Using the coax to size brass. Does it work?


Barksa #1 Fanboy & Professional Paper Puncher
Full Member
  • Feb 14, 2017
    Hey guys, quick (and probably dumb) question about sizing on a coax press. I was wondering if the die bottoms out on the jaws before bumping the shoulder back on some cartridges. I was reloading some 260 the other night and I noticed my bolt close was pretty hard on some rounds. I also noticed this on my 280 recently and I wondered if that was a result of not knocking the shoulder back far enough or something else (brass is trimmed to length). My hornady case gauge is MIA or I would measure it.
    I never had any issues with the standard jaws on mine. I retro’d It to use shell holders a long time ago though. I like to use Redding comp shell holders for adjusting bump, much simpler and more consistent. (The shell holder pictured is not a Redding comp)

    As mentioned, get the proper tools to measure headspace dimensions of your brass.

    Why not buy an insert for you calipers and measure your fired cases so you know how far to size your brass back and where your die needs to be set? Rather than guess if its sized back enough or if your sizing too much and wearing your brass out you can resize it the exact same every time and know you're doing it correctly.
    I never had any issues with the standard jaws on mine. I retro’d It to use shell holders a long time ago though. I like to use Redding comp shell holders for adjusting bump, much simpler and more consistent. (The shell holder pictured is not a Redding comp)

    As mentioned, get the proper tools to measure headspace dimensions of your brass.

    View attachment 7119227
    Where did you get the plates to
    Hold the shell holder? I love my Redding Comp shell holders and that is the ONLY thing I’m not excited about with my new coax.
    I use a CoAx with a Redding Tyoe-S FL die. One pull of the arm for de-prime, FL size, neck size, and shoulder bump.

    I prepped a bunch of match brass yesterday with a shoulder bump of about .001” and do check measurements every 10-20 rounds. Things always seem to hold consistently over hundreds of strokes.
    I got a new Wilson case gauge and Hornady headspace kit off Amazon so I should be all set. I'm starting to think the tension was related to the brass being too long and not the shoulder. I thought I was trimming them short enough but I just measured yesterday and most were at or .005" over case length (not trim to length). I got my cutter dialed back in so hopefully this will fix that issue.
    Hey brother @Iamero I can help you out

    I recently went through this with my 6 dasher. I'm using forester dies with my coax. After a couple firings my bolt lift was hard enough it was affecting my match game. I called forester (whos customer service is outstanding) and I sent my dies off too them. They checked out my headspace and neck tension and sent them back to me.

    Still the issue persisted.

    On my measurements, with the dies touching firm on the shell plate, it was only bumping in extreme cases .002 in most none.. I thought maybe I was having bounce back (hence why I had them check the neck hone) so I switched to using a mandrel only and removed the expander ball. Didnt fix shit

    On my final phone call with them I was simultaneously running brass with them on the phone. SOLUTION: dont be afraid to give the dies almost a full half turn. Cam it down to the top, once you screw your die down and have contact with your shell plate go another 1/4 to 1/2 turn. I was scared at first to do this but forester assured me zero harm would come to anything. Did it, bumped the shoulder. 015 lol ended up that about a full 1/4 turn gave me my sweet spot .003 bump.

    Forester was awesome to deal with and sent me some new lube they're fielding to try out. Works outstanding.

    Good to know. I was using that spring tension that you get on the coax as my baseline to stop. It was full contact at that point, or so I thought. But now that you mention that I remember having a similar issue with a crimp die back in the day and they basically told me to just “push harder” lol
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    Ya man, the guys that make the press assured me nothing would happen and if it did, send it back and I'd get a brand new one lol
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