Vortex Strike Eagle 3-18x44 FFP Riflescope with EBR-7C MRAD Reticle, 34mm Tube.
New in box with all accessories including sunshade, throw lever, Rev Stop zero ring, turret tool, bikini lens covers, lens cleaning cloth, and manuals.
Sells for $750.00. Yours for $500.00 shipped. Sale to the lower 48 U.S. only. Payment with PayPal F&F, Venmo, or Zelle.

New in box with all accessories including sunshade, throw lever, Rev Stop zero ring, turret tool, bikini lens covers, lens cleaning cloth, and manuals.
Sells for $750.00. Yours for $500.00 shipped. Sale to the lower 48 U.S. only. Payment with PayPal F&F, Venmo, or Zelle.

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