Victor Titan spike opinion??

Is the spike the best alternative for Ruger 1022 receiver rear hold down??
I installed two into some NRL 22 comp rifles a couple of years ago. Saw no increase in accuracy and it was a PITA to remove the barrelled actions from the stock.
Not a fan of the stock and anchor. With the anchor set, I still had side-to-side movement of the action. Sold rifle still have stock/anchor sitting around until I remember to list it for sale. I got better performance with a Hogue stock.
I like the spike. The barrel/fore-end alignment will be a bit skewed depending on how much you torque down the spike. I think it helps accuracy as the Kidd ULW barrel shot nearly as well as my stock CZ 457 ProVarmint.
YMMV, happy shooting
Not a fan of the stock and anchor. With the anchor set, I still had side-to-side movement of the action. Sold rifle still have stock/anchor sitting around until I remember to list it for sale. I got better performance with a Hogue stock.
If you decide to get rid of your Titan parts let me know. Thanks,Tom