Volkswagen Refused to Help IL Police Locate Kidnapped Boy Because Car GPS Subscription Was Expired


Full Member
Feb 25, 2017

Volkswagen refused to use its GPS tracking feature to assist Illinois police in tracking a stolen car with a kidnapped 2-year-old boy inside. The company wouldn’t track the stolen vehicle because the owner’s GPS subscription had expired, leading a representative to tell the police the subscription would have to be reactivated for the automaker to help. Luckily, the boy was found unharmed after he was dumped in a parking lot.

Ars Technica reports that Volkswagen’s Car-Net service, which enables car owners to track and manage their vehicles remotely, has come under fire after the company declined to assist in locating a stolen vehicle that contained a 2-year-old boy. The kidnapping incident happened in Illinois when a woman drove her 2021 Volkswagen Atlas back to her Libertyville home. A man in a mask got out of a white BMW and tried to steal her car as she went inside to get her other child. The woman fought to protect her 2-year-old son, but the attacker knocked her to the ground, stole her car, then drove off.

While the attackers fled, one of the drivers ran over the woman, causing “serious injuries to her extremities,” the Lake County Sheriff’s Department said. However, despite her injuries, the woman was still able to call 911 and sheriff’s deputies immediately responded.

Sheriff’s detectives called Volkswagen Car-Net to track the car while looking for the stolen car and the child in danger. In a statement posted on Facebook about the incident on February 23, the Lake County Sherrif’s department wrote: “While searching for the stolen vehicle and endangered child, sheriff’s detectives immediately called Volkswagen Car-Net, in an attempt to track the vehicle. Unfortunately, there was a delay, as Volkswagen Car-Net would not track the vehicle with the abducted child until they received payment to reactivate the tracking device in the stolen Volkswagen.”

It turns out the owner’s Car-Net service agreement had expired. A Car-Net representative demanded $150 to restart the service and find the SUV. According to Deputy Chief Christopher Covelli, the detective begged the representative, explaining the “extremely exigent circumstance.” However, the representative refused, citing company policy. “The detective had to work out getting a credit card number and then call the representative back to pay the $150 and at that time the representative provided the GPS location of the vehicle,” Covelli said. Covelli described the ordeal “16 minutes of hell” in one interview.

Volkswagen claimed there was a “serious breach” of its procedure for collaborating with law enforcement. The business claimed that the incident was a violation of the procedure it had in place because it uses a third-party vendor to provide the Car-Net service. Volkswagen stated that it was resolving the issue with the parties concerned.

“Volkswagen has a procedure in place with a third-party provider for Car-Net Support Services involving emergency requests from law enforcement. They have executed this process successfully in previous incidents. Unfortunately, in this instance, there was a serious breach of the process. We are addressing the situation with the parties involved,” the company said in a statement.

Luckily, the child was found safe after being dumped in a parking lot and rescued by a good Samaritan. The Volkswagen vehicle was also found abandoned, but there have been no arrests in the assault, kidnapping, and carjacking case so far.
  • Wow
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There is so much irony in this story.

Normally you know everyone is worried because all the big corporations are busy shoveling all the data about you to the government and you know you are upset about that.

In this case the company was like FU to the police, you don't get squat until we get our $150, pay up bitches.
I'm guessing some miserable schmuck is looking for a job. I'll also bet that if the kid's father could find him he'd be looking for an emergency room
  • Haha
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Who buys a Volkswagen anyway...similar to Apple when they refused to unlock the phone of the active LA shooter a few years ago, citing customer privacy rights/company policy. Tim Cook should've hung the next day but didn't because of political different for VW. SAD !
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Who buys a Volkswagen anyway...similar to Apple when they refused to unlock the phone of the active LA shooter a few years ago, citing customer privacy rights/company policy. Tim Cook should've hung the next day but didn't because of political different for VW. SAD !

Apparently, lots of people. Largest auto manufacturer in the world.

I guess all the anti-facsists driving around in Jettas don't know the history. Surprising, huh?
Who buys a Volkswagen anyway...similar to Apple when they refused to unlock the phone of the active LA shooter a few years ago, citing customer privacy rights/company policy. Tim Cook should've hung the next day but didn't because of political different for VW. SAD !
You need to think this thru a bit more.
Because that’s the same as rescuing an innocent kid who may be in serious danger.
Legally, it is exactly the same…

If you don’t believe me, the argument against the VW decision in both cases goes like this… “If we can save just one child’s life, any sacrifice is worth it…”
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Legally, it is exactly the same…

If you don’t believe me, the argument against the VW decision in both cases goes like this… “If we can save just one child’s life, any sacrifice is worth it…”
Coaxing an auto maker to participate in unconstitutional control of the 2nd is not the same as trying to save the life of a real kid caught up in a time sensitive real situation.

Two completely defend things.
Coaxing an auto maker to participate in unconstitutional control of the 2nd is not the same as trying to save the life of a real kid caught up in a time sensitive real situation.

Two completely defend things.
You're a low level thinker. No wonder we're so fucked.

A precedent set can be used to compel any private data for any reason a government might claim is expediency is necessary to save lives.

A Democrat government declares firearm possession is a public health emergency and compels big data and big finance to turn over all their data for mining to find anyone who could likely own guns. Next step confiscation.

Think that hasn't already been discussed? Think again.
BTW what everyone seems to be missing is that VWs contract with the monitoring company includes a clause to rat out customers if LE comes with an "emergency" request. The drone at the monitoring company who refused LE until they paid didn't follow policy.
You cant toss constitutional safeguards when it's convenient for you.

The precedent it sets will be used by your enemies against you.

I can't believe there are people that need to have this explained
Just like my libtard neighbor and even somebody I work with who's religious who were completely OKAY with tossing out 1A during COVID. I'm not even a big church goer and I was like..BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT. The libtard even said...'well there are times of crisis where COTUS has to be suspended." (yes, that likely was me you saw go into orbit). At a time of crisis COTUS is MOST important. Good grief!!!
All of you fools with you're "but, Muh rights" fail to comprehend the circumstances.
The vehicle owner was NOT refusing to cooperate, it was VW.
The vehicle owner WANTED the police to find her child, including using the information from VW.
The Police weren't violating anyone's rights.
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And it wasn't even VW who refused. It was the 3rd party provider that VW uses, and they were supposed to cooperate with LE in emergency situations.

Nobody is complaining about the detective who didn't reach in his own pocket for a credit card, and instead waited 16 minutes for a credit card number to be provided. That's just as bad, if not worse.
All of you fools with you're "but, Muh rights" fail to comprehend the circumstances.
The vehicle owner was NOT refusing to cooperate, it was VW.
The vehicle owner WANTED the police to find her child, including using the information from VW.
The Police weren't violating anyone's rights.
She should have kept the subscription paid up then. Freeloading bitch who is also irresponsible enough to leave a child unattended in her car.
Because that’s the same as rescuing an innocent kid who may be in serious danger.
Freedom is scary....

And then once they cross lines for an innocent easy would it be for the alphabet bois to be saying "think of all the innocent people we can save if we just had the location of this pistol brace owner".....

Ooop..ah..I see. Chicago. Tried to fool me dint ya.

Two bullies arguing over who has the right, while the victim has been heavily discouraged, even banned from defending herself.
The woman who was run over and had her kid and car stolen, only needed two things, the means to defend herself and the visceral fortitude to take out the trash.
She didn't need a GPS program to track her every move, nor did she need the agency most opposed to her defending herself.

Two of the mental states in this thread, are gonna be, nay have already been, the downfall of this idea that was a USA.
The third thinks the only story here at all, is a mother who couldn't properly defend herself.
Nobody is complaining about the detective who didn't reach in his own pocket for a credit card, and instead waited 16 minutes for a credit card number to be provided. That's just as bad, if not worse.
There is wisdom here.
This story is a distraction.

The only person who cared about the kid here, was the mother.

Two bullies demanding the other back down. Thats all that was happening here. The kid is unimportant, the kid is a tool to be used.
Nobody is complaining about the detective who didn't reach in his own pocket for a credit card, and instead waited 16 minutes for a credit card number to be provided. That's just as bad, if not worse.

And if the police officer had paid for it out of pocked guess what.
I would bet good money he would be shafted by:

1. the stupid GPS "service provider" who would probably be "no refunds" and possibly try to charge his card next year too without his authorization.
2. the woman who would be a raging Karen about "I'm not going to pay that."
3. the local Police department that would be like, "tough luck, that's against policy, it's on you."
Ooop..ah..I see. Chicago. Tried to fool me dint ya.

Two bullies arguing over who has the right, while the victim has been heavily discouraged, even banned from defending herself.
The woman who was run over and had her kid and car stolen, only needed two things, the means to defend herself and the visceral fortitude to take out the trash.
She didn't need a GPS program to track her every move, nor did she need the agency most opposed to her defending herself.

Two of the mental states in this thread, are gonna be, nay have already been, the downfall of this idea that was a USA.
The third thinks the only story here at all, is a mother who couldn't properly defend herself.

Yep, the real story is why is this happening in the first place.

As the good book says:
"Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

The Global Elites and their front men like Soros know this fully well, that s why they are working as hard as they can to make sure criminals feel free to destroy everything, in order to destroy society and soften everyone up for "the solution" which of course is to obey the glorious "Illuminated One".

Taking away people's ability to have the tools to defend themselves from evil is one of the most important steps of the spread of evil, which is why the Democrats are all in on doing it.

Stupid left wing B.S. types and all the woke stuff love to talk about how women have it so hard and are oppressed by the "evil patriarchy" or whatever the B.S. is the talking points of the day. But of course they don't want women to have the tools to be equal.
Woman want most of their fears and problems with being harassed and attacked to go away? Simple solution: have some teeth!

Kind of like one of my good friends who happens to have a darker skin tone (and who lived back in times where there was real serious violent racial oppression), when I helped him get all the correct licences and such and and get his first MSR as well as his first good fighting pistol. "Oppress this fuckers"...
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And if the police officer had paid for it out of pocked guess what.
I would bet good money he would be shafted by:

1. the stupid GPS "service provider" who would probably be "no refunds" and possibly try to charge his card next year too without his authorization.
2. the woman who would be a raging Karen about "I'm not going to pay that."
3. the local Police department that would be like, "tough luck, that's against policy, it's on you."

There have been times I’ve been broke and in bad shape. Never was there a time I wouldn’t have paid $150 to potentially save a two year old during a dynamic situation. I’ve given away a lot more money than that for a lot less of a reason.
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Y'all are missing the point. I do not want a car/truck/SUV or bicycle tracking my movements and reporting to anyone - big tech or big government. I really do not want to pay the big bucks for a new car now. Time to look for used "pre-Big Brother" vehicle.

Yeah, and I believe there is something coming up about all new vehicles have to have a remote kill switch, or something.

28 year old wagon, for the win.

Y'all are missing the point. I do not want a car/truck/SUV or bicycle tracking my movements and reporting to anyone - big tech or big government. I really do not want to pay the big bucks for a new car now. Time to look for used "pre-Big Brother" vehicle.

You are living in Big Brother's world, even if you drove some old vehicle, never had a cell phone, didn't use any credit cards, chances are if Big Brother is interested enough, they can have a pretty good idea of where you go or where you might be.

Also remember, people doing "odd things" stick out a whole lot more than those hiding in the dataflow.

There are multiple ways and ideas, but just remember surveillance in this country is way more encompassing than most suspect.
You are living in Big Brother's world, even if you drove some old vehicle, never had a cell phone, didn't use any credit cards, chances are if Big Brother is interested enough, they can have a pretty good idea of where you go or where you might be.

Also remember, people doing "odd things" stick out a whole lot more than those hiding in the dataflow.

There are multiple ways and ideas, but just remember surveillance in this country is way more encompassing than most suspect.
I live in rural GA - older truck fits in just fine. "Escape from Atlanta".
I live in rural GA - older truck fits in just fine. "Escape from Atlanta".

Got any train tracks within about 10 miles of you...

Also in rural areas, a pair of solar panel powered cameras hidden at an intersection, or on the side of the main rural road to the area, can easily be installed and can provide a steady stream of data back to the back end database of who all comes and goes by the intersection. All someone has to do is want to put it up and they can know a good deal about what goes on.
Got any train tracks within about 10 miles of you...

Also in rural areas, a pair of solar panel powered cameras hidden at an intersection, or on the side of the main rural road to the area, can easily be installed and can provide a steady stream of data back to the back end database of who all comes and goes by the intersection. All someone has to do is want to put it up and they can know a good deal about what goes on.
I could dye my hair pink and wear a dress to fit in too - yeah if Big Brother wants me they can get me. No use making it easy
And it wasn't even VW who refused. It was the 3rd party provider that VW uses, and they were supposed to cooperate with LE in emergency situations.

Nobody is complaining about the detective who didn't reach in his own pocket for a credit card, and instead waited 16 minutes for a credit card number to be provided. That's just as bad, if not worse.
I think it's mostly people who only read headlines that are commenting along those lines. If they'd have read the whole article, and had a little reading comprehension combined with it, they would have realized that....but no, can't be reading shit around here.

Who buys a Volkswagen anyway...similar to Apple when they refused to unlock the phone of the active LA shooter a few years ago, citing customer privacy rights/company policy. Tim Cook should've hung the next day but didn't because of political different for VW. SAD !
CNN much?
They didn't want Apple to open the phone. They wanted Apple to give them the code to get into every Apple phone. That's why Apple refused.
Ooop..ah..I see. Chicago. Tried to fool me dint ya.

Two bullies arguing over who has the right, while the victim has been heavily discouraged, even banned from defending herself.
The woman who was run over and had her kid and car stolen, only needed two things, the means to defend herself and the visceral fortitude to take out the trash.
She didn't need a GPS program to track her every move, nor did she need the agency most opposed to her defending herself.

Two of the mental states in this thread, are gonna be, nay have already been, the downfall of this idea that was a USA.
The third thinks the only story here at all, is a mother who couldn't properly defend herself.
Brings up the question of what happened to all of these women can do anything a man can do ?
I thought they were a bunch of black widow, wonder woman superheroes.
Haven't they told us over and over "we don't need no man " !
And yet when someone takes your kid , the very first person you run to for help is a MAN .

Evidently this mom found out that her kryptonite is being ran over with a car ......... who would have thought ?
There is so much irony in this story.

Normally you know everyone is worried because all the big corporations are busy shoveling all the data about you to the government and you know you are upset about that.

In this case the company was like FU to the police, you don't get squat until we get our $150, pay up bitches.
Depends on who is asking. If homo Soro is asking, no problem.

A cop asks? Take a flying leap of the bridge onto concrete.