To me it was a perfect hunt, doe in the field, had no idea I was there in the tree, the buck came out of the corn directly behind me, crossed where I’d walked in and nosed to my sent drag and followed it right to my climbing stick, hung out under my stand for what seemed like an hour but really about 5 minutes and then caught the sent again and went right to the sent rag , facing directly away from me with his head held high trying to lick the sent and I laced an arrow in directly behind the right shoulder blade it went through the front of one lung , cut the top of the heart and exited the jugular notch. He fell on impact and immediately got his feet under him and attempted to run but only made about 30 feet. Shot distance was 10 yards. Broad head was monotech G5 .
had tracking been necessary a blind pig could have followed it. Quick , humane, up close personal. We’ve already had 2 wonderful meals from him . The tribe will not go hungry and my hunter /killer skills are still sharp.
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