URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2019) - info & course of fire
If you want to possibly shoot the 3K, please read all the way to the bottom of this announcement - online registration is required! Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2019 (a week later than normal due to Easter)
Place: URSA SoCal venue (where we normally shoot - Barstow, CA area)
Objective: Provide an opportunity for the shooters who qualify (see below) to competitively engage steel at approximately 3135 yards (and possibly further) and win a small remembrance of the accomplishment.
Qualification: Shooters qualify who, during regular, monthly URSA event qualification or record shooting from October 2018 through April 27, 2019, score five (5) or more hits in 10 consecutive shots at 2000 or more yards. However, since SoCal has been down since last April (still looking for new Match Director and target/gear maintainer/trans porter), and NorCal has been down since last June (due to venue closures - fires and foliage recovery), the day-before drill will be expanded (see below) – these will be the ONLY 3K qualification opportunities.
Pre-3K Activities on Saturday, April 27th
AM Session:
We will setup the range at 2080 and 2630 yards (in the dark) and conduct the "regular" April URSA SoCal event - we start shooting at sunrise. This will be the "AM session". The range will then be secured (be cold) until approximately 1.5 hours before sunset (weather underground projection). See FAQ 13 for info and CoF for the AM session, https://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html Also see "NOTES for the 3K.g", below.
PM Session:
Shooters who did NOT shoot in the morning (AM session) will then have an opportunity to qualify for the 3K (at 2080 yards). This second Saturday session is here referred to as the "PM session".
There will be no shooting beyond 2080 in the PM. The PM session is ONLY to get shooters qualified for the 3K, NOT to provide practice at longer distances. Those shooters wanting an opportunity to earn a chance to shoot beyond 2080, need to arrange their schedules and travel to shoot the AM event - where, based on their and other shooter's performance, that opportunity may happen. Be well advised, the wind gets MUCH worse after early AM.
This PM session will run the same way as a regular SoCal monthly event (see FAQ 13), save for not going beyond 2080, thus mimicking a regular monthly event up to that point. Basically, for the PM session, at least 3 in 10 to "qualify" to shoot "record" and then 5 in 10, or better, to qualify for the 3K. If a shooter gets 5 in 10, or better, during the "qualification" or "record" portion of this PM "3K qualification" session, they do not need to shoot further, they are qualified for the 3K - saving ammo for a possible Sudden Death on Sunday. The range will then be secured (be cold) until the 3K the next day.
Activities on Sunday, April 28, 2019:
The URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2019):
The 3K will be shot substantially like other monthly URSA events except that:
(1) there will only be three (3) “practice” shots (actually, 0-3, shooter’s choice),
(2) no event-specific qualification round (qualification having been done the prior day),
(3) “practice” and the initial record round will be shot at 2630 yards (approx),
(4) “practice” will be immediately followed by record-round shooting, each shooter, one after the other – i.e., each shooter will take up to 3 “practice” shots (#1, above) and then, immediately, up to 10 record-round shots before moving on to the next shooter, and
(5) even if a shooter has qualified with more than one rifle, they will only be able to shoot one rifle during the 3K (i.e., they will only have one position in the shooting lineup) – see “Clarification” (below).
NOTES for the 3K:
a. IF the shooter does not want to shoot the allowed 3 shots during any “practice”, the shooter MUST notify the Match Director/MD of that BEFORE taking their first “practice” shot at that distance, and the MD must confirm back to the shooter that “shooter is shooting X practice shots.”
b. The shooter does NOT have to shoot all 10 record-round shots (e.g., they want to conserve ammo for a possible Sudden Death). IF that is the case, the shooter MUST notify the MD that they are through shooting at that distance, and the MD must confirm back to the shooter that “shooter has stopped shooting at (distance), unload and show clear (remove your bolt).”
c. Normal URSA event scenario - we will only be shooting at 3135 (approx), or beyond, IF two or more shooters score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive, record-round shots at the prior distance. Thus no one is guaranteed to shoot for record at 3135, or beyond, on Sunday.
d. IF we have two or more shooters who score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive record-round shots at 3135, we will set a target at approx 3613 yards and shoot that distance – continuing to move out in distance until we fail to have at least two shooters scoring at least 4 in 10 at each distance. [Each new distance is approximately 500 yards further down range than the last.]
e. Final distance “ties” will be settled by way of Sudden Death. If there is a tie for Winner, there will be a Sudden Death and the loser will be Runner-Up. If there is a Winner and a tie for Runner-Up, there will be a Sudden Death to decide Runner-Up.
f. Shooters are allowed one (1) spotter. Because of the limited parking, it is assumed that the spotter will travel to the event with the shooter. Spotters, of course, can also be shooters.
g. The ONLY non-shooter/non-spotter persons to be accommodated at the 3K (or the Saturday sessions) MUST be traveling with the shooter - again because of limited parking. And, PLEASE, no persons under 18 unless there is a non-shooter/non-spotter person to "watch" that individual (also traveling with the shooter). ALL attendees MUST sign the liability form.
While URSA “rules” note that a shooter may shoot more than one rifle during an event (each such use equating to a separate shooter/rifle combo and thus allowing a shooter to have more than one “position” in the shooter lineup), during the 3K only one rifle per shooter will be allowed and the same rifle must be used during the entirety of the 3K. [The intend from the very beginning (of URSA) was to have shooters shoot more than one rifle to demonstrate competence with more than one rifle. It also helps shooters with more than one rifle sort out which is best for each shooting scenario. The 3K is for qualified shooters, not shooter/rifle combos. Please also note that the shooter does not need to shoot the 3K with the rifle they qualified with – again, the shooter is qualified, not the shooter/rifle combo.]
Remembrance of This Event.
Everyone that qualifies for and actually shoots the 3K will receive an “official” URSA event t-shirt. These t-shirts will include the URSA logo and one of the following “messages”:
“I qualified for and shot the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (black logo and text on white)
“I was Runner-Up at the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (black logo and text on silver/gray)
“I Won the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (white text on bright orange – closest available to “gold”)
T-shirt size and “ship to” info will be recorded at the event and the t-shirts shipped accordingly.
There will be no “I was there” or other t-shirts provided or offered.
"Registered" shooters will receive a detailed info sheet (details of where we shoot, how to get there, etc) by e-mail on Wednesday, April 24th, evening. See the last item, below, regarding "registration".
If you've been looking for an incentive to shoot with us, this may be it. Hope you’ll give it a try.
Those unfamiliar with URSA are referred to www.unlimitedrange.org, in particular, to http://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html and FAQ 13, the normal, monthly, course of fire.
ALL wishing to attempt to qualify for the 3K, or simply to shoot the monthly event on Saturday the 27th, need to "register" using the link to the online form ("Online Liability Release and Build Sheet (form) for shooter") at the top of https://www.unlimitedrange.org/activity event schedule.html In "Event Description" please identify whether you are signing up for the AM event/session or PM session. In that regard, per ongoing SoCal practice, IF there are not at least five (5) shooters signed up for the monthly event (AM event/session), there will be no AM event, only the PM (exactly as described above). Thanks for understanding. Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
ALL other attendees (i.e., those allowed as noted above), need to "register" using the online form "Online Liability Release (form) for non-shooters", same page. In the "Status" field please identify whether you are a spotter or "other", in either case, traveling with which NAMED shooter. Thanks. Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
If you want to possibly shoot the 3K, please read all the way to the bottom of this announcement - online registration is required! Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
Date: Sunday, April 28, 2019 (a week later than normal due to Easter)
Place: URSA SoCal venue (where we normally shoot - Barstow, CA area)
Objective: Provide an opportunity for the shooters who qualify (see below) to competitively engage steel at approximately 3135 yards (and possibly further) and win a small remembrance of the accomplishment.
Qualification: Shooters qualify who, during regular, monthly URSA event qualification or record shooting from October 2018 through April 27, 2019, score five (5) or more hits in 10 consecutive shots at 2000 or more yards. However, since SoCal has been down since last April (still looking for new Match Director and target/gear maintainer/trans porter), and NorCal has been down since last June (due to venue closures - fires and foliage recovery), the day-before drill will be expanded (see below) – these will be the ONLY 3K qualification opportunities.
Pre-3K Activities on Saturday, April 27th
AM Session:
We will setup the range at 2080 and 2630 yards (in the dark) and conduct the "regular" April URSA SoCal event - we start shooting at sunrise. This will be the "AM session". The range will then be secured (be cold) until approximately 1.5 hours before sunset (weather underground projection). See FAQ 13 for info and CoF for the AM session, https://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html Also see "NOTES for the 3K.g", below.
PM Session:
Shooters who did NOT shoot in the morning (AM session) will then have an opportunity to qualify for the 3K (at 2080 yards). This second Saturday session is here referred to as the "PM session".
There will be no shooting beyond 2080 in the PM. The PM session is ONLY to get shooters qualified for the 3K, NOT to provide practice at longer distances. Those shooters wanting an opportunity to earn a chance to shoot beyond 2080, need to arrange their schedules and travel to shoot the AM event - where, based on their and other shooter's performance, that opportunity may happen. Be well advised, the wind gets MUCH worse after early AM.
This PM session will run the same way as a regular SoCal monthly event (see FAQ 13), save for not going beyond 2080, thus mimicking a regular monthly event up to that point. Basically, for the PM session, at least 3 in 10 to "qualify" to shoot "record" and then 5 in 10, or better, to qualify for the 3K. If a shooter gets 5 in 10, or better, during the "qualification" or "record" portion of this PM "3K qualification" session, they do not need to shoot further, they are qualified for the 3K - saving ammo for a possible Sudden Death on Sunday. The range will then be secured (be cold) until the 3K the next day.
Activities on Sunday, April 28, 2019:
The URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2019):
The 3K will be shot substantially like other monthly URSA events except that:
(1) there will only be three (3) “practice” shots (actually, 0-3, shooter’s choice),
(2) no event-specific qualification round (qualification having been done the prior day),
(3) “practice” and the initial record round will be shot at 2630 yards (approx),
(4) “practice” will be immediately followed by record-round shooting, each shooter, one after the other – i.e., each shooter will take up to 3 “practice” shots (#1, above) and then, immediately, up to 10 record-round shots before moving on to the next shooter, and
(5) even if a shooter has qualified with more than one rifle, they will only be able to shoot one rifle during the 3K (i.e., they will only have one position in the shooting lineup) – see “Clarification” (below).
NOTES for the 3K:
a. IF the shooter does not want to shoot the allowed 3 shots during any “practice”, the shooter MUST notify the Match Director/MD of that BEFORE taking their first “practice” shot at that distance, and the MD must confirm back to the shooter that “shooter is shooting X practice shots.”
b. The shooter does NOT have to shoot all 10 record-round shots (e.g., they want to conserve ammo for a possible Sudden Death). IF that is the case, the shooter MUST notify the MD that they are through shooting at that distance, and the MD must confirm back to the shooter that “shooter has stopped shooting at (distance), unload and show clear (remove your bolt).”
c. Normal URSA event scenario - we will only be shooting at 3135 (approx), or beyond, IF two or more shooters score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive, record-round shots at the prior distance. Thus no one is guaranteed to shoot for record at 3135, or beyond, on Sunday.
d. IF we have two or more shooters who score at least 4 hits in 10 consecutive record-round shots at 3135, we will set a target at approx 3613 yards and shoot that distance – continuing to move out in distance until we fail to have at least two shooters scoring at least 4 in 10 at each distance. [Each new distance is approximately 500 yards further down range than the last.]
e. Final distance “ties” will be settled by way of Sudden Death. If there is a tie for Winner, there will be a Sudden Death and the loser will be Runner-Up. If there is a Winner and a tie for Runner-Up, there will be a Sudden Death to decide Runner-Up.
f. Shooters are allowed one (1) spotter. Because of the limited parking, it is assumed that the spotter will travel to the event with the shooter. Spotters, of course, can also be shooters.
g. The ONLY non-shooter/non-spotter persons to be accommodated at the 3K (or the Saturday sessions) MUST be traveling with the shooter - again because of limited parking. And, PLEASE, no persons under 18 unless there is a non-shooter/non-spotter person to "watch" that individual (also traveling with the shooter). ALL attendees MUST sign the liability form.
While URSA “rules” note that a shooter may shoot more than one rifle during an event (each such use equating to a separate shooter/rifle combo and thus allowing a shooter to have more than one “position” in the shooter lineup), during the 3K only one rifle per shooter will be allowed and the same rifle must be used during the entirety of the 3K. [The intend from the very beginning (of URSA) was to have shooters shoot more than one rifle to demonstrate competence with more than one rifle. It also helps shooters with more than one rifle sort out which is best for each shooting scenario. The 3K is for qualified shooters, not shooter/rifle combos. Please also note that the shooter does not need to shoot the 3K with the rifle they qualified with – again, the shooter is qualified, not the shooter/rifle combo.]
Remembrance of This Event.
Everyone that qualifies for and actually shoots the 3K will receive an “official” URSA event t-shirt. These t-shirts will include the URSA logo and one of the following “messages”:
“I qualified for and shot the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (black logo and text on white)
“I was Runner-Up at the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (black logo and text on silver/gray)
“I Won the URSA 3000 Yard Challenge, April 28, 2019” (white text on bright orange – closest available to “gold”)
T-shirt size and “ship to” info will be recorded at the event and the t-shirts shipped accordingly.
There will be no “I was there” or other t-shirts provided or offered.
"Registered" shooters will receive a detailed info sheet (details of where we shoot, how to get there, etc) by e-mail on Wednesday, April 24th, evening. See the last item, below, regarding "registration".
If you've been looking for an incentive to shoot with us, this may be it. Hope you’ll give it a try.
Those unfamiliar with URSA are referred to www.unlimitedrange.org, in particular, to http://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html and FAQ 13, the normal, monthly, course of fire.
ALL wishing to attempt to qualify for the 3K, or simply to shoot the monthly event on Saturday the 27th, need to "register" using the link to the online form ("Online Liability Release and Build Sheet (form) for shooter") at the top of https://www.unlimitedrange.org/activity event schedule.html In "Event Description" please identify whether you are signing up for the AM event/session or PM session. In that regard, per ongoing SoCal practice, IF there are not at least five (5) shooters signed up for the monthly event (AM event/session), there will be no AM event, only the PM (exactly as described above). Thanks for understanding. Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
ALL other attendees (i.e., those allowed as noted above), need to "register" using the online form "Online Liability Release (form) for non-shooters", same page. In the "Status" field please identify whether you are a spotter or "other", in either case, traveling with which NAMED shooter. Thanks. Registration closes at 6 PM, Pacific, on Wednesday, April 24, 2019.
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