Using veteran statas to trash second amendment

i always find it funny people preface their arguments with their job......"im a veteran...", "im a cop...", "im a teacher..." if it makes their opinion worth more than anyone elses.

the constitution doesnt need "scholars" to understand.......its literally written in english.........if you can read english, you can understand what the constitution was written that way on purpose.

so you saying "im a XXXXX, heres my opinions on the constitution..." are literally saying that you think that your job somehow makes you more important that the other guy, and therefore your opinion is worth more.

it makes you come off as a stuck up cunt.
The only qualifier needed is US citizenship.

This cuts both ways btw.
every vet ive ever talked to who is actively "pro-2A" can make their points without needing to be a Vet......their reasons would all be equally valid if they were farmers, doctors, hair dressers........them being a vet is incidental.

on the flip side, all the "anti-2A" vets ive heard all have exactly the same argument......"im a vet, we used this in the military, this has no place in civilian hands".......they never make any further statements to support their point......they just make a blank statement, and because they are a vet, they feel like their word is gospel and everyone should just listen to it.
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Veterans are not sacred. Every vet takes an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That oath doesn’t expire when you leave the service. It doesn’t mean you have to carry a weapon on foreign soil fighting our enemies forever, but at least don’t return home and put the Constitution you swore to uphold through the paper shredder.

The Second Amendment is clear. It is part of the Constitution of the United States of America. It is not a partisan issue. It is not up for debate. American citizens are allowed (and were encouraged by the Founders) to have weapons of war. Those weapons were not for hunting deer. They were for hunting despots. One would hope a veteran who spent time in a place like Iraq would have learned invaluable lessons about tyrants and how they abuse powerless people.

Service to your country is not a lifetime excuse for failure and ignorance. It is a lifetime obligation to hold yourself to a higher standard.

No veteran, and I don't care how high-speed your unit was, didn't serve with at least one chit bird. Many of us know at least one straight up sociopathic criminal who was really good at hiding it. You would be stupid to let that guy mow your lawn.

I only met a couple of leftists. One officer in particular who was THE WORST leader it was ever my misfortune to have to serve with/under. Everyone hated him, and even his fellow zeros would MF him in private.

I only met a couple of leftists. One officer in particular who was THE WORST leader it was ever my misfortune to have to serve with/under. Everyone hated him, and even his fellow zeros would MF him in private.

How is Spenser Repone doing these days?
Couldn't tell you, but if I see my Spenser Repone on the street before he sees me I am going to blind side him with the most vicious forearm shiver to the nose you've ever seen, and I'll keep on walking. I have no need for him to know who did it or why. It's better if he just keeps reflecting on it without any answer for the rest of his life.
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