Vudoo V22 cleaning rod diameter?


Giver of Bad Advice
Full Member
  • Feb 13, 2017
    North Texas
    I have a Dewey .22 cal rod that fits into my Vudoo barrel but I have no idea if it’s too tight or scraping in the rifling.

    What diameter rod should be used with a match .22?

    I will be buying a Boretech rod as I want to replace the Dewey. They have .17, .20, and .22 rods.
    I have built a bunch of benchrest .22lr rifles. I have seen customers ruin championship caliber barrels by over cleaning them or not using a good tight fitting bore guide. Your bore guide should be tight so it doesn't allow the cleaning rod to flex and slap the rifling or drap priming compound down the bore. It looks like Vudoo makes a bore guide for thier actions so I would get one of them first. It looks like it uses a tight fitting sleeve that uses a .188 diameter cleaning rod. I usually use pro-shot stainless rods because you don't have to worry about a coating collecting dirt and more importantly priming compound that is extremely hard and abrasive. Another good rod is the Ivy cleaning rod and Jerry Stiller (holeshot arms) is rumored to be making a run of his cleaning rods which are excellent but not cheap.

    When cleaning one of my rifles I recommend running one wet patch of bore tech rimfire blend,or kroil down the bore. While that is soaking take a pistol rod and a .22lr nylon pistol brush and just bump the lead of your chamber roughly ten times to help break up the carbon ring that forms in the lead of the chamber. Then run two dry patches. If the last patch is still dirty run a wet patch followed by 2 dry patches until clean.

    Benchrest .22lr shooters clean after every card or about 50 rounds. As a tactical shooter this is way too aggressive only clean when the accuracy starts to fall off.
    I use a 17cal rod in my 22lr, but use a 20cal brush and jag.
    I also own a 17hmr and didn't see the point in buying a 17cal and 20cal rod.
    Is anyone else using the Pro-Shot Micro SS rod for they're Vudoo ? And what is your opinion on the Pro-Shot Micro ss rods.

    I just ordered my Vudoo a few days ago, so don't have it yet. Can anybody tell me whether or not the bore guide for my Rem. 40x in .22 LR will work in the Vudoo?
    I do not use a cleaning rod. I use swab-its. I hardly ever clean the rifle, but these are compact and can pull out any powder from the barrel in less than 10 seconds. They also work really well to remove stuck cases and they are a really nice chamber flag.
    Already covered above that the bore guide Vudoo sells requires a .187 rod diameter. It's a damn nice guide and I keep it on hand for "just in case" but I don't use a rod. I have (no shrieking) a bore snake that someone thoughtfully and carefully pulled all the bronze bristles out of. About every 3-300 rounds I run the snake thru and brush the bolt face and breech with a toothbrush to clear unburned powder away.
    I use these items for cleaning my 22 rimfire barrels. I also say why above.

    36" 17 cal Dewey coated rod. If you get a shorter rod and someday have a 28" barrel rifle you may not have enough rod if you use a bore guide. This is a Dewey model 17C-36.


    For patches I have been using these Pro-Shot patches for a long time and they work perfect around the Parker Hale jag. Next size down works great for a 17 rimfire, I have those too.


    Jags, I have tried several throughout the years and have settled on Parker Hale as the best for me. With the patches wrapped correctly it makes for a tight fit. This particular nylon brush is made my Tipton, IMO it doesn't do a lot of cleaning but I believe it's a little more aggressive than the patch alone plus it shouldn't disrupt your seasoning in the barrel like a bronze brush will. It is good for attempting to remove a carbon ring because you can easily reverse the direction while in the chamber, something that is hard to do with a bronze brush. More on that carbon ring at the end.


    These Dewey bronze brushes are the only ones I ever use. They do wear down so I buy a pack of them at a time.


    An adapter is needed to convert the 17 cal to 22 cal attachments. This is a 17A adapter found on Dewey website.


    There's probably thousands of cleaning solutions on the market. I prefer a 50/50 mix of Kroil and Shooters Choice MC #7.


    For quick removal of a heavily built up carbon ring I use this. You can push the JB into the felt and saturate it. Some will wipe off but most will remain for a good cleaning. I use a really old 22 cal rod for this step. If you use your 17 cal rod and this VFG felt adapter you will need another adapter called a 22A from Dewey website.


    As for the infamous carbon ring, I am not convinced a carbon ring has any effect "good or bad" on accuracy. What it will hurt is reliability, I know this first hand with extraction issues.

    If you notice one of my rods has its coating scraped off pretty bad. This is a direct result of not using a bore guide. Let the results of my mistake be used to your advantage by showing you first hand the damage that can be done if not using a bore guide.

    In the end everyone has their own cleaning methods and products used. I would say except for two things nothing is right or wrong, it just is.

    Those two things are to never clean from the muzzle end unless it's your only option. Never use a steel brush. Sorry for the lengthy reply, sometimes I go overboard with the simplest of things.
    I have built a bunch of benchrest .22lr rifles. I have seen customers ruin championship caliber barrels by over cleaning them or not using a good tight fitting bore guide. Your bore guide should be tight so it doesn't allow the cleaning rod to flex and slap the rifling or drap priming compound down the bore. It looks like Vudoo makes a bore guide for thier actions so I would get one of them first. It looks like it uses a tight fitting sleeve that uses a .188 diameter cleaning rod. I usually use pro-shot stainless rods because you don't have to worry about a coating collecting dirt and more importantly priming compound that is extremely hard and abrasive. Another good rod is the Ivy cleaning rod and Jerry Stiller (holeshot arms) is rumored to be making a run of his cleaning rods which are excellent but not cheap.

    When cleaning one of my rifles I recommend running one wet patch of bore tech rimfire blend,or kroil down the bore. While that is soaking take a pistol rod and a .22lr nylon pistol brush and just bump the lead of your chamber roughly ten times to help break up the carbon ring that forms in the lead of the chamber. Then run two dry patches. If the last patch is still dirty run a wet patch followed by 2 dry patches until clean.

    Benchrest .22lr shooters clean after every card or about 50 rounds. As a tactical shooter this is way too aggressive only clean when the accuracy starts to fall off.
    It really would be helpful (for a novice like myself) if I could find clear instructions on exactly which rod, which jag, which length of rod, etc. should be used in the V-22.

    Bore-Tech sent me a quote for a Vudoo cleaning kit. In it, they specified a .22 cal 44-inch long orange rod, their .22 cal 8x32 proof positive jag, cleaning supplies, 1" square patches, .22 cal nylon brush, etc., but left out the bore guide. They sent me a follow-up with a bore-guide added, but according to your info above, the rod they recommended would not even fit inside their own bore guide.

    In the video of MIke cleaning his Vudoo below, he's using a red Montana X-Treme rod, which is .22-.26 cal. According to the specs on the Montana site, this red rod has a .199 outer diameter. It's going to be difficult to fit that inside the bore-tech guide which has an inside diameter of .188. The purple Montana rod is .166 diameter, but has a 5x40 thread size, which means I would need a 5x40 to 8x32 adaptor to use the proof positive jags etc. But will this adaptor fit through the bore guide? Or do I need a different (.20 cal) jag? So confused!

    It would be one thing is this stuff wasn't so expensive, but after searching and searching SnipersHide and other forums, I still haven't been able to find any definitive answers as to what size rod/jag I would need to use that would fit inside the Bore-Tech guide in the Vudoo. I think it would be helpful for Vudoo to include a cleaning recommendation page on their site, with clear information regarding which size rod, jag, patches, etc. to clean these rifles, especially since there appears to be a high risk of damaging the rifling if you don't do it right.

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    My Vudoo is on order and I'm getting the bore guide with it. I'd like to see Vudoo offer a complete cleaning kit (bore guide, rod, nylon brush, VFG pellet adapter, Boretech Rimfire Blend, and some pellets) that they could sell me and ship it with my rifle. They're already sending it in a hard case which would protect the rod in shipment.
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    It really would be helpful (for a novice like myself) if I could find clear instructions on exactly which rod, which jag, which length of rod, etc. should be used in the V-22.

    Bore-Tech sent me a quote for a Vudoo cleaning kit. In it, they specified a .22 cal 44-inch long orange rod, their .22 cal 8x32 proof positive jag, cleaning supplies, 1" square patches, .22 cal nylon brush, etc., but left out the bore guide. They sent me a follow-up with a bore-guide added, but according to your info above, the rod they recommended would not even fit inside their own bore guide.

    In the video of MIke cleaning his Vudoo below, he's using a red Montana X-Treme rod, which is .22-.26 cal. According to the specs on the Montana site, this red rod has a .199 outer diameter. It's going to be difficult to fit that inside the bore-tech guide which has an inside diameter of .188. The purple Montana rod is .166 diameter, but has a 5x40 thread size, which means I would need a 5x40 to 8x32 adaptor to use the proof positive jags etc. But will this adaptor fit through the bore guide? Or do I need a different (.20 cal) jag? So confused!

    It would be one thing is this stuff wasn't so expensive, but after searching and searching SnipersHide and other forums, I still haven't been able to find any definitive answers as to what size rod/jag I would need to use that would fit inside the Bore-Tech guide in the Vudoo. I think it would be helpful for Vudoo to include a cleaning recommendation page on their site, with clear information regarding which size rod, jag, patches, etc. to clean these rifles, especially since there appears to be a high risk of damaging the rifling if you don't do it right.

    Don't use a 224cal rod in any rimfire is the safest assumption to make.

    Just get a 17 or 20cal rod and a brush with a 5/40 thread.
    Jag doesn't have to be 22cal, so again use a 17 or 20cal.

    I use a 17cal clean rod (as I have a 17hmr) and use a 20cal jag.
    I don't ever use a brush other than for the camber so a standard 224cal brush is fine.
    But Otis do a 22cal brush with a 5/40 thread.
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    Don't use a 224cal rod in any rimfire is the safest assumption to make.

    Just get a 17 or 20cal rod and a brush with a 5/40 thread.
    Jag doesn't have to be 22cal, so again use a 17 or 20cal.

    I use a 17cal clean rod (as I have a 17hmr) and use a 20cal jag.
    I don't ever use a brush other than for the camber so a standard 224cal brush is fine.
    But Otis do a 22cal brush with a 5/40 thread.
    Don't you find it strange that Bore-Tech specified a 22 cal rod, jag, and brushes for the Vudoo barrel?
    Don't you find it strange that Bore-Tech specified a 22 cal rod, jag, and brushes for the Vudoo barrel?
    I'm using 20 caliber Bore-Tech rods that measure .190" in diameter (I have two, one for brushes, one for jags).

    The Jags I'm using:

    The Brushes I'm using:

    The Bore Guide I'm using:

    Two Rod sleeve:

    3/4" Patches:

    1" Patches:

    Rimfire Blend:

    Just general comments, not part of a direct response to your post, but timely info: I'll be doing a series of videos in the near future from Vudoo Labs, one of which is a follow up on cleaning. The key to all this is to not over-think it or buy into the hoopla that depicts cleaning as a dark mystical magic. As it pertains to cleaning, there are two types of rimfire shooter; those who have damaged their barrel while cleaning and those who will damage their barrel while cleaning. Mostly, the damage occurs through poor practice, poor equipment and buying into the hoopla.

    I'm using 20 caliber Bore-Tech rods that measure .190" in diameter (I have two, one for brushes, one for jags).

    The Jags I'm using:

    The Brushes I'm using:

    The Bore Guide I'm using:

    Two Rod sleeve:

    3/4" Patches:

    1" Patches:

    Rimfire Blend:

    Just general comments, not part of a direct response to your post, but timely info: I'll be doing a series of videos in the near future from Vudoo Labs, one of which is a follow up on cleaning. The key to all this is to not over-think it or buy into the hoopla that depicts cleaning as a dark mystical magic. As it pertains to cleaning, there are two types of rimfire shooter; those who have damaged their barrel while cleaning and those who will damage their barrel while cleaning. Mostly, the damage occurs through poor practice, poor equipment and buying into the hoopla.

    Awesome response! Thanks Mike!

    PS: Jags and brushes are .20 cal? It just takes me to the jag/brush page with the cal unselected.
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    I'm using a Bore Tech Proof Positive .22 Cal Rimfire cleaning rod. Since they make a specific .22 rimfire rod (the orange colour coded handle) - what is the reason for chosing a narrower diameter .17 or .20 rod? Is it to give more clearance between it and the bore? Is a narrower rod more likely to flex due to having less stiffness and negate the benefit of it's increased clearance over the dedicated .22 rod? I'm not actually a Vudoo owner but I'm sure the issue applies equally to all higher end rimfires. Seeing Ravage88 say he uses a .20 cal rod has got me thinking now I should change my rod - coming from the "more barrels are damaged from cleaning than not cleaning" approach.
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    I guess that's what I'm confused about. The Bore-Tech .22 cal jags and brushes have a threading of 8x32. The Bore-Tech .20 cal rod has a threading of 5x40. Do you use an adaptor? Do the .22 cal jags/brushes (and adaptor) go through the bore-tech guide ok?
    I grabbed the links above right off my order, so there's a misleading bit of info as it relates to the rod. What @Asared just stated is accurate and I'm using the same orange handled rod he is. It's the Proof Positive .22 cal rod that measures 44" in length and the threads are 5-40. That particular rod actually measures .190" in diameter and works with the brushes and jags I provided above (link).

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    Seeing Ravage88 say he uses a .20 cal rod has got me thinking now I should change my rod - coming from the "more barrels are damaged from cleaning than not cleaning" approach.
    No sir, you're using the correct rod, there's misleading info in the link I provided about the rod. I'm using the same rod you're using.

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    I grabbed the links above right off my order, so there's a misleading bit of info as it relates to the rod. What @Asared just stated is accurate and I'm using the same orange handled rod he is. It's the Proof Positive .22 cal rod that measures 44" in length and the threads are 5-40. That particular rod actually measures .190" in diameter and works with the brushes and jags I provided above (link).

    So to clarify;
    Orange handle 22cal rimfire rod has a 8/32 thread which will work with all standard 22cal brushes and jags.
    Not to argue with you but trying to help clarify, this is straight from boretechs website. Orange handle 22RF rod has 8-32 threads. Therefore no adapter needed for the 22RF jags..
    View attachment 7620701
    Sorry Dude, and thanks for circling back on this....totally my mistake. I was replying on-the-fly and my head was in a couple places at once.

    You, and the website are correct, Orange Handle 22 Cal Rod has 8-32 threads.

    Sorry Dude, and thanks for circling back on this....totally my mistake. I was replying on-the-fly and my head was in a couple places at once.

    You, and the website are correct, Orange Handle 22 Cal Rod has 8-32 threads.

    No worries Mike, you've got alot going on and we are all glad you share your knowledge here!!

    I went thru this same confusion with which Boretech rod to get with the aluminum bore guide which has the smaller seperate bushing when I got my first Vudoo a year ago. Looking forward to the 2nd any day now!
    Go with BoreTech and everything will work perfectly and will be sized correctly. Just ordered everything for mine recently and Mike B had me all lined out.
    Go with BoreTech and everything will work perfectly and will be sized correctly. Just ordered everything for mine recently and Mike B had me all lined out.
    I must be missing something, I just received my Vudoo 360 with a BoreTech bore guide. The bore guide has a .249 hole before the solvent port and is actually slightly smaller exiting into the chamber. Any rod that I have is a very loose fit in the guide and that includes a Pro Shot that is .205. I see no way that this guide can support any rod that is small enough to enter the barrel not to mention the inside of the guide looks like it was reamed with a rattail file! I realize that there has to be room for the cleaning patch or felts but this seems excessive. I'm not very impressed and think the gun deserves better. Tell me where I'm wrong or what I'm missing.Thanks,Mike.
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    I must be missing something, I just received my Vudoo 360 with a BoreTech bore guide. The bore guide has a .249 hole before the solvent port and is actually slightly smaller exiting into the chamber. Any rod that I have is a very loose fit in the guide and that includes a Pro Shot that is .205. I see no way that this guide can support any rod that is small enough to enter the barrel not to mention the inside of the guide looks like it was reamed with a rattail file! I realize that there has to be room for the cleaning patch or felts but this seems excessive. I'm not very impressed and think the gun deserves better. Tell me where I'm wrong or what I'm missing.Thanks,Mike.
    Certainly are not fitting as they are supposed to. This guide is oversized and the Bore Tech .20cal cleaning rods are a piece of spaghetti. Purchased the rod of of Amazon and used it one time to clean my rifle. I have returned it. They are noting but a piece of mild steel that will bend the minute you put a little pressure on them. To top that off the coatings are better on the Dewey rods than this Bore Tech thing.

    You want that kind of money for the rod at least use a spring steel.
    Certainly are not fitting as they are supposed to. This guide is oversized and the Bore Tech .20cal cleaning rods are a piece of spaghetti. Purchased the rod of of Amazon and used it one time to clean my rifle. I have returned it. They are noting but a piece of mild steel that will bend the minute you put a little pressure on them. To top that off the coatings are better on the Dewey rods than this Bore Tech thing.

    You want that kind of money for the rod at least use a spring steel.
    I was contemplating buying a Stiller rod until I saw how oversized the guide is. Do you know of any custom bore guides that fit the Vudoo or am I going to have to try making my own? Ihave been thinking about making an adapter to fit on the end of the guide if I can't find a custom maker.
    Currently patiently waiting for my new rifle to show up so I have time to get the correct gear on hand for cleaning it.

    BoreTech currently show the bore guide out of stock. Anyone have another source?