Varget vs IMR 4064.....H4350 vs IMR 4350


Full Member
Apr 11, 2012
Jxn, MO
Some buddies and I were talking about certain powder issues recently. We discussed overall accuracy in 223 Rem & 308 Win. We all agreed we leaned towards Varget for temp sensitivity issues, BUT most of us agreed our overall accuracy was best with the trusted old powder, IMR 4064. And many days, IMR 4064 has given us phenomenal results. Eventually we lead into the H4350 vs IMR 4350 and we all agreed that the IMR gave better accuracy too.

I must say I'm finding myself drawn back to the old, low tech, powders that are frowned upon by benchrest shooters. Now don't get me wrong, I'm NOT picking on anyone. I would like to know if there are some BR shooters out there that ever use the old trustworthy IMR powders??? When I use my IMR recipes, I usually get good cold bore shots. I've never used any of the Vita powders because it's not worth the extra $ for me and I don't shoot competition. Just interested. Plz let me know.