URSA Resumes Competitions - Next on Sunday, July 28th in Nevada

ELR researcher

Full Member
Mar 30, 2011
URSA Resumes Competitions - Next on Sunday, July 28th in Nevada

Location - east of Reno, near Fernley.

Timing - the official sunrise, possibly earlier

We start shooting at 2000 yards. Course of fire will be 7 shots for each contestant to see where they are hitting and they can make adjustments as needed. After that when your turn to fire comes around (which is randomly drawn) you get up to 3 sighters then go hot for 10 rounds at 2000 yards to qualify. Shooters getting at least 3 hits in those 10 shots qualify. Qualified shooters then compete in the first record round at 2000, shooting up to 10 rounds (shooter's choice).

Any shooter getting 4 or more hits at 2000 qualifies to advance to 2500 yards. If at least two shooters qualify for 2500, each of those shooters will then get 3 practice shots at that distance and then immediately shoot up to 10 shots for record (shooter's choice). If at least 2 of those shooters get at least 4 hits in up to 10 shots, we will either change shooting position or move a target to engage at 3000 yards, repeating the drill done at 2500.

Depending on the number of sign-ups we should be able to get 2 matches in before it gets too hot. Match date is the same weekend as the gun show in Reno. Detailed travel directions will be e-mailed to each registered shooter.

The terrain is mostly flat so the gongs will be set-up off the road up the side of the hill about 150 yards so we can better see the target and any misses. We will be using our IRIS hit-indicator lights to establish hits - no light flashes is a miss.

Any shooting position and any legal firearm as long as it's safe and no pit duty or fees.

NOTE: Because of the transit distances involved for the URSA crew, we need at least 6 registered shooters to hold the event.

Shooters register online using the form link at the top of https://www.unlimitedrange.org/activity event schedule.html - signing the liability release portion at the event.

More info on URSA "operations" and event SOP at https://www.unlimitedrange.org/operations.html In particular, see FAQ 13, near the bottom of the page.
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