Valmet smallbore handstop


Apr 10, 2020
I am looking for a Valmet smallbore handstop for sling use in prone competition. It appears to be a unique, to me anyway, type of attachment. I have never seen one and would appreciate any advice and especially a picture so that I know what I am looking to find. Thanks!!!
The Valmet M55 was produced from 1955 - 1959. The "accessory rail" of many smallbore rifles of that period are not usually like the accessory rail -- sometimes called the Anschutz rail -- seen on more modern position rifles. The older style accessory rail often doesn't accommodate contemporary products. An original prone hand stop will be very difficult to find.

A Valmet with the prone hand stop is shown below. Beneath it is a Valmet with the hand stop made for the standing position. The standing hand stop was made of wood and is not useful for prone shooting.

If your M55 has the original accessory rail (I don't have a picture of it), you could modify the stock and install a contemporary accessory rail. You will be able to use almost any prone hand stop currently available. The last photo below shows a modern "Anschutz-type" accessory rail.

Yes, mine is original. I was hoping someone might have a lead on where to find one. I compete with modern equipment but occasionally a vintage match pops up and that is really driving this quest.