Vudoo Gun Works V-22 Rimfire Bolt Action

So I was able to officially join the club recently!!
MTU 16.5” with Thunder beast TD.22
ZCO 4X20 .
RAPTAR S/ES , for that unknown distance fun !


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Interesting perspective....what business do you own?

trained and showed horses and cattle for years. Never would take something of my own and compete to beat a customers. I understand what ur doing as far as wanting to get ur product out and showing what it can do, and in that sense making sure someone with the capabilities to present it to it's fullest, but i still have a problem with "competing" against ur customers and when u show up with a team of top shooters competing against some guys who just shelled out a couple grand for ur barreled action, there's going to be some hard feelings, don't care how much they smile and say congratulations. Just my 2cents worth. Still probably purchase one next week. I have a couple granddaughters who want to shoot competitive, and i learned a long time ago, get the best that will give u ur best chance to compete at whatever u do. I do like what i've read about ur vudoo rifle and ur company and look forward to seeing it's capabilities
trained and showed horses and cattle for years. Never would take something of my own and compete to beat a customers. I understand what ur doing as far as wanting to get ur product out and showing what it can do, and in that sense making sure someone with the capabilities to present it to it's fullest, but i still have a problem with "competing" against ur customers and when u show up with a team of top shooters competing against some guys who just shelled out a couple grand for ur barreled action, there's going to be some hard feelings, don't care how much they smile and say congratulations. Just my 2cents worth. Still probably purchase one next week. I have a couple granddaughters who want to shoot competitive, and i learned a long time ago, get the best that will give u ur best chance to compete at whatever u do. I do like what i've read about ur vudoo rifle and ur company and look forward to seeing it's capabilities
Well in the real world of competition you hire the best Drivers, Best shooters, Best riders to showcase your cars, guns, horses! Remember this "
What wins on Sunday sells on Monday

It has always been this way!
Ok No Offense jinx but my kids show Show animals also. The top breeders pick the best showman to show their lifestock for free against kids who they have sold to for money. At my county level there are most of us that pay $500-1k from the better swine producers in the area. We know that a few of the kids will show up with $5k-10k show pigs each. They didn't pay that and we know it. It is a dealer showing everyone that knows livestock that he has top quality animals, Has his name on the livestock and are, like stated above, ambassador's for said breeder. It is this way in cattle, hogs, sheep etc. So no different from what Vudoo does or Manners or GAP, or Kalfe. If you want to be sponsored and have what it takes to be an ambassador don't be butthurt that ALL companies sponsor great people to represent their gear! It is Mike's company and he obviously knows what works for him!
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i've shot with several of the team vudoo guys at matches in the mid atlantic. they are some of the best ambassadors vudoo could ask for and probably are just as responsible as the product for ever present increase in sales. if it just wasn't out of my price range right now, i would be one of those sales.

yes the rifle sells itself based on performance but with these guys and gals out there, it is an extension of the customer service that everyone raves about. they take time to answer questions when they should be prepping for stages, let just about everyone at the match finger their rifle system and are extremely professional about it.
jinx, I guess you've never shot any national level USPSA or 3-Gun matches - there are quite a number of sponsored shooters in these matches, every year. I shot USPSA/IPSC for 8yrs, and earned slots to the Nationals a couple of times, as well as going to the FPIT & Steel Challenge matches in Florida, the Ernie Hill Desert Classic in Arizona, and quite a few state championships here & there. I never once thought about any of those sponsored shooters as having an unfair advantage over me or anyone else who was shooting. Instead, I looked at their presence as a chance to watch & learn, as well as entertainment. When it comes right down to it, you're the 1st & only person I've ever heard voice such a point of view. I don't know how many matches Team Vudoo shooters attend around the country, but doubt it's all that many - not like they dominate 22RF matches nation-wide.

Whatever - putting a few good rifles in the hands of some very talented shooters is more than just good advertising, it's a great way to test the limits of your product, so you can refine & improve it.
trained and showed horses and cattle for years. Never would take something of my own and compete to beat a customers. I understand what ur doing as far as wanting to get ur product out and showing what it can do, and in that sense making sure someone with the capabilities to present it to it's fullest, but i still have a problem with "competing" against ur customers and when u show up with a team of top shooters competing against some guys who just shelled out a couple grand for ur barreled action, there's going to be some hard feelings, don't care how much they smile and say congratulations. Just my 2cents worth. Still probably purchase one next week. I have a couple granddaughters who want to shoot competitive, and i learned a long time ago, get the best that will give u ur best chance to compete at whatever u do. I do like what i've read about ur vudoo rifle and ur company and look forward to seeing it's capabilities

What you’re saying makes perfect sense. My Wife trains hunter/jumpers, teaches riders and has two horses of her own (one of which is retired). Although she doesn’t show anymore, there was a time she competed in the same shows as her students, but always different classes. Not necessarily to avoid competing with her students, but to be available as their trainer while she wasn’t riding.

Team Vudoo is more about a culture and the team members are fully aware of why the team was assembled. They’re all really competitive, but they were also chosen for other qualities that allows them to extend our culture beyond our facility. I can never guarantee that some won’t be upset, but I can guarantee they’ll be well taken care of as part of what we started and for the reasons we started it.

You’ll be welcomed into this culture as well whenever you’re ready. There won’t be a time that you reach out that I or someone else from Vudoo won’t respond within minutes, even on the weekends....

Thanks for adding to this thread and feel free to reach out anytime.

jinx, I guess you've never shot any national level USPSA or 3-Gun matches - there are quite a number of sponsored shooters in these matches, every year. I shot USPSA/IPSC for 8yrs, and earned slots to the Nationals a couple of times, as well as going to the FPIT & Steel Challenge matches in Florida, the Ernie Hill Desert Classic in Arizona, and quite a few state championships here & there. I never once thought about any of those sponsored shooters as having an unfair advantage over me or anyone else who was shooting. Instead, I looked at their presence as a chance to watch & learn, as well as entertainment. When it comes right down to it, you're the 1st & only person I've ever heard voice such a point of view. I don't know how many matches Team Vudoo shooters attend around the country, but doubt it's all that many - not like they dominate 22RF matches nation-wide.

Whatever - putting a few good rifles in the hands of some very talented shooters is more than just good advertising, it's a great way to test the limits of your product, so you can refine & improve it.
Ok No Offense jinx but my kids show Show animals also. The top breeders pick the best showman to show their lifestock for free against kids who they have sold to for money. At my county level there are most of us that pay $500-1k from the better swine producers in the area. We know that a few of the kids will show up with $5k-10k show pigs each. They didn't pay that and we know it. It is a dealer showing everyone that knows livestock that he has top quality animals, Has his name on the livestock and are, like stated above, ambassador's for said breeder. It is this way in cattle, hogs, sheep etc. So no different from what Vudoo does or Manners or GAP, or Kalfe. If you want to be sponsored and have what it takes to be an ambassador don't be butthurt that ALL companies sponsor great people to represent their gear! It is Mike's company and he obviously knows what works for him!
no butthurt at all, and i know all about the showing, i've been doing it for over 40 years. What i commented to mike was simply a statement. The only butthurt on here seems to be the responses from everyone "but Mike" and i do appreciate his response.
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If I read right, the Kukri is similar to a Remington varmint contour, will it fit that inlet or is it slightly different to where the barrel inlet will need modified?
Brady it's very close. I doubt there would be any trouble putting it in that inlet but even if there was it wouldn't take more than a minute or so with some sandpaper on a dowel to take it out.
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I was one of those highly sponsored shooters for many years (USPSA, Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge). It is a partnership with the sponsoring company. You are there not only to compete and do very well, but to get the name of the company in front of perspective customers, and most importantly, be a great ambassador for the brand.

Being approachable and willing to take the time at tournaments, ranges, gatherings, etc., to describe the product and let others handle, look at, shoot, etc., then discuss why you use it, the advantages it gives you, the company culture etc.

No one (until I read this post) looks at it as some type of unfair advantage. The folks that are sponsored shooters (and there are a lot of different levels), spend huge amounts of time and resources to get where they are, and to stay competitive. Its not easy being at the top of anything.

Try approaching one of these shooters. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. This is one of the very best ways for companies to get their products into the hands of good, approachable competitors.
trained and showed horses and cattle for years. Never would take something of my own and compete to beat a customers. I understand what ur doing as far as wanting to get ur product out and showing what it can do, and in that sense making sure someone with the capabilities to present it to it's fullest, but i still have a problem with "competing" against ur customers and when u show up with a team of top shooters competing against some guys who just shelled out a couple grand for ur barreled action, there's going to be some hard feelings, don't care how much they smile and say congratulations. Just my 2cents worth. Still probably purchase one next week. I have a couple granddaughters who want to shoot competitive, and i learned a long time ago, get the best that will give u ur best chance to compete at whatever u do. I do like what i've read about ur vudoo rifle and ur company and look forward to seeing it's capabilities
If i was good enough yo compete against those top shooters, i would welcome the chance to learn something from them.
I was one of those highly sponsored shooters for many years (USPSA, Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge). It is a partnership with the sponsoring company. You are there not only to compete and do very well, but to get the name of the company in front of perspective customers, and most importantly, be a great ambassador for the brand.

Being approachable and willing to take the time at tournaments, ranges, gatherings, etc., to describe the product and let others handle, look at, shoot, etc., then discuss why you use it, the advantages it gives you, the company culture etc.

No one (until I read this post) looks at it as some type of unfair advantage. The folks that are sponsored shooters (and there are a lot of different levels), spend huge amounts of time and resources to get where they are, and to stay competitive. Its not easy being at the top of anything.

Try approaching one of these shooters. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. This is one of the very best ways for companies to get their products into the hands of good, approachable competitors.

All of what you’re saying here is dead on and describes the Vudoo approach very well. Our main focus is to create as big a presence to the community as possible to promote continued growth in NRL22 and Rimfire PRS. But to be fair to Jinx, he’s making a valid point that may not be as visible as what we largely see in the shooting world, but it does exist elsewhere, which is where Jinx is drawing his experience, so let’s give him a little room here....

I mentioned Jinx’s perspective to my Wife and she agreed that his perspective is accurate. Even though we may not see it so much (or maybe at all) in the shooting world doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be reminded of how well we’ve policed ourselves and certainly illustrates the value in treating others with respect and consideration.

Merry Christmas to all and thank you for an awesome 2019,

Merry Christmas to all and thank you for an awesome 2019,

The fact that I'm sitting in my easy chair with hot coffee on Christmas morning indirectly chatting with the guy who designed - and continues to innovate - one of the best two firearms I've owned in nearly 60 years of shooting - THAT, to me, says more about Vudoo and the people who comprise it than sponsorships!

Merry Christmas, Mike!

- g
Merry Christmas to all at Vudoo and all Vudoo owners.

There can only be one top shooter, well excluding ties. So everybody else, by definition, is an inferior shooter. My only competitor is myself, or more exactly my average score to date. If I beat it I consider that I have won the "match". Also I try to shoot my best at the range so as not to embarrass my Vudoo too much although I know it will be always more accurate than I can shoot it. But as my Father said, "Always play golf with people better than you."

I thought my only Vudoo purchases in 2020 would be mags. Now have to include the GenII fire control system in the firearms budget.

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Just got the V22 in and it’s quite the Christmas present! That’s a 10 shot group at 50 yards off a bipod and bag, and a better shooter (or a rest) could have squeezed even more out of it.

It’s shocking how much better this shoots than my modded CZ452, which was previously the most accurate .22 rifle I’d ever shot.


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Now have to include the GenII fire control system in the firearms budget.

Based on what @RAVAGE88 's described (if I understand correctly), why would you feel a need to "upgrade" those parts? It doesn't seem like there's an advantage to be gained from a shooting standpoint?

I only pointed it out on this thread, because it seemed to be new, and I was curious what changed. Based on what Mike described, from a shooter's standpoint, it sounds like it's only cosmetic?
Based on what @RAVAGE88 's described (if I understand correctly), why would you feel a need to "upgrade" those parts? It doesn't seem like there's an advantage to be gained from a shooting standpoint?

I only pointed it out on this thread, because it seemed to be new, and I was curious what changed. Based on what Mike described, from a shooter's standpoint, it sounds like it's only cosmetic?

Here are the advantages of the upgrade I read from Mike.

The advantages of Gen 2 over Gen 1 is less drag and more highly consistent ignition.
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Vudoo is a company who is always innovating and looking to do things better. That is what happened with the new Gen II fire control. They looked to make it better and did. Does that mean the original Gen I won't work? Of course not as the many out there prove that. Mine is serial number 10 and shoots awesome. But Vudoo being Vudoo they made a system that is a little better and started using them on newer rifles. If someone wants to upgrade then go for it. I don't feel the need myself.
Just got the V22 in and it’s quite the Christmas present! That’s a 10 shot group at 50 yards off a bipod and bag, and a better shooter (or a rest) could have squeezed even more out of it.

It’s shocking how much better this shoots than my modded CZ452, which was previously the most accurate .22 rifle I’d ever shot.
Is that an A3 McMillan stock on your Vudoo?Im thinking on an A3 for my Vudoo.
Based on what @RAVAGE88 's described (if I understand correctly), why would you feel a need to "upgrade" those parts? It doesn't seem like there's an advantage to be gained from a shooting standpoint?

I only pointed it out on this thread, because it seemed to be new, and I was curious what changed. Based on what Mike described, from a shooter's standpoint, it sounds like it's only cosmetic?

If the Gen II -Gen I difference were only cosmic, I would not change. However, the change may or may not be cosmetic but as Tree stated it is certainly functional.

All of what you’re saying here is dead on and describes the Vudoo approach very well. Our main focus is to create as big a presence to the community as possible to promote continued growth in NRL22 and Rimfire PRS. But to be fair to Jinx, he’s making a valid point that may not be as visible as what we largely see in the shooting world, but it does exist elsewhere, which is where Jinx is drawing his experience, so let’s give him a little room here....

I mentioned Jinx’s perspective to my Wife and she agreed that his perspective is accurate. Even though we may not see it so much (or maybe at all) in the shooting world doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be reminded of how well we’ve policed ourselves and certainly illustrates the value in treating others with respect and consideration.

Merry Christmas to all and thank you for an awesome 2019,


Merry Christmas to you and your crew. In regards to Jinx's perspective. I think many competitors had a thread of that feeling at one time or another whether they admit it or not. Shooting with people better than myself over the last 10 months has made me a better shooter. Just observing and asking questions. I keep an open mind and am always looking to improve. If anyone at NRL22 is seeing this, perhaps making classifications in each class such as 'Pro' (for the elite or sponsored shooters), semi pro, amateur, etc. Then if a shooter plateaus at the top of one class they can move to the next , etc. Again I am new to competitive shooting so my perspective may not be new but may be a way to give shooters (especially new shooters) a way to feel as if they are personally improving within their class without getting repeatedly and oppressively spanked
Merry Christmas to you and your crew. In regards to Jinx's perspective. I think many competitors had a thread of that feeling at one time or another whether they admit it or not. Shooting with people better than myself over the last 10 months has made me a better shooter. Just observing and asking questions. I keep an open mind and am always looking to improve. If anyone at NRL22 is seeing this, perhaps making classifications in each class such as 'Pro' (for the elite or sponsored shooters), semi pro, amateur, etc. Then if a shooter plateaus at the top of one class they can move to the next , etc. Again I am new to competitive shooting so my perspective may not be new but may be a way to give shooters (especially new shooters) a way to feel as if they are personally improving within their class without getting repeatedly and oppressively spanked

Thanks 10Ring, very much appreciated.

Just got the V22 in and it’s quite the Christmas present! That’s a 10 shot group at 50 yards off a bipod and bag, and a better shooter (or a rest) could have squeezed even more out of it.

It’s shocking how much better this shoots than my modded CZ452, which was previously the most accurate .22 rifle I’d ever shot.
My vudoo rifle outshot my CZ and my Anschutz and my Winchester 52 and both of my ruger's it quickly became my favorite rifle I don't like to sell guns. But I'm wondering if I will shoot my other guns much anymore maybe I'll let my grandkids shoot them!
You’re correct, no issue with the Gen 1 fire control, its worked great from the start.

I presume that while the Vudoo worked great with the Gen 1 fire control it will work even better with the Gen 2 fire control. If it does not then there would be no need for a Gen 2 fire control, or am I missing something?
I presume that while the Vudoo worked great with the Gen 1 fire control it will work even better with the Gen 2 fire control. If it does not then there would be no need for a Gen 2 fire control, or am I missing something?

You’ll see some improvements, but not the full benefit of why I developed the Gen 2. Typically, where certain components/sub-assemblies are concerned, I design them to be backward compatible, which is the case for the Gen 2 fire control.

Having said this, you get the full benefit of the Gen 2 fire control in the assembly I designed it for.

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You’ll see some improvements, but not the full benefit of why I developed the Gen 2. Typically, where certain components/sub-assemblies are concerned, I design them to be backward compatible, which is the case for the Gen 2 fire control.

Having said this, you get the full benefit of the Gen 2 fire control in the assembly I designed it for.

Sounds like you can see the difference on paper but not on a paper target. Feel free to say shut up cuzz!
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I was one of those highly sponsored shooters for many years (USPSA, Bianchi Cup, Steel Challenge). It is a partnership with the sponsoring company. You are there not only to compete and do very well, but to get the name of the company in front of perspective customers, and most importantly, be a great ambassador for the brand.

Being approachable and willing to take the time at tournaments, ranges, gatherings, etc., to describe the product and let others handle, look at, shoot, etc., then discuss why you use it, the advantages it gives you, the company culture etc.

No one (until I read this post) looks at it as some type of unfair advantage. The folks that are sponsored shooters (and there are a lot of different levels), spend huge amounts of time and resources to get where they are, and to stay competitive. Its not easy being at the top of anything.

Try approaching one of these shooters. Introduce yourself. Ask questions. This is one of the very best ways for companies to get their products into the hands of good, approachable competitors.
My wife and I were at the Vegas NRL22 National in May, just to observe. After wondering around we started following a group with a young lady, Allison Zane, who was at the time, leading the whole match! In her group was a Vudoo sponsor, Tony Gimmellie. He was everything you describe above. He talked to us off and on for a couple hours and couldn’t have made us feel more welcome. After we left we felt like we had known him for years. He is an excellent example of a great sponsor!
.17HM2 / Mach2

Can you please share your likes, dislikes, experiences, observations, opinions, etc. regarding the V-22 .17HM2? I really want another V-22 and am looking for reasons to push me over the edge! I’ll mostly use it 100 to 200 yard target with occasional varmint control.

Thanks for your input!
Long time lurker, first time posting.

Picked up my new Vudoo today from my favorite gun store. They actually have a few in stock and some barreled actions but everyone in the shop stopped what they were doing to fondle this one. In short, this rifle is ridiculous. I could not find a single flaw on it, absolute perfection. I've owned quite a few high end guns, and this one is as good as as even ones that have cost me 2x this when it comes to the physical craftsmanship.

But, I'm a "pretty don't shoot" kind of guy, every gun I've owned is a shooter, I use them, no safe queens for me or it simply isn't worth having. No matter how good it looks, if it doesn't perform, it's gone as quick as I can move it. So I tried to contain my excitement until I saw what it would do.

Made it home in time enough to do a very quick scope mount with a Mueller 8-32 target dot (my Athlon isn't here yet) and get a few rounds in before my horses became contrary and would not get out of the pasture where my bench rest is.

First, the weapon: V22, 22" Kukri, Timney Calvin Elite straight trigger, Cadex Strike Nuke Evo stock, my cheap but very effective UTG bipod, some spare Leupold qd rings I had and the Mueller.



I ran a wet patch of Bore Tech through, then a few dry patches as I always do with a new gun, just in case there's something in there from final assembly, shipping, etc. Of course, they came out perfect.

Bore sighted and shot one sighter at 25, only to realize my hasty mounting somehow misaligned the scope and I had no more horizontal adjustment but took it as far as I could. Moved to 50 and then realized the 30 moa rail maxed out the elevation of the scope and couldn't zero at 50. Certainly not the gun's fault and I'm sure will be rectified with better glass/mounts.

First 10 rounds were Fiocchi Subsonic HP's, mainly because they are cheap, my favorite hunting round so I have a lot of them, and surprisingly accurate out of my CZ452. These were just to git it on paper and see what the first 10 looked like. You can see the last four clustered as it started to settle down.


Then I switched to SK Pistol Match Special, again not too expensive for break-in initial testing and shoots very good in my 452, low .4's agg avg. I shot a few singles around the target for hole measurement. Then this is the first 5 (sorry the paper fray on the left side of the group tucked in when I laid it flat on the counter and didn't notice until upload):


This is the second 5:


Then the horses moved in and I had to end far too quickly from what I wanted to do. I'll definitely move them to another pasture tomorrow and spend some more moving up the ammo scale and definitely will spend some dedicated time when I get my chosen glass on.

That said, I'm simply ecstatic. The rifle performed beyond my expectations, which were high, for running 25 rounds through it brand spanking new. I'm reallllly looking forward to seeing what it's going to do when set up properly, some upper shelf ammo, and has 500 or so down the tube.

Mike, it was everything you said it would be and more. I'm so happy I chose to take this plunge instead of going the other routes I was initially wanting to take simply due to cost. At this price, I truly feel it's a bargain and my only regret is I didn't get one sooner. Thank you sir, for the posts, the PM's, for the client service you and your team have had this entire process. I say client as that's what we use in my company. A customer just buys stuff. A client develops a relationship, they will repeat their experience multiple times, and they will gladly testify on your behalf.

More groups to come eventually. Feel free to ask any specific questions or if you want different or close up pics of anything. Whatever reason you have for waiting, unless it's funding, you are wasting time when you could be shooting one of the finest weapons on the market.
Long time lurker, first time posting.

Picked up my new Vudoo today from my favorite gun store. They actually have a few in stock and some barreled actions but everyone in the shop stopped what they were doing to fondle this one. In short, this rifle is ridiculous. I could not find a single flaw on it, absolute perfection. I've owned quite a few high end guns, and this one is as good as as even ones that have cost me 2x this when it comes to the physical craftsmanship.

But, I'm a "pretty don't shoot" kind of guy, every gun I've owned is a shooter, I use them, no safe queens for me or it simply isn't worth having. No matter how good it looks, if it doesn't perform, it's gone as quick as I can move it. So I tried to contain my excitement until I saw what it would do.

Made it home in time enough to do a very quick scope mount with a Mueller 8-32 target dot (my Athlon isn't here yet) and get a few rounds in before my horses became contrary and would not get out of the pasture where my bench rest is.

First, the weapon: V22, 22" Kukri, Timney Calvin Elite straight trigger, Cadex Strike Nuke Evo stock, my cheap but very effective UTG bipod, some spare Leupold qd rings I had and the Mueller.



I ran a wet patch of Bore Tech through, then a few dry patches as I always do with a new gun, just in case there's something in there from final assembly, shipping, etc. Of course, they came out perfect.

Bore sighted and shot one sighter at 25, only to realize my hasty mounting somehow misaligned the scope and I had no more horizontal adjustment but took it as far as I could. Moved to 50 and then realized the 30 moa rail maxed out the elevation of the scope and couldn't zero at 50. Certainly not the gun's fault and I'm sure will be rectified with better glass/mounts.

First 10 rounds were Fiocchi Subsonic HP's, mainly because they are cheap, my favorite hunting round so I have a lot of them, and surprisingly accurate out of my CZ452. These were just to git it on paper and see what the first 10 looked like. You can see the last four clustered as it started to settle down.


Then I switched to SK Pistol Match Special, again not too expensive for break-in initial testing and shoots very good in my 452, low .4's agg avg. I shot a few singles around the target for hole measurement. Then this is the first 5 (sorry the paper fray on the left side of the group tucked in when I laid it flat on the counter and didn't notice until upload):


This is the second 5:


Then the horses moved in and I had to end far too quickly from what I wanted to do. I'll definitely move them to another pasture tomorrow and spend some more moving up the ammo scale and definitely will spend some dedicated time when I get my chosen glass on.

That said, I'm simply ecstatic. The rifle performed beyond my expectations, which were high, for running 25 rounds through it brand spanking new. I'm reallllly looking forward to seeing what it's going to do when set up properly, some upper shelf ammo, and has 500 or so down the tube.

Mike, it was everything you said it would be and more. I'm so happy I chose to take this plunge instead of going the other routes I was initially wanting to take simply due to cost. At this price, I truly feel it's a bargain and my only regret is I didn't get one sooner. Thank you sir, for the posts, the PM's, for the client service you and your team have had this entire process. I say client as that's what we use in my company. A customer just buys stuff. A client develops a relationship, they will repeat their experience multiple times, and they will gladly testify on your behalf.

More groups to come eventually. Feel free to ask any specific questions or if you want different or close up pics of anything. Whatever reason you have for waiting, unless it's funding, you are wasting time when you could be shooting one of the finest weapons on the market.

Awesome shooting JC, it’s been great getting to know you and as always, reach out anytime if you need anything. Happy New Year to you and yours....

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Just to pile on....

1. The V-22 is simply amazing .... and the climate/culture of Vudoo is just as important as the rifle as to what sets them apart.
2. The entire Team Vudoo/Mike's support to the shooting community is include being here on the Hide AND the prize table at many matches.
3. Mike Suttle drove 3-4 hours in the cold rain and stood around at a match for another 8 hours just to represent Team Vudoo at a recent center fire finale match.
4. It was a good perspective to discuss the "Factory Teams" beating all us punters. Regardless of your opinion on it, what I saw from Mike Suttle is exactly what Mike spoke of; basically for Team Vudoo to shoot their best with the best equipment. But, at the same time, put just as much effort into helping the people on your squad/at the match with gear, technique, mental process, etc. Mike Suttle was not shooting that day, but I know he was a guy I woudl like to be on the same squad with...some others team shooters, not so much.