If you need help managing benefits, finances or get treatment for PTSD the VA wants to keep you from buying guns.
Notice in the articles and the video that the VA's deputy under secretary for oversight and policy doesn't want to seek a court order barring veterans from purchasing a firearm. In other words, he want his Department to be able to keep a veteran from purchasing a firearm without going through any sort of due process. Let that sink in.
Oh but wait, he's going to throw veterans a bone. You can always appeal the VA's decision putting you on the no-gun list. Anyone who knows what it's like to appeal a bureaucratic ruling or court ruling will tell you how easy that is.
Keep in mind that some of these article obviously have a leftist slant. I'm just putting them here for everyone's awareness.
Thank you for your service.
Notice in the articles and the video that the VA's deputy under secretary for oversight and policy doesn't want to seek a court order barring veterans from purchasing a firearm. In other words, he want his Department to be able to keep a veteran from purchasing a firearm without going through any sort of due process. Let that sink in.
Oh but wait, he's going to throw veterans a bone. You can always appeal the VA's decision putting you on the no-gun list. Anyone who knows what it's like to appeal a bureaucratic ruling or court ruling will tell you how easy that is.
Keep in mind that some of these article obviously have a leftist slant. I'm just putting them here for everyone's awareness.
Thank you for your service.
Bill to protect veterans’ gun rights prompts heated debate in House
Republicans say reforms are needed to restore faith in VA systems. Democrats say the changes could cost lives.

VA Spars with Republicans over Gun Rights for Veterans Deemed Mentally Incompetent
Republicans argue the legislation is a matter of ensuring veterans receive due process before their rights to own a gun are restricted.