its April monthly shoot for Saturday, April 14 (one day early) – these will be the last two 3K qualification opportunities.
Pre-3K Activities:
We will setup the range on Saturday, April 14th and conduct the regular April URSA SoCal event. The range will then be secured until the 3K the next day.
Activities on Sunday, April 15, 2018:
The URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2018) – the “URSA 2018 3K”:
The 3K will be shot like other monthly URSA events except that:
(1) there will only be three (3) “practice” shots (actually, 0-3, shooter’s choice), (2) no event-specific qualification round,
(3) the initial record round will be shot at 2630 yards (approx), and
(4) even if a shooter has qualified with more than one rifle, they will only be able to shoot one rifle during the 3K (i.e., they will only have one position in the shooting lineup) – see “Clarification” (below).
As such (normal URSA event scenario), we will only be shooting at 3135 (approx) IF two or more shooters score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive shots during record round at 2630. Thus no one is guaranteed to shoot for record at 3135.
IF we have two or more shooters who score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive shots during record round at 3135, we will set a target at approx 3613 yards and shoot that distance – continuing to move out in distance until we fail to have two shooters scoring at least 4 in 10 at each distance. [Each new distance is approximately 500 yards further than the last.]
Final distance “ties” will be settled by way of Sudden Death.
Clarification: While URSA “rules” note that a shooter may shoot more than one rifle during an event (each such use equating to a separate shooter/rifle combo and thus allowing a shooter to have more than one “position” in the shooter lineup), during the 3K only one rifle per shooter will be allowed and the same rifle must be used during the entirety of the event. The intend from the very beginning (of URSA) was to have shooters shoot more than one rifle to demonstrate competence with more than one rifle. It also helps shooters with more than one rifle sort out which is best for each shooting scenario. The 3K is for qualified shooters, not shooter/rifle combos. Please also note that the shooter does not need to shoot with the rifle they qualified with – again, the shooter is qualified, not the shooter/rifle combo.
Remembrance of This Event.
Everyone that qualifies and actually shoots the event will receive an “official” URSA event t-shirt. These t-shirts will include the URSA logo and one of the following “messages”:
“I qualified and shot the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (black logo and text on white)
“I was Runner-Up at the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (black logo and text on silver/gray)
“I Won the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 15, 2018” (white text on bright orange – closest available to “gold”)
T-shirt size and “ship to” info will be recorded at the event and the t-shirts shipped accordingly.
There will be no “I was there” or other t-shirts offered.
Qualified shooters will receive a detailed info sheet (details of where we shoot, how to get there, etc) by e-mail on Wednesday, April 11th, PM.
If you've been looking for an incentive to shoot with us, this may be it. Hope you’ll give it a try.
Those unfamiliar with URSA are referred to [url]www.unlimitedrange.org[/URL], in particular, to [url]http://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html[/URL] (FAQ 13, the normal, monthly, course of fire).