Took out the MagnetoSpeed, since I own one

, to see what kind of speeds and SD/ES I'm getting w/ Center X. I shot four series. One 8 round, three 10 round, and one 70 round. The first two shots on series one were not registered due to sensitivity set too low. I ended up having to set it to 11, and why it's better than a Lab Radar which only goes to 10, and it didn't miss a shot since.
18" barrel. 72* F, 25.0in HG, 26% Humidity
Series 1. 8 shots.
Min 1073, Max 1108
Avg. 1090, SD 12.1 ES 35
Series 2. 10 shots.
Min 1067, Max 1106
Avg. 1081, SD 11.8, ES 39
Series 3. 10 shots.
Min 1069, Max 1115
Avg. 1087, SD 13.9, ES 46
Series 4. 70 shots.
Min 1073, Max 1115
Avg. 1090, SD 8.9, ES 42
Bullets and turrets agree w/ speeds registered. 1.8 MIL at 100 yards w/ 25 yard zero.
Running on the ragged edge of supersonic. Little disappointed in ES. Easily 1.5" vertical dispersion possible at 100 yards due to spread.
Are the ES consistent with other's are getting w/ Center X?