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Vortex Ridgeview Shooting Platform


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Planning a trip out west, among some of the necessities is the use of a spotting scope and tripod platform. Trying to find a tripod that is stury enough to shoot off of but light enough to not hesitate for it to be in your back pack.

With those guidelines I’ve been able to put my hands on the Ridgeview and compared it to the Radian. Obviously hunting I don’t plan on taking a 1000 yd standing shot so I don’t need the Radian nor do I want that kind of weight Taking a 5-600 yard is very possible. I felt like the Ridgeview was very sturdy and can get that done is a sitting position, but would like any experience from those who have shot off the tripod.
FWIW I have been using the summit for your intended uses and have no regrets. Packs in a nice tight little package and can glass and shoot off of it fine. Im not locking down a rifle on it it with a hog saddle on the forend and walking away, but shooting off it kneeling or sitting when my bipod is too short it has been great and my wife even whacked a small doe pronghorn off of it at 440 last fall. I have a little 2 oz homemade V that I mount on it and away I go. If you dont need the height of the Ridgeview over the summit its not a bad way to go.
Thanks for the reply. I tested the summit two seemed a little wobbble. I felt like the Ridgeview was a lot more sturdy. Looking at the price set me back. After a lot of research seemed like plenty of out west hunters were going with suriu, or silk in the smaller models shockingly. I would beleive light weight is the name of the game as well as 4 section legs. With that I went with the suriu 284 ts. Comes in right at 3lb 5oz. I’ve been able to use my spotting scope with it and seems to fit the bill. Ordering some arca swiss plates here shortly to start attaching to my various rifles to do some long range testing.

While I I think the Ridgeview would have been great and probably a little more sturdy than the suriu mostly likely due to 3 leg sections. I think being compact will help back packing. I will try to update in the coming months.