Just in case anyone stumbles into this scope… or these or similar images being used to sell an MST-100 USMC scope…
It’s a scam. Folks in Vintage both looked at addresses, e-mails, etc. and sent some messages getting back BS responses.
Since lots of folks never venture over to vintage… so thought it might be useful to post here.
Beware these MST-100 USMC scopes. They are rare, spendy and are being faked. They are also awesome, cool and critical for a lot of clone builders. Real ones get into stratospheric prices. Fakers buy clone parts and fake… or steal photos and pretend to have one.
So be very careful when pursuing them and remember, SH has some amazing resources in dusty corners and attics. Probably more expertise here than anywhere. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of that knowledge. Lots of folks glad to help you not get scammed!!!