A few more pic from this weekend's QSC match.
We had a slight drizzle at the 600 yard berm on Saturday, but that happens.
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M40A1 replicas with Weaver T10 (10x) scopes was perhaps the most common rifle seen
at this match. The turrets and fine crosshair work well for this event. Here's one plus a nice M70.
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Shooting partner with his replica M40A1 w/ T10 (another one seen in the background)
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800 yard berm, Sunday.
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Replica M40A1 w/ 10x Unertl, a combination also seen a lot at this match.
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Most unusual rifle I saw was a Navy competitive shooter who had a SecNav "Trophy rifle." This is the first time I have seen an M86 up close. It's based on the old "McMillan Rifle Company" action...a long defunct company. They were SEAL sniper rifles back in the late 1980s/early 1990s.
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Anyhow, I think a good time was had by all. The next match is probably late September, 2023.