Uvalde PD Officer Had Shooter in Rifle Sight Before Entering School, University Report Finds.


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Feb 25, 2017

The Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center (ALERRT) at Texas State University released a report revealing more information about the law enforcement response to the Robb Elementary School Shooting. The 24-page document, “Robb Elementary School Attack Response Assessment and Recommendations,” lays blame squarely on local law enforcement with little to no mention of other agencies responding to the scene.

A Uvalde PD officer reported that he was at the crash site and observed the suspect carrying a rifle prior to the suspect entering the west hall exterior door. The UPD officer was armed with a rifle and sighted in to shoot the attacker; however, he asked his supervisor for permission to shoot. The UPD officer did not hear a response and turned to get confirmation from his supervisor. When he turned back to address the suspect, the suspect had already entered the west hall exterior door at 11:33:00.

Can't make a move without a supervisors okay?
In the other thread on this, I did a quick scan of their report. It says “the officer was within 150 yards of where the suspect entered the school”

A VAST majority of police departments have NEVER shot that far. A lot of PD rifle qualifications are only out to 50 yards.

Agency I left had pool rifles and we were only required to shoot 20 rounds a year…..

Never forget that the vast majority of the police officers in this country are NOT gun guys.
In the other thread on this, I did a quick scan of their report. It says “the officer was within 150 yards of where the suspect entered the school”

A VAST majority of police departments have NEVER shot that far. A lot of PD rifle qualifications are only out to 50 yards.

Agency I left had pool rifles and we were only required to shoot 20 rounds a year…..

Never forget that the vast majority of the police officers in this country are NOT gun guys.
If he was too inept to kneel down & take a damn 150yd shot(then he shouldnt have a job that requires carrying a firearm), he shouldve sprinted for 100 and shot from 50. "What would a parent of a child who was at that school have done?" - Thats what the cop shouldve asked himself and done, not ask a supervisor for the ok.
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In the other thread on this, I did a quick scan of their report. It says “the officer was within 150 yards of where the suspect entered the school”

A VAST majority of police departments have NEVER shot that far. A lot of PD rifle qualifications are only out to 50 yards.

Agency I left had pool rifles and we were only required to shoot 20 rounds a year…..

Never forget that the vast majority of the police officers in this country are NOT gun guys.
I'd agree based on my observations a few times at a former gun range I belonged to and helped out as an a R.O. on days where LEO would come shoot. Sometimes state patrol, DEA, some local PD's. The Feds were the worst followed by local PD's. The staters were better but not with a long gun.
Most of them couldn't hit shit.
I can't say I blame the guy for not shooting and asking permission. Cops are under a microscope since the BLM riots. He probably thought he would be in prison for making the wrong decision.

Some guy wrecks his truck and runs towards a school with a rifle in his hand. Shoot.
I can't say I blame the guy for not shooting and asking permission. Cops are under a microscope since the BLM riots. He probably thought he would be in prison for making the wrong decision.

I rather rot in my own piss and shit in a New World Order-run prison comfortable in the fact that I saved hundreds of lives and neutralized a total dirtbag, than be a free man living the rest of my life thinking "I coulda... I shoulda..." Fuck no. I would not be able to live with that kind of burden. Not for a minute.
Using a decent AR and Aimpoint, Trijicon, Elcan, or EoTech optic- ALL LEOs should be capable of 150 yd shots on center mass. But we all know that most smart LE standards are shot down by 'woke' senior administrators who are more interested in marking boxes on the 'woke' checklist.
I can't say I blame the guy for not shooting and asking permission. Cops are under a microscope since the BLM riots. He probably thought he would be in prison for making the wrong decision.
So instead of possibly being in prison the wimp now gets to live every minute of every day for the rest of his miserable life knowing that since he didn't have a pair big enough to make his own decision there are 19 children and 2 adults dead.
Yeah, there would have been no guarantee that he would have stopped the shooter but by God he could have tried.

Even if the guy is inept with a rifle, he could’ve at least engaged the little creep.

And he had 30 round magazine with his service rifle, NOT a fucking matchlock musket with one round. If 10 rounds outta that mag cannot nail the POS, then he shouldn't be a cop. Shouldn't even be a deli worker because with that kind of shitty aim, he'd get the condiments everywhere else but on the sandwich...

Forget asking for permission... He should have took out the dirtbag and then told the 'supervisor', "hey, was that YOU who ordered the rest of the troop to stay outside and not engage? Well, watch your back and sleep with one eye open from now on, son of a bitch"...
People seem to forget that he took 2 shots at people working across the street from where he wrecked his truck. One of the two ran towards the wreck to see if he was okay, but then took shelter after he was shot at by this punk.

There was more than enough reason for the cop to take his shot.

A stark example of why one should be prepared and have a mind conditioned and honed to be an immediate responder, ANYWHERE. Had the dude this piece of shit first shot at had a CCW and was able to get a good drop on the mofo and put a .357 Mag round through his head, this entire thing would only be printed in local Texas papers later on as "Emotionally Disturbed Man Wrecks Truck, Shoots At Passerby With Rifle Before Being Killed By Armed Pedestrian: The motive for the man's actions are unknown but it is to be noted that he had intentionally wrecked his vehicle very close to a nearby school before emerging with his weapon and opening fire at passerby who had gathered trying to assist in the accident, whereupon he was immediately shot and killed by a local man with a hunting revolver. Nobody else had been killed or injured. The investigation is currently ongoing into the shooter's possible motives and intent"...

If only...
I rather rot in my own piss and shit in a New World Order-run prison comfortable in the fact that I saved hundreds of lives and neutralized a total dirtbag, than be a free man living the rest of my life thinking "I coulda... I shoulda..." Fuck no. I would not be able to live with that kind of burden. Not for a minute.
You have morals. The man you are comparing yourself to is a cop so he obviously doesn’t as he only knows the state. I’m sure he is unfazed.
People seem to forget that he took 2 shots at people working across the street from where he wrecked his truck.
yeah that's what i thought i heard/read. so it wasn't some student bringing in a bb gun for show and tell.

just can't imagine the weight of the world on his shoulders knowing he could have stopped all that carnage, or at least redirected/distracted the shooter while trying to take cover.

and if i had let that opportunity go by, i sure as hell would have beelined for the door once i heard the shooting continue to try and get him on my second chance. but i guess you never know until shots are coming your way.
To quote someone in the other thread “This country is reaping what it sowed “in regards to police. The country ostracized LE in the last few years.

Yes a cop with morals, training, and a warrior attitude coulda, woulda, engaged this pos.

You have a damn few of them left, they have been pushed out by political correctness and weak ass chiefs, mayors, etc that won’t back them up for anything.
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America wanted timid non violent "non toxically masculine" cops... they got it. All the whining about the cops being militarized, jack boots etc etc etc

Here we are, enjoy the fruits of your labor
You have me on ignore because I hurt your feelings so you won’t see this but there is a large and ever growing number of us who don’t want any of you. Men can and will police their own if it weren’t for the heavy hand of gov’t coming down on them. Criminals should fear the common man and would be far more reluctant to act out as they do now.
Even a miss may have altered his path to the door. Even if he sought cover, it may have been enough to further engage him, with at least a chance of him not entering the school. Guess we will never know.
Yep, having bullets flying past will give you pause. Only had it happen once and that was a wake up.
In the other thread on this, I did a quick scan of their report. It says “the officer was within 150 yards of where the suspect entered the school”

A VAST majority of police departments have NEVER shot that far. A lot of PD rifle qualifications are only out to 50 yards.

Agency I left had pool rifles and we were only required to shoot 20 rounds a year…..

Never forget that the vast majority of the police officers in this country are NOT gun guys.

That’s absolutely atrocious but inline with what I’ve seen. I had a cop borrow my cleaning rod to check if the barrel on his new rifle was clean and then watched him try to ram it up the ejection port of a lever action before I suggested he try putting it down the barrel instead. Spoiler alert he didn’t hit shit that day even off a rest.

A stark example of why one should be prepared and have a mind conditioned and honed to be an immediate responder, ANYWHERE. Had the dude this piece of shit first shot at had a CCW and was able to get a good drop on the mofo and put a .357 Mag round through his head, this entire thing would only be printed in local Texas papers later on as "Emotionally Disturbed Man Wrecks Truck, Shoots At Passerby With Rifle Before Being Killed By Armed Pedestrian: The motive for the man's actions are unknown but it is to be noted that he had intentionally wrecked his vehicle very close to a nearby school before emerging with his weapon and opening fire at passerby who had gathered trying to assist in the accident, whereupon he was immediately shot and killed by a local man with a hunting revolver. Nobody else had been killed or injured. The investigation is currently ongoing into the shooter's possible motives and intent"...

If only...

The worst part is that the first guy he shot at did have his CCW but didn’t have his gun on him and by the time he got it the shooter had already got inside the building. He helped bury some of the kids knowing that if he had had his gun on him he could have possibly prevented it. That has to be an absolutely awful feeling made even worse by the utter failure of every cop involved.

That’s absolutely atrocious but inline with what I’ve seen. I had a cop borrow my cleaning rod to check if the barrel on his new rifle was clean and then watched him try to ram it up the ejection port of a lever action before I suggested he try putting it down the barrel instead. Spoiler alert he didn’t hit shit that day even off a rest.

The worst part is that the first guy he shot at did have his CCW but didn’t have his gun on him and by the time he got it the shooter had already got inside the building. He helped bury some of the kids knowing that if he had had his gun on him he could have possibly prevented it. That has to be an absolutely awful feeling made even worse by the utter failure of every cop involved.

Holy mother of God I am openly tearing up reading that. This is pure brute force pain. I cannot imagine how he is feeling right now, ESPECIALLY after hearing about the fucking clown show of the UPD whose mere existence seems to be to MOCK the town that they swore to protect.
So instead of possibly being in prison the wimp now gets to live every minute of every day for the rest of his miserable life knowing that since he didn't have a pair big enough to make his own decision there are 19 children and 2 adults dead.
Yeah, there would have been no guarantee that he would have stopped the shooter but by God he could have tried.
My guess is he'll retire early with a big pension and not think about it much.......

Tell me more about how the state can fuck up a soup sandwich but I’m supposed to trust them with everything I hold dear? Go ahead, the internet is a big place. You have plenty of space here to explain it to me. You can even be condescending to me and act like I’m 5. It better be convincing though

Oh, and I’m gonna have a few questions too
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Who really knows if they have to take an oath these days ?
I honestly have no idea.
Anyone know for certain ?
I expect the worst from anyone that takes an oath to protect government because that’s exactly what it is. I’ve learned these people are first in line to fuck us over. First world governments are attacking the people that are rules by them. No oathtaker has done a damn thing to try and stop it. They are part of it.