Like Bender said I think it says a lot about your character to extend the offer you just did. I am down to shoot next time I'm passing that way if your serious because unlike Bender, I only have one wife and one is more than enough and I need to shoot to keep sane and keep my skills frosty.
It was the perceived hate I was reacting to... every day the hatred is seething all around us both sides right an left and it makes me sad because we are heading down a path of no return. I see a lot of innocent people that will suffer when the hatred finally boils over. I refuse to let my disagreement of any other side desensitize me from feeling as a human, as a father, husband etc. Don't get me wrong, I am not a pacifist and I will fight to defend our rights when the time comes but I refuse to dehumanize the left and those that seek to destroy the conservative way of life because to do so would open myself to being able to commit atrocities. If that rubs people the wrong way, so be it you have to do what your conscience dictates you must do.
Its hard when that hatred is directed at people who I know for the most part are just trying to be charitable humble people. I get the stereotype and I get that Mormons are not popular, like anywhere, ever, even in Utah these days which is really boggling because the underwear is so comfortable and sexy. Most Mormons I know are just trying to be good people and become better as individuals but there are bad ones just like there bad apples from any group. Romney is absolutely unequivocally no exception along with former sen Dirty Harry Reid. Utah dramatically needs a tea party like candidate and I think most of the sane rational self thinking Mormons who I think are actually in the majority of Mormons contrary to popular belief, would vote for a candidate that is not afraid to get back to our Liberty Tree// Boston Tea party routes.
The problem in Utah is not different than other Republican states that elect Rhino's. The states caucus or ballet system more or less locks the candidate with the deepest pockets onto the ballet even if other candidates would be more popular and take a firm stand against the socialists craziness. Out of fear of voting anything left, most people vote straight R if the only options you have are voting a socialist in or a potential left vote in the washy libertarian candidates. I took the gamble an voted against Romney and most of the people I know did as well but a lot of people took the lessor of two evils in Romney. I dunno my sample size is small but that's my take.