I heard someone was making a single shot adapter allowing single loading of a Vudoo repeater. I also heard there were a number of models that did not work. Please let me know if you have one that works and how to contact the scource
I have 3D-printed parts available for the Vudoo V22. These are all things that I made for myself and use them with my Vudoo, but then other Vudoo shooters at local matches wanted some too. I’m making them available to our ‘Hide members here. Most items are made to order, so you can pick your...
Happy still with the overrall performance of the single shot adapter items, but my favorite component is the single-cartridge "pen" holder, except that since it is being 3d printed, it is quite fragile and eventually fails. Panther is great about making good on the failed product, but I would love to see that form factor that is a hybrid of 3D and spring metal grippers that would live forever.
If anyone knows of such a thing please pass it on to me. I may experiment with the broken carcass by adding spring metal to it to see if I can concoct a forever version.