Went in yesterday to try a brick due to your post. Kenny was finishing up your invoice as I was shooting the shit and paying for my brick.I was heading back from Cheyenne last week and I stopped by Mile High to see some friends.
I remembered that Frank has posted this thread https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/mhsa-has-a-deal-on-lapua-biathlon-22.7135081/ and I asked Kenny about the ammo. I grabbed a brick to play with with the caveat that the brick has to come from a lot with 3-4 cases avail.
I like Biathlon ammo because for the most part it isnt greasy.
Saturday I spent some time at the indoor range getting a solid zero, checking ES/SD and doing some tuning. The SD was about 7 and it was a pretty painless tune.
Sunday I took it outdoors after our USPSA match. This was 10 shots at 150 meters. I bought 3 cases of it. It was also impressive out to 400 yards.
Gonna try it out at Sam's match out at CRC tomorrow.