Vudoo Gun Works V-22 Rimfire Bolt Action

I debated whether to post here or start another thread since there are so many posts in this thread. That being said, I'd be glad to move it if wanted. Warning, long post...

I wanted to take a sec and provide a quick review of Vudoo Customer Service of my two Vudoo V-22's

Vudoo Number 1
Not too long ago, I got the itch to own a second Vudoo and ended up trading into one here on the Hide. The rifle only had 20 rounds through it according to the previous owner and it's condition indicated that was likely true. Upon receiving the rifle, I could not get it to fire 9 out of 10 times. There was just the occasional bullet that would work.

I called up Vudoo and spoke with Paul who asked me a few questions with complete patience. Absolutely no mocking tone or indication of frustration on his end for what I am sure he would have been justified thinking was a user error. I indicated that I tried Lapua, SK, and Eley ammo as a test. He asked me to try and new firing pin spring and had it shipped out that day. After immediately putting the spring on the firing pin and trying again, I got the same result. Little or no firing. He then offered to send me out a new firing pin assembly just in case there was something awry with the one in the bolt. I got that super quick as well and it ended up not being the fix either. At this point, he had me ship the gun to him, but instead of asking me to send it to him, he had UPS come to my house with a pre-paid label and pick it up... Amazing!

After he had a chance to take a look at the rifle, it turns out that there was an internal issue with the trigger (Timney) caused by a warped side plate. He then said, "I have several triggers, you want me to send you another one or just replace the side plate with one I have on hand...?" I told him that the trigger was not something that I felt he needed to support to which he said, "I am already replacing the plate while we're on the phone so that you'll know it's done."

Received it back and it worked perfectly.

Vudoo Number 2
This was my original Vudoo. I bought it just a few months after they became available. I've loved shooting it and have spent a lot of time testing ammo, running KYL's, NRL22 matches, etc. The only issue I had was that I could never get it to group as well as I thought it should given the results others were getting here. I tried over 20 different types of ammo, including several Sku's from Lapua, SK, Eley, Federal, etc. The best I could get was an average of around an inch at 100 yards which is still not bad compared to any other result from any other .22 rifle I have owned.

When having the other Vudoo worked on, Paul mentioned the Lapua testing center and that I should send it there. If it didn't keep less than 1 MOA, significanlty less, he offered to rebarrel the rifle for free! I sent the rifle off and sure enough, after testing 12 lots of Center X, the best groups they got from the rifle were just over an inch.

Paul didn't ask for the result evidence, he just listened and told me to send the barreled action to him. Same as before, he sent UPS to my home (an hour away from any UPS service) with a pre-paid label and had it picked up. 4 weeks later (today), I received the completed re-barrel and can't wait to get out and play again!

I previously spent 11 years working at the corporate office of Remington Arms Company and have also been exposed to a lot firearms related companies. I have seen everything from good to terrible customer service in the industry. I have NEVER seen service like this from any other manufacturer. Just can't say enough about how pleasant, quick, and awesome these guys are. It's wonderful to own a part of such a special company.

Hats off and many best wishes to you guys and your future!


Vudoo 1 - 18" Kukri barrled action in a Manners T4A (gen 2 mini chassis). Athlon Ares ETR mounted in a Spuhr QDP 4002. Modular Evolution bipod. Triggertech Diamond Pro.
Vudoo 2 - 16" Kukri barrled action in a Manners TF4A (KMW bottom metal). Minox ZP5 mounted in a Spuhr QDP 4002. MDT Ckye Pod bipod. Triggertech Diamond Pro.

That's amazing.

I was set on trying to get my Tikka to be the one. Even considering a high dollar re-barrel. Couldn't decide on the re-barrel or investing that money into a Voodoo. After many posts, many from @RAVAGE88, and speaking w/ Josh at Mile High and their experience with Voodoo, I've decided to just order a Voodoo when all the dust settles from SHOT. Your post just completely satisfied me that these guys are for real. They want to be the best. In both manufacturing a top tier rifle and the customer service that should come with such an honor. Kudos to Voodoo. And while the entry fee is steep, it's well worth it. Especially seeing used Voodoos sell quickly and for very good resale. All this will do is serve to keep Voodoos valuable regardless if new or used. You'll buy with confidence knowing if you're not satisfied with the "system" then they will fix it.

Thanks for sharing. Didn't wanna/wasn't gonna read a long post but glad I did.
That's amazing.

I was set on trying to get my Tikka to be the one. Even considering a high dollar re-barrel. Couldn't decide on the re-barrel or investing that money into a Voodoo. After many posts, many from @RAVAGE88, and speaking w/ Josh at Mile High and their experience with Voodoo, I've decided to just order a Voodoo when all the dust settles from SHOT. Your post just completely satisfied me that these guys are for real. They want to be the best. In both manufacturing a rifle and the customer service that should come with such an honor. Kudos to Voodoo and while the entry fee is steep, it's well worth it. Especially seeing used Voodoos sell quickly and for very good resale. All this will do is serve to keep Voodoos valuable regardless if new or used. You'll buy with confidence knowing if you're not satisfied with the "system" then they will fix it.

Thanks for sharing. Didn't wanna/wasn't gonna read a long post but glad I did.

I am just impatiently waiting day after day for a V22 :). I plan on ordering in ~April, and doing my best to satisfy my needs by expensive rebarrel job on my Tikka. I'm constantly impressed by the customer feedback and VGW's engagement with its customers.
I am just impatiently waiting day after day for a V22 :). I plan on ordering in ~April, and doing my best to satisfy my needs by expensive rebarrel job on my Tikka. I'm constantly impressed by the customer feedback and VGW's engagement with its customers.

I think the issue is, trying to make a very good rifle, the Tikka, perform like the very best rifle, the Voodoo. The Tikka is awesome. The Voodoo is INSANE. I can make a Corvette perform close to a Ferrari. But it's just not a Ferrari. At least I'm gonna find out. :geek:
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That's amazing.

I was set on trying to get my Tikka to be the one. Even considering a high dollar re-barrel. Couldn't decide on the re-barrel or investing that money into a Voodoo. After many posts, many from @RAVAGE88, and speaking w/ Josh at Mile High and their experience with Voodoo, I've decided to just order a Voodoo when all the dust settles from SHOT. Your post just completely satisfied me that these guys are for real. They want to be the best. In both manufacturing a top tier rifle and the customer service that should come with such an honor. Kudos to Voodoo. And while the entry fee is steep, it's well worth it. Especially seeing used Voodoos sell quickly and for very good resale. All this will do is serve to keep Voodoos valuable regardless if new or used. You'll buy with confidence knowing if you're not satisfied with the "system" then they will fix it.

Thanks for sharing. Didn't wanna/wasn't gonna read a long post but glad I did.
you will be glad you made that decision. I have the T1X in a Bravo stock, CZ's with work done and none of them shoot like either of my Vudoo's do. They are the best .22 made in my opinion
That's amazing.

I was set on trying to get my Tikka to be the one. Even considering a high dollar re-barrel. Couldn't decide on the re-barrel or investing that money into a Voodoo. After many posts, many from @RAVAGE88, and speaking w/ Josh at Mile High and their experience with Voodoo, I've decided to just order a Voodoo when all the dust settles from SHOT. Your post just completely satisfied me that these guys are for real. They want to be the best. In both manufacturing a top tier rifle and the customer service that should come with such an honor. Kudos to Voodoo. And while the entry fee is steep, it's well worth it. Especially seeing used Voodoos sell quickly and for very good resale. All this will do is serve to keep Voodoos valuable regardless if new or used. You'll buy with confidence knowing if you're not satisfied with the "system" then they will fix it.

Thanks for sharing. Didn't wanna/wasn't gonna read a long post but glad I did.
You’ll be very happy you ordered a VGW rifle. They are amazing rifles and the customer service is second to none! Every time I shoot mine it amazes me how well it functions and shoots. Out of 2 safes full of guns it’s my favorite to shoot by a long shot.
I am just impatiently waiting day after day for a V22 :). I plan on ordering in ~April, and doing my best to satisfy my needs by expensive rebarrel job on my Tikka. I'm constantly impressed by the customer feedback and VGW's engagement with its customers.
Well worth the wait! You will be more than satisfied.
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I had one issue with my Vudoo, and it wasn't even an issue with the Vudoo, it was the stock that I put the Vudoo barreled action in. I was having many feeding issues and I finally emailed Vudoo about it. After a few questions from Vudoo, I was told to give Manners a call and ask for a longer magazine release lever. I called up Manners, who promptly sent me a longer release lever and ever since I haven't had any more issues. Point of my story is, Vudoo took the time to really study my problem and helped me figure it out, even though I didn't buy a "full" rifle from them. So a big thanks to Vudoo (and Manners) for keeping a customer very happy!

This rifle is quickly becoming my families favorite! Both my wife and daughter have commented on how easy and fun it is to hit any target that they take aim at. Both of them haven't ever really enjoyed going shooting with me much, until now. Even other .22's that I have haven't gained this much enthusiasm from them. The only downside I see, is I'll probably be saving my pennies for more future Vudoo's! :ROFLMAO:
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I am a Vudoo owner and let me say not only is the rifle a work of art, bit the people are amazing. I can pick up the phone and talk to anybody that answers there and the customer service, the friendliness etc is 2nd to none. It truly makes me proud to own one. World class equipment, world class people.

Yes sir, my and many other’s thoughts also.
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I have a question for you guys? Well I guess it would be more for MB. The new V22S benchrest, will it work for both 50 yd. benchrest and 600 yd. shooting? Or should I buy a different one for each discipline? I ‘m more interested in shooting from 100 yds. to 300 yds..
Thanks for any help.
I have a question for you guys? Well I guess it would be more for MB. The new V22S benchrest, will it work for both 50 yd. benchrest and 600 yd. shooting? Or should I buy a different one for each discipline? I ‘m more interested in shooting from 100 yds. to 300 yds..
Thanks for any help.
I would think that new BR action would be awesome for the doing ELR stuff.
This thing is so much fun. The V-22M in 22 Magnum.

Vudoo Gen 2 V-22M Action
Vudoo V-2210M Billet Aluminum Magazine (10 round)
18" Bartlein
Manners Compact Stock
Vudoo DBM
Vudoo/Flavio RAVAGE Trigger (adj from .3 to 1.5 lbs)

Will post targets tomorrow, been a long day.





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Another "contribution" to the Hot Stove Shooting League

At the Lapua Test Center they say either "the rifle likes the ammunition" or "the rifle does not like the ammunition." But there are two factors in play, the interaction of the ammunition with the rest of the weapon system and the ammunition itself. What if the ten or so shots were with ammunition whose properties were not consistent. So the lack of accuracy was more due directly to the ammunition rather than the interaction of the ammunition with the rest of the weapon system?

Why doesn't the Test Center use a Labradar to measure the muzzle velocity of every shot? That would go some ways to answering the question posed above. Perhaps it could be argued that muzzle velocity is at best a rough measure of every factor of the ammunition that could cause dispersion but it is better than nothing.

So you buy a case of ammunition based on a very small sample of the lot. Perhaps a case of ammunition "the rifle didn't like" the rifle would like best with a sample of 5000 rounds?

Conclusion, as justin amateur has stated repeatedly, is you pay and pray with ammunition, unless your support system is standing offhand.

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I'm starting to think Vudoo has quietly implemented a "Mike-bot" to interact with all us doting fanboys here on SH. That or he never sleeps (well, already know he needs to do that more sometimes....)....

That's hilarious. Anyone that knows what a Time Division Multiplexer does can understand how I break down my day....but the "Mike-bot" is a great idea.

This thing is so much fun. The V-22M in 22 Magnum.

Vudoo Gen 2 V-22M Action
Vudoo V-2210M Billet Aluminum Magazine (10 round)
18" Bartlein
Manners Compact Stock
Vudoo DBM
Vudoo/Flavio RAVAGE Trigger (adj from .3 to 1.5 lbs)

Will post targets tomorrow, been a long day.






Will there be a choice of trigger blade geometries for Vudoo/Flavio RAVAGE Triggers? Appears to be a flat blade in WS you were shooting.

And perhaps trigger hangers?

It seems the rest of the shooting world has begun to realize all the ergonomic features in target or biathlon rifles enhance accuracy in all types of weapon systems.

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So the lack of accuracy was more due directly to the ammunition rather than the interaction of the ammunition with the rest of the weapon system?

Why doesn't the Test Center use a Labradar to measure the muzzle velocity of every shot? That would go some ways to answering the question posed above. Perhaps it could be argued that muzzle velocity is at best a rough measure of every factor of the ammunition that could cause dispersion but it is better than nothing.

My simpleton take based on reading others onsite test experiences and talking with the test center is.....
They test varying styles, the styles that show potential are then tested further using multiple lots to determine the best option based on current inventory/production runs.

Since you can't alter rimfire loads like centerfire, you simply have to accept the best of what has been produced.

Will there be a choice of trigger blade geometries for Vudoo/Flavio RAVAGE Triggers? Appears to be a flat blade in WS you were shooting.

And perhaps trigger hangers?

It seems the rest of the shooting world has begun to realize all the ergonomic features in target or biathlon rifles enhance accuracy in all types of weapon systems.


Initially, for the RAVAGE Trigger, we're only doing the Flat Shoe but it's adjustable for "LOP." The BR/F-Class Trigger is a Curved Shoe and not adjustable for LOP.

I designed a trigger hanger a while back but I don't really like it yet. This is an area I'm still turning over in my head to see where I want to take it based on the benefits of a hanger. Part of thinking about this led me to putting an Anschutz 5018 in a V-22 and I'm working with Chad at @LongRifles Inc. as he puts a Grunig in the V-22. This approach is a major amount of work but what I think will fall out of it is a clear direction to a number of considerable benefits that outweigh just doing a hanger to use the same triggers we'd be using without the hanger. Wow, I hope that makes sense....

Typically, hangers are used with the Rem700 style triggers to have some level of adjustability for trigger timing (when the hand-off of cocking piece to sear occurs). I've set the V-22's up to hand-off a tad early to handle what is a broad variation in triggers. The Vudoo/Flavio triggers accommodate this early hand-off very well....

Anyway, you're dead on. Many are now incorporating adjustability often found in the higher tier target/comp platforms.

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For those going to SHOT, you can find us and/or our rifles here:

Mile High Shooting Accessories--#7502 (this is where the Vudoo peeps will be hangin out most of the time)
Timney Tiggers--#1411
Manners Booth--#20005
JP Rifles booth--#8511 (I'll be hangin with my buds here quite a bit as well)

Initially, for the RAVAGE Trigger, we're only doing the Flat Shoe but it's adjustable for "LOP." The BR/F-Class Trigger is a Curved Shoe and not adjustable for LOP.

I designed a trigger hanger a while back but I don't really like it yet. This is an area I'm still turning over in my head to see where I want to take it based on the benefits of a hanger. Part of thinking about this led me to putting an Anschutz 5018 in a V-22 and I'm working with Chad at @LongRifles Inc. as he puts a Grunig in the V-22. This approach is a major amount of work but what I think will fall out of it is a clear direction to a number of considerable benefits that outweigh just doing a hanger to use the same triggers we'd be using without the hanger. Wow, I hope that makes sense....

Typically, hangers are used with the Rem700 style triggers to have some level of adjustability for trigger timing (when the hand-off of cocking piece to sear occurs). I've set the V-22's up to hand-off a tad early to handle what is a broad variation in triggers. The Vudoo/Flavio triggers accommodate this early hand-off very well....

Anyway, you're dead on. Many are now incorporating adjustability often found in the higher tier target/comp platforms.


There's one condition on this Mike. I want video next time you smash a probe. :)
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My simpleton take based on reading others onsite test experiences and talking with the test center is.....
They test varying styles, the styles that show potential are then tested further using multiple lots to determine the best option based on current inventory/production runs.

Since you can't alter rimfire loads like centerfire, you simply have to accept the best of what has been produced.

Right on.

Would you please explain "varying styles". Presumably the further testing is analyzed to determine if statistically the mean, SD and ES of the muzzle velocity and whatever else is within manufacturing tolerance. Perhaps that information is considered proprietary?

The issue is determining what is "best" for your weapon system in terms of accuracy and other goals. But there must be ways to improve the consistency of rimfire ammunition.

Hopefully Vudoo rifles will create the demand for "better" ammunition.


Right on.

Would you please explain "varying styles". Presumably the further testing is analyzed to determine if statistically the mean, SD and ES of the muzzle velocity and whatever else is within manufacturing tolerance. Perhaps that information is considered proprietary?

The issue is determining what is "best" for your weapon system in terms of accuracy and other goals. But there must be ways to improve the consistency of rimfire ammunition.

Hopefully Vudoo rifles will create the demand for "better" ammunition.

X-Act, Midas+, Center-X, SK Long Range, Rifle Match, Pistol Match, Std+... etc.

I have a Magneto Speed V3 coming when MK Machining gets another batch of Gen 3 rod mounts produced. It will be interesting to compare shot velocity vs POI vs wind flag indications. Our 100/200yd range has winds from hell according to many seasoned rimfire and cast bullet shooters, it also has a decent sized creek running perpendicular to the bullet path 70yds from the benches. You never know with rimfire when shooting there, extreme high or low verticals are the biggest WTF variable, and you can get them on neutral flags. The unknows definitely drive us crazy at times.

Even our 50-75-90yd rimfire range throws curve balls at times and it doesn't have a creek.

I'd guess Vudoo's performance and popularity has the manufacturers attention though IMO the rimfire priming system has it's limitations. That said, I'm upgrading my fire control to the new crescent firing pin to help eliminate one of the numerous rimfire what if's.

One fact remains, I enjoy shooting my V22 as much as anything in the safe. Though my new to me XP-100 .223 Varmint Special is a hoot to shoot. :p
At the Lapua test facility is the barrel action plus trigger clamped into the support or put into a rail gun? If it is clamped, perhaps the relative accuracy using different lots applies to non-clamped support systems as well but maybe not? That is a test needing to be performed. Determine the different in accuracy for two lots of Center-X at the Test Center, then using the same two lots determine difference in accuracy for other support systems.
My simpleton take based on reading others onsite test experiences and talking with the test center is.....
They test varying styles, the styles that show potential are then tested further using multiple lots to determine the best option based on current inventory/production runs.

Since you can't alter rimfire loads like centerfire, you simply have to accept the best of what has been produced.
I think you are about rite. I’m happy with the testing they did for me. I also think that if you are not a super shooter, they offer a good service. If you can out shoot the vice and i believe some can, you might do better to do your own testing.
I think you are about rite. I’m happy with the testing they did for me. I also think that if you are not a super shooter, they offer a good service. If you can out shoot the vice and i believe some can, you might do better to do your own testing.
Biggest problem for me is constant environmental conditions. They are never the same at our range. So testing can be an exercise in futility.
That's where thefacilities have an advantage. Provided the ventilation systems are well thought out.
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First five shot group out of the 22 Magnum I posted yesterday. Not too shabby....


Nice shooting bro. Considering what my past experience is with 22M, that’s 25% of the best groups I’ve ever seen with that round. Can’t wait to see 17 groups, which seem to be historically much smaller imo.

Couple of questions, why a bartlein instead of ace for your testing and is that the standard kukri taper?
Nice shooting bro. Considering what my past experience is with 22M, that’s 25% of the best groups I’ve ever seen with that round. Can’t wait to see 17 groups, which seem to be historically much smaller imo.

Couple of questions, why a bartlein instead of ace for your testing and is that the standard kukri taper?

Thanks JC, that group is with the Remington V-Tip. I've had a few .218/.224, 12 twist Bartlein's for quite a while and wanted to try one with the jacketed V-Tip. Turned out to be pretty impressive but have a bit more testing to do against the 16 twist barrels using the same bullet. Our standard barrel will be 16 twist unless I see what I need to see with the 12 through the remainder of the tests.

@RAVAGE88 thank you for sharing the video, technical details, and showing the components that make up the action. And congrats on the patent!

Can you share any further details on the "thermal bonding" between the sleeve and the action body? Is this a shrink-fit interference followed by some sort of chemical bonding agent? Or is it a mechanical friction or inertia type weld? Curious engineering mind, but I understand if that aspect of the manufacturing is proprietary (y)

I will also say the design for manufacturing is awesome, and the 5-axis ops have gotta be pretty damn cool to see. To me, this further cements the Vudoo's "mic drop" on the slew of competitors coming out. Whether or not the other actions are a cash grab due to the growth of the 22LR market I cannot say. But I doubt they have the experience and passion behind them as your products clearly do.
@RAVAGE88 thank you for sharing the video, technical details, and showing the components that make up the action. And congrats on the patent!

Can you share any further details on the "thermal bonding" between the sleeve and the action body? Is this a shrink-fit interference followed by some sort of chemical bonding agent? Or is it a mechanical friction or inertia type weld? Curious engineering mind, but I understand if that aspect of the manufacturing is proprietary (y)

I will also say the design for manufacturing is awesome, and the 5-axis ops have gotta be pretty damn cool to see. To me, this further cements the Vudoo's "mic drop" on the slew of competitors coming out. Whether or not the other actions are a cash grab due to the growth of the 22LR market I cannot say. But I doubt they have the experience and passion behind them as your products clearly do.

Thanks Samb300, very much appreciated. As much as I'd like to share the details on how the two come together, I have to keep that one behind the curtain. As far as the five axis, it's quite hypnotizing to watch and I've thought about posting videos of the table turning completely upside down while one of the features is being machined.

Again, I appreciate what you're saying here and reach out anytime if you need anything,

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Just watched your two recent videos. Very informative. Harold Vaughn considered the conventional geometry of barrel/receiver threading to be non-optimal. That was a while ago. Since I am certain you are considering every aspect of improving accuracy, have you considered Vaughn's threading if it is not the standard threading today?

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I am considering ordering a similar color setup. Would you mind posting a pic of yours?
Here's the repost of earlier crappy image. It's rained off&on all week, and. with the leaves off the trees, didn't want to do photos in back yard lest new-ish neighbors get weirded out. Anyway, here's a half-decent photo:
  • 20" Ace barrel, Kukri contour
  • Melonited action, Cerakoted barreled action (Cobalt)
  • 30MOA rail
  • Timney Calvin Elite trigger (single-stage)
  • MPA BA Comp chassis (NRA Blue)
  • Vortex Razor 4.5-27x56 Gen-2 w/sunshade, 1.26" PMR rings
  • Atlas BT65-NC CAL bipod with RRS BTC-Pro ARCA clamp
Just watched the new videos and I have a couple questions. If a V-22 chambered in 22lr has the gen 2 fire control does that mean it also has all the other new features of the gen 2 action? Or are those gen 1 actions with a gen 2 fire control only? If it's the latter what's the timeline for 22lr actions in gen 2 form?