Vudu 5x25 vs Tract Toric 4.5 x 30. How do they compare


"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood"
Full Member
  • Jul 27, 2007
    I have a Vudu on my 223 but am looking to go out to a mile with the 6.5 so could use the extra magnification. How doe the compere glass (and other) wise. Be specific, I''m slow.
    extra magnification isn't what you need

    the tract is maybe better because the vudu is an odd design. but there are quite a few other options i'd look at way before a tract at the same or lower price points
    Dont be s
    extra magnification isn't what you need

    the tract is maybe better because the vudu is an odd design. but there are quite a few other options i'd look at way before a tract at the same or lower price points

    Suggestions? and why? Athlon is out as I prefer not to support the Chicoms.

    I like the Vudu because its small and light for my 20" bolt 223. The 4.5x27 Razor II on my 6.5 is like toting a utility pole.
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