So I'm trying to make a stab at what my MV 'might' be since I don't have access to one. I have a friend with same rifle, same ammo, but different temps/altitude when he had a chrono day. Sooooo using ShootersCalc I can certainly change atmospherics, but the muzzle velocity has to be known as best as I can figure out how to do this. Is there any way to make an entry into a ballistics calc to show what a temp/alti change would do to a MV?
He is 900 ft above sea level 60 degrees and I'm sea level 95 degrees. Out of his 24" barrel he is getting 2700 on the if he teleported to where I shoot would there even be any dif in velo? That may make this whole exercise pointless if so! Thanks....Mr. Stupid
He is 900 ft above sea level 60 degrees and I'm sea level 95 degrees. Out of his 24" barrel he is getting 2700 on the if he teleported to where I shoot would there even be any dif in velo? That may make this whole exercise pointless if so! Thanks....Mr. Stupid