Virgin brass OAL


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  • Jun 26, 2020
    So I just got an order of Lapua and starline 223 rem brass

    After FL sizing a few starline, it still remained short, The starline brass it is all between 1.746-1.745 is this too short for 223 rem? All my manuals say trim to 1.750. I was going to try and do some accuracy shooting with these. And maybe I'm over thinking it but wouldn't the bullet be seated out further if the case was short? I want to make these as consistent as possible.

    Should I just trim them all to 1.745? Does case length matter when shooting for accuracy?

    thanks fellas
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    You are over thinking it yet not thinking about it enough.

    The spec is 1.760 max -.020 so your brass is perfectly fine in spec so 1.740-1.760 are fine. 1.750 is just the middle of the spec range.

    A bullets seating depth is seated and measured from the base of the case to where the bullet touches the seater stem. What the brass is in between doesnt matter. The seating die doesnt know where the end of the neck is because that doesnt matter as it is not a reference point for bullet seating.

    Chamfer the mouths if they are gnarly, dont worry about trimming anything shorter until after you have fired and sized the brass once.
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