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USMC DMR McMillan Black M14 Stock 1 of 4


Full Member
Jun 9, 2007
Concord ca
I think most every M14 fan has seen USMC DMR Build Black Stock post by USMCSGT0331

“I think it’s one of the best-looking M14 setups ever. It really inspired me to look for a McMillan DMR stock of my very own. I knew this would be a long search; the hunt is a big part of the fun. I started the hunt for a green stock; there was no way I would be able to find a real black stock. One day, while doing the usual search of all the forums and auction sites, I suddenly saw a tan USMC DMR stock on GB. I didn’t think it was a legit USMC; I figured it’s a civilian version.

I contacted the seller, asked a few questions, put it on the watch list but didn’t bid on it. The stock didn’t reach the seller’s asking price, the auction ended, and the seller didn’t relist it. I contacted the seller again, and we started a conversation. It was a slow back and forth, maybe an email every few weeks. We talked about him relinquishing said stock, maybe some sort of trade, etc., and so on it went back and forth like that for about six months. We finally struck a deal.

I received the stock about a month ago and finally got around to contacting USMCSGT0331. At first, we both thought (mostly me) I had a civilian version.

Once I got some halfway decent pics to Ryan via text, he called me. He tells me, ‘Hold on a second, you really need to look, and look hard at the stock, look for these numbers in the bedding.’ I’m 52 now, and my once awesome 20/10 vision is long gone; well, my close-up vision is now crap. I could not see any numbers in the bedding. Ryan says, ‘Go get a flashlight and really, really look!’ I go, ‘Ok, ok, let me get my glasses on, and I will have a real look.’ Ryan: ‘lol’ I could hear his excitement and maybe slight frustration at me looking without my glasses. I looked and looked again. What do you know, the glasses actually worked! Wow, freaking bingo, we found the numbers. I sent a pic to Ryan for review… he confirmed it being a real USMC DMR Black McMillan stock. Woo-hoo, we were both flipping out a little bit, well, a lot. At that moment, I was in shock, and Ryan is saying, ‘This is only the fourth black stock we now know of, and she is still painted like she went on a desert tour.’ There was another painted black stock, though the paint was removed by the owner, which I was also thinking of doing to get that same look.

For the next 2.5 hours or so, we are freaking out about this find while my wife shoots me dirty looks. The signal was clear: ‘Why are you freaking out, and why have you been on the phone for two plus hours, especially on a Friday night? Why are you choosing to talk to someone over a dirty old stock on a Friday night?’ (Friday night is our date night, has been for 30 years) ‘over me, ha, love ya babe.’

Once I got off the phone and explained the value, she changed her mind, not that I’m ever selling.
So I thought I would post some pics up here. Again, sorry, I did my best, but these are not the best pics. Sorry, Ryan, I’m sure these are not up to your level. I took some next to my SEI Mesa double lug in McMillan stock for comparison, plus a couple of Ryan’s green stock, also painted desert tan.

The Build. The paint stays. I’m not going to copy Ryan’s build; she is a one-off with that early scope and USMC Barrel that builds been done and done well; he did all the hard work, figured all this out, which I’m grateful for. I’ve put the GG&G scope mount WTB ad out there. If anyone has one they want to part with, hit me up. I think a Brookfield scope mount maybe a Unertl scope, though more likely a Leupold MK4 3.5 x 10 scope. I have always preferred WRA parts, so bolt, op rod, trigger group will be WRA. The barrel will be medium weight. The receiver, I have never been a fan of M1A receivers; though Divines are cool. I think mainly it’s the marking M1A. I can’t own a real receiver where I live. Maybe my M14 GWLA or an LRB. I’m sure most won’t like this one, but I really like and have owned a few Polytech/Norinco heel-marked receivers. Those are super nice and very close to USGI spec. I like the Mesa forged marked SEI receivers best; if someone has one for sale, please let me know

cheers Gents



Green stock Build
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More pics, beding show where the disconnect was from the USGI receiver.


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This one.?

The DMR Tan stock isn't tan its black, its just painted. Im planning a build for it.
I think maybe you're asking about the other stock I have next to the tan DMR for reference. its also a McMillan, it holds my front & Rear lugged SEI mesa Crazy horse being double lugged its bedded and there are bolts through the stock to each lug. I have the rifle for sale right now. selling the stock separately wouldn't make sense I have had few people interested in that stock but i have declined to sell it separately. I don't want to dig out the DMR to accept the SEI receiver I think that would destroy the value of the historic DMR stock.
You could buy the rifle and sell off the crazy horse barreled action.🤷🏻‍♂️ i think i read McMillan was making a few more of these stock i think it was called a M3 stock not sure
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She is for sale on here ,
7. Smith Enterprise Inc rare a Smith forged marked M14 Double Lugged front and rear Mesa receiver, all SEI built crazy horse Build in with USGI or sei parts, M80HT M11LR barrel that Ron Serialized to the receiver, McMillan stock sei scope mount included built by SEI ( no scope) $6,500.00 obo now $5,959.00 plus shipping and insurance