I cant post in buy/sell yet due to dont have 100 posts buy if someone reads this please let the hide members know Dicks Sporting Goods has 25 percent off today and tomorrow.this includes Vortex Razor 4.5-27 optics which brings price to $1875
I think you are ok on account of you’re not actually selling anything. Just advising others on what I just checked is great information even though I despise that place.
yes, lets all remember the knee jerk reactions shitting on our community. support the hide vendors, they are great to work with and support this community.
Thats not entirely true. One time, a buddy of mine and I were in that store. He found what he claimed to be a great deal on a jacket. When he paid for it, it was discounted even more from the sale price. He said very loud and proud with lots of confidence, "Man, I love dicks!!!"
I will not buy from Dicks. I think it is only a matter of time before they go out of business now. They simply pissed off too many of their customer base. I think I get a 20% your order coupon from them once a week. Once a store has to resort to sales like that their days are numbered. Sears is in the same boat. I get similar emails from them almost daily.
I have a friend who has an account with a firearms distributor website. Dicks will price match online prices, so he goes to Dicks, logs in to the distributor site so that it shows dealer prices, shows them the page on his phone, and they price match it, I guess not realizing it's a distributor site. He has done this several times and has gotten some pretty damn good deals. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know he's getting over on such a shitty company.