Rifle Scopes Used USO SN3 3-17 or new Leupold Mk6 3-18?


Full Member
Oct 28, 2005
Jacksonville, NC
I have been having trouble with a decision between these two scopes. It seems with the Mil discount on the Leupold I can get either of these two scopes pretty close in price. I have wanted a USO since getting into long range shooting and had an IOR 3-18 on my first bolt gun and loved the mag range. I think both scopes have their advantages and disadvantages and would call them mechanically even, so the biggest difference is weight with the USO being about 10oz heavier than the Mk6, and glass quality. I like both the GAP reticle and the TMR so that's a wash. Anyone happen to have a look through both of these scopes side by side?
I think you could take the F1, the USO and MK6 and be happy with any of them.
Simply to base a scope on glass clarity alone is foolish.
The USO glass may not quite as bright as the MK6 but it is still decent.
The USO is built like a battleship, has great turrets, accurate and support that is second to none.
The think that I don't quite like on the MK6 (I have a 1-6) is the illumination.
Not mentioned but in the same price range is the NF F1 ~ also a worthy contender.
I have a F1 and a couple USO's too, happy with all of them.
had uso sn12 on ar15, it came with canted recital and with a jolt on the rifle the caps locked up and took a lot to turn, sent back. came back with nothing, paper work to say what was wrong. in the down time got a new elcan so sold the uso as soon as got back. the first and only uso i will own.habe a look at the mk6 3-18 thread, i posted some good pics of the NZ dmr scope. cheers
I think peoples opinions on glass clarity is subjective. I've looked through 2 scopes side by side with a buddy and his and my opinion on which was clearer/brighter differed. Given that experience I don't put much weight in others thoughts on that one piece of information about a scope;I'm the only one who can definitively say what works for me.

I've also found that when you start comparing top shelf items to one another,often times you are splitting hairs in finding the pros/cons for one or the other.

I am a USO user, have 2ea 3-17's on my guns. I like them over the Leupold scopes for many of the things Smshultz mentioned, it was the USO features that pushed me in that direction. As was pointed out, you can't go wrong with either IMO.

My vote is for the USO. :)
I ordered a new Leupold Mark 6 3-18 with illumination and it arrived last night at my local gun shop. Had ordered it from a well known and respected distributor, and when I took the scope out of the box, it did not have illumination. Leupold had put the wrong scope in the box, as the box displayed the proper SKU, but no illumination with the 7.62 CMR-W reticle, M5B2 turrets. Called the distributor today, was informed that not only had Leupold put the wrong scope in the box, but they as the distributor had priced the scope wrong, and if I wanted illumination, it would cost another $900+. As it turns out we also had a new USO 5-25 in the shop at the same time. I fully realize that you are asking about the 3-17 USO, but this was a great chance to compare the brands side by side. The Leupold had very nice glass, which is a big improvement over their mark 4 line, but I can not say that it was better than the USO glass. Clarity and resolution were excellent in both scopes. Feature for feature, I prefer the USO. The Leupold came with a capped windage knob which did not make sense to me on a tactical scope. The Leupold was very compact and very well ballanced, but the reticle design may not be the best for a first focal plane. After hearing the news from the distributor, I will be sending it back and ordering a USO 3-17. With illumination, the USO is a much better value. Just my opinion.
I had a MK6 in TMR reticle but have recently traded it with another Hide member for their MK6 in H58 Horus reticle. Since the scope is on my .22LR plinker it is has worked out very well. With a 100 yard zero it lets me use the reticle and shoot out to 330 yards (max at my range) without having to make elevation adjustments. Since it impacts 13 or 14 mils low at that distance, the grid pattern saves me alot of elevation turret spinning not to mention the windage.

Glass is very good, and the compact size surprisingly makes for a good fit. Probably too much scope for the rifle but I definitely recommend the Horus reticle for long range rimfire shooters. The high magnification also lets me see impacts in the dirt easier.
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Thanks for the input everyone. I am supprised to see the opinions on the USO glass, but perhaps that just means that Leupold has really stepped up their game on their newer scopes. I am sure it is a wash on glass quality. I just wish I could get one with the M5C2 turrets without paying through the nose, oh well.
USO is the way to go

Any scope can have issues(I've had issues on all the mfg's that I've own USO,Schmidt, Premier, and Leupold(would never own another).....The reason I won't ever own another Leupold. When I called them that I had a canted reticle, I was asked if it's within X degrees. It was.......so to them, it was within specs. So to me, it does not matter if I have a scope go down(I'll just mount another :) ) But as long as USO has Becky, Schmidt has Jerry, and Premier has Paul. I would not think twice of getting their scopes.

And for the record, my only issues have been shit(dust/small particles) on my glass from those three
I will admit I am a USO guy. That being said I can direct you to a couple guys that had a whole stable if leopolds and traded them all in on USOs because they couldnt keep their leopolds out if the shop. Also when the mark 6 came out I was at a sniper comp and a guy hod purchased one. He asked to do a side by side compairison with my SN-3 3-17 (front focus so one less piece of glass to look through) and stated he was going to sell his new MK6 and get my scope on order due to clarity.

The thing about scopes is there are alot like mens taste of women...... what gets it for some guys doesnt get it for others so this is a personal decision. Your best bet is get to a local match and get behind as many scopes as you can.

No if we could have all done that with our women it we would all be happier ;-)..

Good luck,
Well looks like my scope funds got tied up in one of our rental properties and I'm going to have to wait a few more months which sucks because the more I research the more other options looks appealing. I have been looking at the Steiner 4-16x50 tactical too since it can be has new for $1800 and used for $1600 or under which falls into my budget. I just wish it has the MSR reticle.
Question about USO warranty? When I bought my second USO I was under the impression they had a no questions warranty that was transferable. When I received second scope from another hide member I noticed a illumination setting was not working. I called USO and was informed by USO that I would have to pay them to fix.

I keep hearing how USO warranty is second to none. How is that second to none?

As far as glass, it is not the brightest, but has a good resolution and built like a tank.
Question about USO warranty? When I bought my second USO I was under the impression they had a no questions warranty that was transferable. When I received second scope from another hide member I noticed a illumination setting was not working. I called USO and was informed by USO that I would have to pay them to fix.

I keep hearing how USO warranty is second to none. How is that second to none?

I am certain that if you call them back and have them explain what their warranty does and does not cover, it will be come very clear to you. Do not confuse a warranty with an unconditional warranty. If you have a vehicle warranty and a rock chips/cracks your windshield does the vehicle warranty cover it, what about tread on your tires? Very likely it does not, there are conditions to the warranty, to any warranty. I'm sure USO will cover anything related to a mfgr error but normal wear and tear is typically not covered. So calling and asking why your issue doesn't fall under warranty should clear it up. It goes without saying, if you ask nicely and are polite in the matter, they may take care of you anyways as they really do have a good customer service attitude in my experience.
I understand P03 conditional warranty, but to say USO warranty is head and shoulders over the rest I do not understand.

OK, then compare what other mfgrs offer as their warranty to USO's. Be it for time (years) or owner, USO either meets or exceeds most of the top shelf scope mfgrs out there.And as I said, sometimes they cover repairs once they have the scope in hand and can assess the issue themselves. They are extremely easy to deal with, Becky is always friendly and responsive to e-mails and turn arounds are usually quick. I know some have stated they have experienced delays but I think thats common in every business at one point or another. Overall though, I find USO to stand behind their product better than most in my experience.