VTR twist question


Nov 8, 2023
I'm considering purchasing a VTR SS in 308.
I've been researching pricing and I noticed that most of the rifles I see online for sale have a 1 in 12 twist barrel. The one I'm looking to buy has a 1 in 10.
I'm having problems finding any comparable pricing for the 1:10 option. Does the twist impact the price? Asking price is $700. Condition looks excellent to me.

Any help would be appreciated.
Buy a conventional shaped barrel. never heard good things about these. You want a 1/10 if you are shooting heavier projectiles. quality not twist sets price. I’d recommend a 5r or pss
I bought a VTR not long after Remington released them. It was very finicky with ammo but shot fairly well once I found a load it liked. Unless your getting a smoking hot deal, I'd pass on it.
I purchased a VTR. 1-12 twist. Shot one hole groups until you fired the second shot (this is not a joke, mine never would shoot worth a darn). Had a bolt that operated less smooth than two pieces of 40 grit sandpaper sliding together. Next, my mistake, I had always single loaded it. Tried loading from the magazine. No joy. It would not pick up a round from its magazine. It was recommended to me that if I upgraded to an HS Precision Stock, it should start shooting. Not gonna spend $400+ dollars on an HS stock for a rifle that can’t do anything right in hopes that it will magically come around. As much as I hate to sell a lemon, I did. Used the money to buy this


Just a little more than half the price of the VTR, shoots one inch groups first shot from a cold barrel, all shots at point of aim; does everything else a hunting rifle is supposed to do…And I never looked back.

My advice, If you love to deal with unsolvable problems, enjoy the VTR, otherwise, Run, do not walk away from a VTR.