URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2021) – less than a month off

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
URSA 3000 Yard Challenge (2021) – less than a month off

Reminder that the URSA 3000 Challenge (2021) is less than a month off, April 18, 2021. As of 3/28/2021 we have 8 shooters qualified to shoot the event. The LAST opportunity to qualify will be the day before the actual 3K, that is, Saturday, April 17. Below are the specifics regarding that LAST qualification opportunity (from the announcement from last November) plus amplifications and clarifications regarding the actual 3K event.

Pre-3K Activities on Saturday, April 17th

We will setup the range for target engagement at a minimum of 2000 yards (mostly in the dark) and start shooting as close as possible to sunrise. Please see below and FAQ 13 for info and Course of Fire/CoF, https://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html

The Saturday session will run the same way as a regular NorCal monthly event (again, see FAQ 13), thus mimicking a regular monthly event. Specifically:

Seven (7) rounds “practice” for each shooter, then

Three (3) more rounds “practice” followed immediately by 10 rounds (for each shooter) to qualify to shoot record (qualification round), where the shooter must get at least 3 in 10 during the 10-shot portion to qualify to shoot for record.

Those that qualify to shoot record at 2000 then shoot 10 rounds for record.

Shooters that score at least 4 in 10 during record round will then shoot at 2500, where they will get three (3) “practice” shots at that distance and then, immediately, 10 rounds for record.

The ONLY 3K qualification opportunities on Saturday will be during the initial 10-shot (7+3) practice, the 10-shot qualification, and the 10-shot record round at 2000 and/or 2500. The minimum 5-in-10 3K qualification shots can be during any of these opportunities."

3K Activities on Sunday, April 18th

In regards the actual 3K, April 18, 2021, please recall (plus amplifications and clarifications):

(1) The beginning distance is approximately 2500 yards. [Shooters must earn the opportunity to shoot at and beyond 3000 yards, thus the event “Challenge”.]

(2) There will be NO shooting in advance of the 3K on that day. And there will be NO other opportunity to qualify for the 3K between now and then. IF a shooter fires a shot in advance of their Match Director/MD-announced direction to engage the target, they will be immediately disqualified.

(3) Since we will be starting as if the shooters have just qualified during record round at approximately 2000 yards, each shooter ONLY gets three (3) practice shots at approximately 2500 – actually they can shoot 0-3 practice shots, shooters choice (if a shooter will be shooting less than the full 3 practice shots, shooter MUST verbally advise the MD AND the MD must verbally confirm and announce how many shoots will be taken).

(4) Each shooter then immediately shoots min 4, max 10 shots (shooter’s choice) for record at that distance. IF they get at least 4 hits, they are then “qualified” to shoot the next distance (approximately 3000 yards). Shooters do NOT need to announce they will be shooting less than 10 shots - they can stop at any point, announce they are done shooting, and their record stands as of their last shot.

(5) IF at least two (2) shooters get at least 4 hits at approximately 2500, those shooters will proceed to shoot the next distance (approximately 3000 yards) – repeating the 0-3 practice followed immediately by min 4, max 10 record shots at that distance.

(6) Competition will proceed to further distances as long as at least two shooters have scored at least 4 hits at the shorter distance.

(7) IF less than two shooters get min 4 hits, there will be a sudden death shoot off of the highest scoring “tied score” shooters to determine the match winner and runner-up – even if none of the shooters made a hit at 2500 during record.

(8) If the IRIS hit indicator light does NOT go off (as verified by the MD), the shot is scored as a miss. The MD’s call is FINAL!


3K-qualified shooters and all shooters intending to shoot on Saturday need to get registered. The link is at the top of the Event Schedule page (https://www.unlimitedrange.org/activity event schedule.html). Thanks.