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US military no longer require High School diploma or GED


Full Member
  • Jan 29, 2005
    I know a kid that wanted to join but couldn't pass the entrance test. Out of curiosity I took it and it was very easy.
    I assume they are dropping this entrance test as well.
    Meh, many public schools these days are not teaching much anyways.

    I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps it becomes opportunity.

    They allowing illegal aliens to serve yet?
    Assume if no, it is probably not far off.
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    No one from legacies wants to join due to woke crap. Recruiting is running way under goals so they are lowering standards.

    Two of my nephews are waiting for Biden to leave before taking an Airborne contract and two others who are Rangers had planned to do ROTC then try for SOF once they completed current tours as squad leaders but will now just go to college and see.

    I am not discouraging my kids or others kids who are in HS or MS as of yet and I think this will get fixed.
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    Meh, many public schools these days are not teaching much anyways.

    I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps it becomes opportunity.

    They allowing illegal aliens to serve yet?
    Assume if no, it is probably not far off.

    You do realize there are plenty of private schools that fall behind even public school education. Private doesn't equate to better all the time.
    Meh, many public schools these days are not teaching much anyways.

    I see nothing wrong with this. Perhaps it becomes opportunity.

    They allowing illegal aliens to serve yet?
    Assume if no, it is probably not far off.
    Foreign invaders in the US mil is coming. They will be offered citizenship. The reason given will be the low natural born American recruitment numbers. Part of the plan I suppose. I don’t want to think about what comes next.
    My son got his GED, got into Signal Corps for Networking, switched to Cyber, served 8+ years, got out...now makes $100K+ a year. What's the point?? The person, not some piece of paper.

    Do we need to start a post about all the horrible General Officer's that have plagued the branches of service???
    "It has met only about 40% of its enlisted recruiting mission for fiscal year 2022, which ends in three months on September 30."

    Here is the problem. Three months to go and very far short of the goal.

    The force will get hollowed out.

    The real issue is that no one wants to join.
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    "It has met only about 40% of its enlisted recruiting mission for fiscal year 2022, which ends in three months on September 30."

    Here is the problem. Three months to go and very far short of the goal.

    The force will get hollowed out.

    The real issue is that no one wants to join.
    Only going to get worse since they actively run off and discourage the conservative and patriotic free thinker. This is what happens when you are more concerned about being woke and gender conforming than a ready force.
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    The real issue is that no one wants to join.
    And I believe I read thier retention rates are plummeting as well.

    There are people that excel despite not having a diploma, but I'd guess that is the exception.

    Woke advertising is the result of going for numbers instead of quality.
    They just need to give out iphones or PlayStations when people sign on the dotted line.
    Not surprised at all. Friends of mine are recruiters and the job has been hard for a number of years. Since Biden was installed its been 10 times harder to get people to enlist.
    My own son changed his mind and now won't ever consider enlisting. Many of his friends in the Army national Guard want out and will not re enlist.
    Good friend of mine retired last year, had 30 years in. Last 6 years leading a recruiting station. He knows many NCO's all over the world.
    He said , many NCO's he knows are retiring or not re enlisting.
    He told me years ago about the P.C. garbage. That was infecting the NCO ranks and the wrong people were being promoted in his opinion.
    He predicted that there would be major fall out across the branches.
    Obama started this purge and Biden is continuing it .

    They will fill the ranks with illegals and have a willing military . That will have zero issues attacking American citizens at the direction of the political class !
    You do realize there are plenty of private schools that fall behind even public school education. Private doesn't equate to better all the time.

    True enough. But private schools, on average, are better in almost every way.

    The most recent NAEP data shows what other research has found: Private school students score better in almost all subjects. On college entry tests such as the SAT, NAIS found that students in private schools consistently out-performed their public school peers in all subject areas. The exception is Conservative Christian private schools, which are about the same for reading and lower on math.
    True enough. But private schools, on average, are better in almost every way.

    The most recent NAEP data shows what other research has found: Private school students score better in almost all subjects. On college entry tests such as the SAT, NAIS found that students in private schools consistently out-performed their public school peers in all subject areas. The exception is Conservative Christian private schools, which are about the same for reading and lower on math.
    Those findings jive with what I see in my AO
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    Seems these days a high school diploma just means you showed up and sat/slept through the classes.

    Plus with all the statist indoc in gov schools, not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

    Hmmm, thinking about it I’m cool with it, who gives a shit, just go off the asvab and physical fitness tests.
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    I figure less time in high school means less liberal indoctrination.

    Fuck high school anyway. A complete waste of time.
    I remember thinking High school was a nothing more than a repeat of Jr High school., and that I wasted 3 years of my time.
    That was in the early 80's.
    ASVAB scores should be the main consideration, along with overall physical condition.
    I'm old enough to remember when tech manuals became cartoon/comic book format picture books cause the idiots they had coming in were....well, frankly illiterate to an extent.

    I don't see this as a positive move, personally.
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    "It has met only about 40% of its enlisted recruiting mission for fiscal year 2022, which ends in three months on September 30."

    Here is the problem. Three months to go and very far short of the goal.

    The force will get hollowed out.

    The real issue is that no one wants to join.
    I wouldn't want to fucking join after watching that fucking nightmare Afghanistan withdrawal. For some 18 yo kid that IS what the military is, preventing people from escaping while the leaders and generals put them in untenable harms way with ROE that gets people killed.

    I don't mind being killed for something, but I sure as hell don't want to die for nothing, and this fucking pedo-potato will throw away lives like Kleenex. He's totally sociopathic, and has zero empathy for anyone who isn't political class. For all Trump's faults he loved our soldiers, and took personal responsibility for every one of them. He did not want to spend a single life unless it was absolutely/unavoidably necessary.
    The national guard is hemorrhaging troops…. My Unit alone lost 10% over the Jab…. And the NYARNG is losing 5% come Friday, and that’s just the ones that outright refused the jab… that doesn’t count the ones requesting an impossible waiver, I know because I’ve seen some of the letters sent to NGB and the disapprovals, yet pretty much since day 1 of COVID, other than in the big wig buildings, no one ever wore a mask even on drill weekends… bunch of total bullshit. Can’t wait to finish my contract and be done.

    Hilarious part is the scumbags aren’t taking them off the rolls until after October 1 so it doesn’t look as bad….
    I needed a waiver... 🤷
    When I was a new recruiter, my SNCOIC told me if I ever find a perfect applicant with zero issues, to bring him to his office and he would suck his dick. Three years and I never found a one, and the boss's heterosexuality was completely safe the whole time. The point being is everyone has issues, and 23% are good enough at shutting their mouth about it to not need a waiver.
    True enough. But private schools, on average, are better in almost every way.

    The most recent NAEP data shows what other research has found: Private school students score better in almost all subjects. On college entry tests such as the SAT, NAIS found that students in private schools consistently out-performed their public school peers in all subject areas. The exception is Conservative Christian private schools, which are about the same for reading and lower on math.

    Ask yourself why that is. Compare the kids being sent to private schools vs. Public schools.

    Let's also compare parental involvement of kids going to public vs private school.
    They are just starting the transgender indoctrination in kindergarten so in 18 years there should be plenty of up and cumming recruits . (y)
    For those who don't know, here's the basics of how the ASVAB works. It's not a 0-100 score in the traditional sense based on a percentage of right answers, it's a percentage of population based score in comparison to a baseline of students with a 10th grade education. So if you score a 50 AFQT, you fall in the middle percentile of all others with a 10th grade education. Minimum score for USMC when I was a recruiter was 31 AFQT (technically speaking CAT IIIB and higher), so in essence we would accept all but the bottom third-ish of America's young men and women intelligence (testability, anyhow) wise. Out of those, for every one <50 we would accept, we had to have two >50 (CAT IIIA and higher). Other services were more strict, USAF at that time wouldn't take anyone under 50, Army would take down to 21 on rare occasions, Navy give or take was like USMC I believe. I would take fellas with tats up their neck to the Army office because they could enlist them, they would send me the petty felons because we could take them but Army couldn't.

    School wise, I knew of one we enlisted without HS diploma or GED. He had a pretty high ASVAB, 70s at least IIRC, was previously in the delayed entry but had a bad run in with his new step dad at home and bailed from the house and high school one month shy of graduation. Worked hard, kept his nose clean as well as drug free, on a whim a year later I called him up to get an update on him, was working construction and still wanted to join, but still no GED which at the time was an ultimate go/no-go, even in '05 and the thick of the wars. Long story short I called the bosses, it was the end of the FY, we were barely short of making mission for the year, and they pushed up and signed off on his waiver (Commanding General level), he went on to make a fine Marine.

    Education achievement is hardly a good basis of intelligence, I had a guy with a BA from FGCU who cut an 11 on the ASVAB. I had well more than a few 90+ AFQT who had zero ability or aspirations to attend college, and typically they also wanted infantry or nothing. Whole picture person is something the services need to take into account, but in the DoD culture of go/no-go criteria for damn near everything, it's not going to happen.
    I wouldn't want to fucking join after watching that fucking nightmare Afghanistan withdrawal. For some 18 yo kid that IS what the military is, preventing people from escaping while the leaders and generals put them in untenable harms way with ROE that gets people killed.

    I don't mind being killed for something, but I sure as hell don't want to die for nothing, and this fucking pedo-potato will throw away lives like Kleenex. He's totally sociopathic, and has zero empathy for anyone who isn't political class. For all Trump's faults he loved our soldiers, and took personal responsibility for every one of them. He did not want to spend a single life unless it was absolutely/unavoidably necessary.
    Well a lot of us enlisted up and cummers, to borrow a phrase, got out during Clinton and did college. Two guys in my unit one of which was a classmate in a number of schools and my roommate for a year became officers and started their runs commanding ODAs and then squadrons and then did some real fun stuff. One retired a full bird and another just got out as a three star.

    Like then the chaos now will open up the field for guys who are junior leaders today to rise to high rank and make major changes.

    I’m telling every young kid who is in now or about to get their bars these stories and stressing they will enjoy their time when the worm turns. Bend don’t break and wait your turn.
    For those who don't know, here's the basics of how the ASVAB works. It's not a 0-100 score in the traditional sense based on a percentage of right answers, it's a percentage of population based score in comparison to a baseline of students with a 10th grade education. So if you score a 50 AFQT, you fall in the middle percentile of all others with a 10th grade education. Minimum score for USMC when I was a recruiter was 31 AFQT (technically speaking CAT IIIB and higher), so in essence we would accept all but the bottom third-ish of America's young men and women intelligence (testability, anyhow) wise. Out of those, for every one <50 we would accept, we had to have two >50 (CAT IIIA and higher). Other services were more strict, USAF at that time wouldn't take anyone under 50, Army would take down to 21 on rare occasions, Navy give or take was like USMC I believe. I would take fellas with tats up their neck to the Army office because they could enlist them, they would send me the petty felons because we could take them but Army couldn't.

    School wise, I knew of one we enlisted without HS diploma or GED. He had a pretty high ASVAB, 70s at least IIRC, was previously in the delayed entry but had a bad run in with his new step dad at home and bailed from the house and high school one month shy of graduation. Worked hard, kept his nose clean as well as drug free, on a whim a year later I called him up to get an update on him, was working construction and still wanted to join, but still no GED which at the time was an ultimate go/no-go, even in '05 and the thick of the wars. Long story short I called the bosses, it was the end of the FY, we were barely short of making mission for the year, and they pushed up and signed off on his waiver (Commanding General level), he went on to make a fine Marine.

    Education achievement is hardly a good basis of intelligence, I had a guy with a BA from FGCU who cut an 11 on the ASVAB. I had well more than a few 90+ AFQT who had zero ability or aspirations to attend college, and typically they also wanted infantry or nothing. Whole picture person is something the services need to take into account, but in the DoD culture of go/no-go criteria for damn near everything, it's not going to happen.
    Those 90+ guys make awesome infantry officers as mustangs. My retired bird friend had some serious issues and almost did not graduate HS but was a hell of a Green Beret and then was a fabulous officer with a very diverse set of assignments. I worked for a USMC LT who had much the same background and was phenomenal. Kids just need a place to shine and leaders who bring them along.
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    When I was a new recruiter, my SNCOIC told me if I ever find a perfect applicant with zero issues, to bring him to his office and he would suck his dick. Three years and I never found a one, and the boss's heterosexuality was completely safe the whole time. The point being is everyone has issues, and 23% are good enough at shutting their mouth about it to not need a waiver.
    Mine was an arrest. Couldn’t shut my mouth about that. The officer who granted the waiver said, “Everyone has brain farts now and then.“. My service is one of the best things I have ever done. Makes me sick what’s been happening.
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    My service is one of the best things I have ever done. Makes me sick what’s been happening.

    Same here. But.

    My dad had three combat tours in Vietnam. He was at Ia Drang at both Xray and at Albany. And a lot of other battles.

    The Democrats let the North Vietnamese win and the fall of Saigon was a bad time for him.

    The Army after Vietnam was a mess. He was a senior NCO then and had the responsibility to clean it up. He and a lot of other good men, mostly young officers and the senior cadre and the new volunteer recruits. His faith in the average soldier never waivered and the Army was restored.

    We've been here before. We cant let despair cloud our judgement or souls.