Vintage BSW 625 B is good for prairie dogs

Foul Mike

Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Apr 18, 2001
Eastern Colorado
I was given this rifle in cosmoline and learned everything I know of it here on the Hide.
All cleaned up, ready to go to church.
I have been shooting Rem subsonics in it and have done very well on the PDs out at the farm.
Who ever it was that told me to just go shoot it, I thank you. It is a fine collectors rifle to be sure, but I have really enjoyed shooting it. A really fine rifle and accurate as all hell. I have a son who will keep it going when I am riding the BIG Flat track with checkered flags.
It is a 22 LR training rifle built by a Jew named Simpson before the war. Looks as close to a Mauser 98 as can be.
Simpson saw the handwriting on the wall and got out of Germany IIRC and the factory went to the NAZI and was run by the SS or something along those lines. I would like to know all of the history
Long story short, today 7 shots fired, 6 PD KIA and one probable. Regards, FM