Took Sean my 13 year old to my buddy Rick's place
deer didn't come out until the sun had set and it was a good 30 minutes past sunset when he got his shot..
nice doe between 150 and 175 yards that was invisible to the naked eye.
textbook perfect shot, ran about 40 yards and piled up
As we were getting out of the stand I started to ask him where he thought he hit it, rephrase, "where did you hit it?" his response was about an inch behind where I wanted..
sure enough, that was the case, about 2" behind the shoulder
I was watching through my scope and saw the dust fly from the bullet impact, I thought he missed, but nope, the 80g Barnes TTSX went clean through and did massive internal damage.
Using my old Sako 243
He told me he didn't think he could have made the shot without that little glowing green dot of the Trijicon scope!
He was hell bent on getting a deer and kept hunting AND made the shot when a lot of grown men would have been headed back to camp!
He has taken several deer and hogs but seemed to develop a flinch last year and clean missed 2 deer..
Worked through that with him at the range and practicing dry firing..
Very proud of my boy!
I also wacked one at a little over 250 a few moments later with my 6.8
deer didn't come out until the sun had set and it was a good 30 minutes past sunset when he got his shot..
nice doe between 150 and 175 yards that was invisible to the naked eye.
textbook perfect shot, ran about 40 yards and piled up
As we were getting out of the stand I started to ask him where he thought he hit it, rephrase, "where did you hit it?" his response was about an inch behind where I wanted..
sure enough, that was the case, about 2" behind the shoulder
I was watching through my scope and saw the dust fly from the bullet impact, I thought he missed, but nope, the 80g Barnes TTSX went clean through and did massive internal damage.
Using my old Sako 243
He told me he didn't think he could have made the shot without that little glowing green dot of the Trijicon scope!
He was hell bent on getting a deer and kept hunting AND made the shot when a lot of grown men would have been headed back to camp!
He has taken several deer and hogs but seemed to develop a flinch last year and clean missed 2 deer..
Worked through that with him at the range and practicing dry firing..
Very proud of my boy!
I also wacked one at a little over 250 a few moments later with my 6.8